The Marvel MCU Reboot EXPLAINED: The Marvels & Brie Larson Box Office BOMB Is Forcing Feige’s Hand!

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Starring @CaffeinatedWolfe

We have exclusive statistics about just how poorly The Marvels is expected to perform this holiday season. It’s so atrociously bad that we believe the reports of a Marvel reboot are coordinated. They need to get ahead of what is about to be a whalloping like they have never seen before. And frankly, once you see the numbers, you’ll understand why they have no other choice but to reboot the whole thing asap!




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  1. They need to forget about there new infatuation with girl bosses and go back to heavy networking the good guys with cross overs of bad guys to make a large conection then capitalize on that.

  2. Nothing is working! Nothing. He can reboot it all he wants doesn’t mean anything will change. If they still have an agenda and still hire these garbage writers it’s going to stay shitty!

  3. The reboot makes no sense because without any talent they are just gonna repeat the same mistakes, with condescending overpowered female characters and weak political commentary.

  4. The horrible mess that is the M-SHE-U is here to stay.

    Thank you black rock, vanguard, and many other soulless demons who made this ESG hell possible.

  5. I agree with most of this but — just to be that guy I guess — it wasn’t box office that doomed future Hulk movies, is that universal has exclusive rights to Hulk movies (where he is the main character) and they wouldn’t play nice after Disney bought Marvel.

  6. Feige can say we’re on phase 5, 6, 10, whatever. Doesn’t matter. Until there’s an Avengers movie, we’re still in phase 4. Phase 1 ended with Avengers 1. Phase 2 ended with Avengers 2. Phase 3 ended with Endgame. So if we’re supposed to be in Phase 5 right now, where was Avengers 4?

  7. Weird, Taylor Swift and Barbie keep trucking along with mullah and Disney Marvel has flop after flop and their only successes were two IPs they don’t own Spidey and James Gunn. I know Disney executives are bad at girl math, D list characters that no one cares with B List actresses that can’t draw an audience, W level woke writers equals Nelsen Peltz getting lots of Disney shares at about 80 bucks.

  8. I don't think Disney has any good writers left. They either fired them or chased them all off. So unless they can find a way to get writers with the same level of talent they can reboot all they want and it won't make any difference. But an even bigger problem is all the damage they've done to their brand. I could care less if they brought back Tony Stark. I wouldn't take my kids to see it because I don't know if they are going to turn him into a transgender in the last 30 seconds of the film.

  9. Kevin Fiege is still in charge. So rebooting the MCU would be equivalent of rebooting Star Wars but keeping Kathleen Kennedy in charge. Who trusts him to not screw that up again? I don’t.

  10. Too many incompetent activists running and writing projects that have no respect for or knowledge of the source material.
    This is the legacy of Victoria Alonso. Let Disney burn for allowing it.
    They need to completely wipe the slate clean and bring back the people that built the MCU in the first place. Virtue signaling does not bring about good projects.

  11. Disney has hired propagandists as writers, show runners and directors. Everything these propagandists turn out isn't about character development, stories or customer satisfaction but instead the lens of their personal beliefs, goals and attempts to modify society through media control. This is why they won't change and can't make good content. Like leeches they have attached themselves to this older good content to try to gain acceptance and viewers for their parasitic sub standard remakes and adaptions . This is why they FAIL !!!

  12. What good will a reboot actually do? Marvel's mistake was firing all the real artists and hiring mindless worker ants. Whether they had to do it in order to staff so many projects is a story all in itself but it's not a problem that a reboot can solve.
    Keep the inclusivity but drop the narrative; Stop with the girlboss, the goofy white male potatoes and the black kangs in every single thing. Treat serious moments with reverence. Tell Feige his only job is continuity and let producers and directors do their jobs. Use Jens 4th Wall Magic to redo She-Hulk, or have Deadpool Oooof her… this version can't be saved.

  13. I LOATH reboots. They're an excuse to tell the same story all over again. Just 25% different. Again the origin stories of Iron Man? Captain America? Thor? The Hulk? Just like how many times have we seen Batman's parents die in every damn reboot? F*** reboots, give me something new and original instead.

  14. It is amazing they keep doing the same mistakes over and over again?? Man I’m happy I don’t own Disney stock! I remember when I was a kid my grandparents owned stock. Glad they sold years ago

  15. I can guarantee you they won't reboot the MCU because they're so gun-ho with their propaganda, they would rather keep dragging this into the core of the earth till the end of time

  16. I bummed man because I saw John Carter and there is no way it belongs in the same league as all of this trash modern Disney content.

    I really enjoyed that movie.

  17. Marvel should have went dark after Endgame for 2 solid years then returned with a faithful fan written, fan starred in and fan directed Fantastic Four.

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