From Season 1 Episode 14 ‘1964’ – As a prince’s courtship exposes a surprise in Colette’s (Karine Vanasse) past, Ted (Michael Mosley) has second thoughts about marrying Amanda (guest star Ashley Greene). Kate (Kelli Garner) lands in the middle of the hunt for a double agent, while Maggie (Christina Ricci) is drawn into a pilot’s lucrative smuggling scheme.

In the hands of a brash young pilot (Mike Vogel) and a rebellious head stewardess (Christina Ricci), Pan Am’s state of the art Majestic Clipper jetliner makes its maiden voyage from New York to London, transporting its passengers and crew into a rapidly changing world of romance and international intrigue.

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Pan Am | Full Episode | 1964 | Season 1 Episode 14 | Love Love

Previously on PanAm there’s a dealer in London who’s gotten hold of a list of CIA assets who’s on that list Bridget piss I fallen in love with you and I will do whatever it takes D I need to move on I beg you to see the Trevy

Fountain with me you don’t know a thing about this guy you’re a prince you’re a Smuggler I need a partner Maggie someone to share in the rewards I am more comfortable with women I want to be married to you how it’ll be perfect you can see whoever you want I

Can see who I want can even have Laura Nice how was your flight so far very good very I don’t like too much sugar in it sugar Omar seems very down you know for a future king SP by out the entire first class for himself and his alage that wasn’t his idea it was his parents

I did a prince once you did Johnny Esposito his father was the muffler king of cloud op County every time we pulled into a filling station we were royalty it’s not exactly the stuff of fairy tales I’m done with fairy tales who needs them I

Do well look who’s being I feel like I’m floating on air we all are we’re at 30,000 ft okay um where did I leave off seems strange doesn’t it not calling out of wild anymore your portra is supposed to be Nam after places not people yeah but

It’s Jack Kennedy what did Jackie say there will be other presidents but there will never be another time quite like that for one brief Shining Moment known as Cela Excuse me while I go jump out of this plane and yet they had a very unconventional marriage how do you

Mean he was known to entertain a stewardess or two and they still made it work but you’re not thinking about messing around already you not even married yet Amanda sort of gave me permission seriously she’s very modern girl it could be a test I definitely feel tested why is you captain and your

Friend I would just tell you to think about it before you do anything stupid I didn’t now the woman I want to be with is back there in first class getting fitted for a glass slipper we’ve been doing is thinking I thought you said she

Was perfect she is she is almost I mean nobody’s perfect right yeah for me collect comes close I guess if you really love someone that makes them perfect even if they don’t necessarily feel the same way about it coffee gentlemen yes please thank you thanks you’re Welcome the lounge is reserved for first class passengers only shut the curtain I need you to walk something through customs what is it this time antique jewelry Berber pendants more art than Sparkle but collectors pay top dollar smuggling jewelry into the United States is a little more serious than sneaking

Cigarettes into North Africa yeah so the money money you’re going to need for your future plans my future died last month in Dallas well I guess I’m your future now how depressing but Lucrative flipper Majestic welcome home to johnf Kennedy International so New Year’s Eve at my place we’ll help cook well you can see Time Square from Ted’s apartment we could watch the ball drop without being trampled I don’t cook I don’t help cook we’ll do everything and everyone can get get to know Amanda better and Omar I

Can’t remember being this excited about New Year 1963 was pretty eventful 1964 will be even better we’ll make it Better what now one trip offering you the moon route what is it says I’ve been grounded for why P’s license has been suspended pending the outcome of a hearing well that Haiti business was months ago why Now it doesn’t Say I think I got a pretty good idea what took you so long I always FLIR with the Customs agents you wouldn’t want me to change my routine now would you you know you’re going to be a real pro at this I’ll save the sweet talk what’s Next so I’m meeting the buyers tomorrow night I’ll make the deal you’ll get your cut after that uh-uh not so fast I’m coming with you yeah that’s going to be a problem these guys aren’t going to want to make a deal with a woman in the room

Well it’s almost 1964 they better get used to women with opinions Maggie let be handled this you can’t even handle me let me make this perfectly clear where the jewels go I go so I got no choice you never Did pop Edward I called your apartment you didn’t answer I was that important lunch popped up we got to do ours next week oh bring Amanda along okay did she tell you the governor has agreed to preside over your wedding Amanda’s father’s one of his poker buddies your

