1. I feel like my entire body painfully turned itself inside out with the sheer force of the cringe from watching that.

    2. What’s wrong with you people? Last time I went to a karaoke party there were some very rehearsed wannabes living out their dreams. No one was shitting on them

    3. What_ev1s_thinking on

      I don’t find this cringe. It’s his birthday party. He’s having fun and everyone is enjoying themselves.

    4. Leo’s image as a sex symbol has really nose dived in the last 10 years but the last few weeks in particular have really sealed the deal.

      And this fuckboi/creeper image is starting to interfere with his ability to sell a performance. In his last two movies he’s supposed to be charming and attractive enough that women are willing to look past some terrible behavior and I just couldn’t buy it.

    5. Oh shit. Man. Y’all make me feel so bad. Because I want nothing more that to go out and go dancing at <gasp> 43 years of age and … maybe MAYBE demonstrate that I still remember all the words to my favorite hype up some (California Love). For my old ass friends. Not for you!!! And now I know everyone is gonna make fun of me.

    6. GroundbreakingBite96 on

      Ppl r rlly saying he’s not allowed to have fun bc of his age? I don’t find this cringe at all. It’s his birthday.

    7. kittydrumsticks on

      I would love to see the birthday parties of all the people commenting negatively. You wish you had this kind of opportunity to have fun, come on. Let the man celebrate.

    8. I mean, I’m no Leo fan but there’s nothing to hate on here. He’s having a good time at his birthday party.

    9. I was fully expecting to cringe, but honestly, it wasn’t bad. He’s just having a great time at his birthday party

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