Jesse Watters Floats Goofy Right-Wing Theory About Taylor Swift: ‘That’s Real’

by TorukMaktoM


  1. >Fox News host Jesse Watters on Tuesday became perhaps the most visible right-winger to suggest that pop star Taylor Swift could be a government operative.

    I don’t think she is a government operative, but I’m almost sure she is an Alien…

  2. wildflowersummer on

    This is just an extension of their victim complex. Someone prominent and successful doesn’t like them? It’s an attack by their enemies!

  3. “So is Swift a front for a covert political agenda?” he said. ”‘Primetime’ obviously has no evidence. If we did, we’d share it.”

    Or just keep speculating until until our brain dead audience believes it.

  4. PapaSteveRocks on

    2019? Man, for a sleepy guy, that Joe Biden was getting things … done 2 years before even taking office!

  5. Fox News should be banned from television and limited to only print and only supplied and purchased at the checkout aisle of a grocery store.

  6. Why don’t you guys want to believe me? Swift is an alien and to be more specific, she comes from the same planet Elvis and Andy Warhol came from. By the way, DMV workers come from a different planet.

    Once Fox News fact-checks my proclamation, they will revise their claim.

  7. Zealousideal-Ad3814 on

    They’re really just saying anything that comes into their minds at this point it’s full on delusion.

  8. MtnDudeNrainbows on

    We have no evidence. But also here’s an expert to talk to you about it! Absolutely fucking bonkers.

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