Mother says this is shaping up to be the social event of the year and guess who else is com ju trip those Captain wings are in the bag I’d like to earn them on my own oh nonsense all this is damn exciting if you ask me what about asking me well

Isn’t it everything’s moving kind of fast maybe we should slow it down I’m afraid the women on both sides of the aisle won’t stand for that H the Normandy invasion had less planning I mean everything’s okay right I I I don’t want to make a mistake mm

Some of the best marriages are not about love they’re great Partnerships so whatever you’re going through well you you get through it right out a boy okay I’m late so I I’ll talk to you next Week Richard what’s wrong I’ve been Shot SE bad Richard you should go to a hospital no hospital is the first place they look they you don’t know who did this it was dark I was on my way back to CIA headquarters to deliver this microfilm okay we should call somebody don’t you understand there was somebody

On the inside nobody else knew about the drop double agent listen to M Kate this has to be delivered to the CIA by noon tomorrow you’re going to have to take it in for me okay nobody knows I’m missing and if anybody from the agency contacts you if they ask about me that

Person is the double agent Understand this can all be for us no for me so I can learn all your favorite foods I could have just told you that’s the fun in that I hope you don’t mind I flew in the chef from uh that restaurant you like in Paris L

Mhm Omar that’s too much we could take the subway to Brooklyn for Brick Oven Pizza uh no no this is wonderful Please collect may I have your permission to court you isn’t this what you’ve been doing for me yes but for my parents and the royal family Rules no There Are Rules I’m afraid so a formal courtship is a minimum of 6 months you’ll have your own Wing in the

Palace your own staff an unlimited clothing you want me to move to waran so my family can get to know you as a real person and not the fantasy I’ve made you out to be our personal physician will make sure you are not made from fairy

Dust and others will be uh dispatched to investigate what magical land you are from and what about my job with penam you could take a leave of absence but only if you wanted to of course please tell me you’ll at least think about It I’ll think about it another camera can’t let the Communists win no I can’t it’s it’s too expensive it’s on PanAm I I told them what happened in Moscow and they sprang for a new one that is very sweet thank you I want to show you something

Okay that was after I told you that yeah right I remember I look like I’m sitting on the hot seat and the warden just pulled the switch when did you realize Greg wasn’t the one I mean you almost married the guy guy right I think I always

Knew but my parents loved him everyone said we were perfect together honestly I I couldn’t think of a reason to say no except you wanted more not wanted needed this one was Andy Warhol favorite uh you showed me to Andy Warhol mhm he said that you looked like you

Were being hunted by the FBI oh what does he know the guy P suit I think he’s a genius plus he said that you were a fascinating subject and that I had a very good eye for choosing you is a genius after all and this one is my favorite I like a

Goofball I like the man in that picture Amanda’s probably waiting yeah you’re probably Right you must be lost Mr too I know started walking guess my inner guidance system brought me here so how’s uh is Prince Charming treating you he wants me to move to waran to begin a formal courtship think it’s a little uh little fast the purpose of a courtship is time

Everything is moving so quickly it will be nice to slow it down you in love with him love is not something I care to discuss with you I I just I don’t want you to get swept up in some fantasy well I’m beginning to believe that love is a fantasy one day

There and next Gone goad good luck with the hearing de the microfilm should be safe inside the lining even if someone searches you walk straight into CIA headquarters Alan O’Neal’s on the 14th floor last office on the left don’t stop don’t say anything except the password albat TR Alan will know what to Do okay sorry I frightened you Anderson what are you doing in New York little trouble with Richard I’m afraid you haven’t heard from him have you has Richard been in contact with you no that’s since Rome why he’s disappeared no one at MI6 or the CIA has heard from him he has in

His possession a very valuable microphone if it were to fall into the wrong hands it would be devastating to both our countries what do you think I think he’s all right well our fear is that he’s gone Rogue and he’s arranging a sale for the Russians if you hear from him call me

Immediately where I’m staying at the Plaza hotel either there or CIA headquarters Richard I couldn’t make it to the CIA I got stopped by someone just like you [Applause] [Applause] Said did you hear about the governor do you know how many people he’s married none we the first Amanda just um let me talk this isn’t easy to say I then don’t say it come upstairs I missed you uh no no I don’t understand I can’t share my

