Ariana Grande has finally responded to the dating rumors and the talk about her and Ethan Slater’s relationship back in 2023 she stated I have never felt more Pride or Joy or love while simultaneously feeling so deeply misunderstood by people who don’t know me who piece Whispers together and make

What they want out of me and their assumptions of my life I’ve learned how much more important one of those things is than the other and here’s her full statement from her 2023 recap post you can pause to read in more Ariana news Ariana Grande is teasing ag7 hard after

Removing posts from her sweetener Instagram account and added an AG G7 signup link to its bio if you click the link this is what the sign up page looks like and you put in all of your information I’m assuming for a pre-sale or like a pre-download as much as I’m

Excited for this I did see a video today discussing a blind item that her album may be delayed for when she’s ready to do a tour since tours generate the largest amount of Revenue and she’s still doing Wicked but I hope that’s not true because we need more Ariana Grande music


  1. I think her love and who she loves is important and anyone shouldnt make fun of her for who she loves, even though i can see why bc her pick was controversial

  2. 🙄🙄🙄🥱🥱🥱

    I like some of her music but I’m not condoning her nonsense behavior. The marriage was probably already breaking down with Ethan and his wife, but still they just had a baby. And she swooped in like a vulture before the ink on her own divorce papers was dry.

  3. His wife seemed to be blindsided by his new relationship with Ariana. Plus they just had a baby. Ariana was also still married. I don't care how they try to spin it. They cheated on their spouses together. End of story.

  4. I LOVE ARIANA SO MUCH. She’s already posted a teaser to either the single or album cover, it’ll be titled ‘Yes, and?’ and will debut on 1-12-24😩🫶🏼🫶🏼. I can’t wait.

  5. i just wanted to say ur videos make my day and make me laugh and smile. i love allegedly speaking, so good especially the episode with spencer!!! so thank you for making me laugh!!! ur sense of humor and videos is my favorite thing about the day.

  6. It’s still weird how they apparently broke up in January but we’re still posting like they were together. Then you have where spongebobs ex wife said she was blindsided by it and refused to do a joint statement with him. Ariana made sure in her divorce that her ex couldn’t talk about her. Idc what she says they’re cheaters😊

  7. “Misunderstood by whispers” girl you literally are a homewrecker there’s nothing to misunderstand there. Ariana you are something I can’t say because YouTube would remove this comment if I did

  8. 6:03 Suboxone is even worse than fentanyl. I was a fentanyl addict and they put me on suboxone to get off the fentanyl and I wish I had just withdrawaled from the fentanyl. I’ve never experienced anything so severe as suboxone withdrawal. Gypsy has gone through so much I just feel so sorry for her. I wouldn’t wish suboxone withdrawal on my worst enemy.

  9. She’s a homewrecker and I’ll always feel bad for the wife and baby over her. I was left after ten years for another woman but thank goodness i didn’t have a baby. But it still broke me. I feel so sorry for Ethan’s ex and the mother of his child. Ari acting like she’s so squeaky clean and misunderstood. Makes me sick.

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