Wife I still want an old-fashioned marriage fine then I will be your devoted faithful wife but every morning you wake up wishing I was someone anyone else wasn’t it the other way around this is about Laura isn’t it what no man I’m sorry I Teddy don’t do this I can’t marry

You why are you taking your pan and back gets me the best table in town oh Amanda Maggie darn I was just on my way out we’ll have to catch up later actually I wanted to talk to Laura oh Amanda hi this is a nice surprise I made an investment in a

Friendship I hope it’s about to pay off in the in the form of a favor oh yeah of course anything I’d like you to be Ted’s mistress that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard you I’m serious you can’t be that’s that’s I I don’t want to be anyone’s

Mistress I’ve notice the way you two look at each other there’s definitely an attraction no no Ted is in love with you we’re about to get married he’s running away from our wedding I think the main reason is you so if it will get Ted to marry

Me I’m willing to share him if Ted’s getting cold feet this is not the way to get him back no it’ll be perfect well I’m home enjoying the things that you ran away from you and Teddy can be off circling the globe together those things I ran away from I still

Want just at the right time with the right guy well it won’t be with Toney Fine my parents’ names were Oscar and rashelle Val they were in the the French Resistance killed while fighting the Nazis and you were raised in an orphanage by yourland in Le and you remained in lean until you were 23 yes too long because the one thing I remembered

Was my mother saying if you are lust stay where you are we will find you so I stayed hoping one day I would cross the street and see my mother buying bread or pass a cafe where my father was reading the paper even though I was told they were

Dead and I no longer remembered what they look Like I think that’s enough questions for today there part around the corner maybe your girlfriend would be more comfortable waiting there I’m fine right here she gets emotional you know how women are once you get the claws in you’re hooked for Life nanquil you okay Deal’s off what the hell are you doing wait we want to make an offer let’s go now uh I’m sorry she’s crazy I’ll be right back what the hell are you doing it’s a ripoff how the hell do you know that they were speaking in Portuguese about stealing the jewels it’s ridiculous

Nice people you deal with I’ve never dealt with them before sat up through a friend now you tell me I didn’t want you to be nervous you could have gotten us killed it won’t happen again all right just give me the bag I’ll come up with

Another plan you do that but the jewels Stay With Me safety tip don’t leave a key lying around with a tag that says spare key where did you go let me sit first the room is spinning I followed you to make sure you were safe I needed to be sure Anderson didn’t double back where’s the microfilm

Richard right here sorry I had to be sure so you were testing me well that bottle in your hand says you don’t completely trust me either so you knew about Anderson suspected ever since the two of you had that little Escapade in London he was after the list for himself Soviet to put

A premium on it Anderson decided to cash in Anderson told me that you’re the double agent classic spycraft accuse your Accuser I came here because I wanted to trust you Kate now you have to decide who you trust what am I supposed to do with this do with what Amanda and her ridiculous

Offer marry her and get me in the bargain I’m sorry she’s just used to getting her way all the time but did you really think that I’d ever accept that or or think for a second that you would why did you call off the wedding to tell the truth Amanda is great on

Paper and I’ve always wanted someone like her only not her why not well well to be perfectly honest there’s someone else there is yeah yeah someone I’ve uh come to know quite well and I think I’ve fallen in love with her and when when did this happen I don’t really

Know she just sort of grew on me holding a TV intent out of window in chicara watching Jack Kennedy speak in Berlin it’s always been you Laura ever since that first flight in London Dad I know do you don’t I during a medical emergency I am required to land at the nearest airport in a country hostile to Americans this was a life or death situ situation not for long the passenger died yet despite the heroic efforts of my crew to find a doctor you were informed the airport was

Closed did they give you a reason I landed without incident and I got my passengers and my aircraft home safely we have an affidavit from a PanAm passenger Miguel Ortiz he claims you threatened him and that your decision to take the refugee was based on a personal relationship with one of your crew

Colette Vala in the end I made the decision that I felt was right sorry I didn’t call first I was trying to avoid another setup what are you doing here where is Captain BRS oh he gets so emotional you know how men are women are much more practical don’t

You think I’m willing to forgive and forget what are you proposing well you still want to buy the jewels don’t you very much what I couldn’t Do how surprise is a great negotiator isn’t it beautiful even more so with you on top of It but I’m certain honey that life would be sun with plenty of money and You that painting is beautiful the background investigation has revealed something am I an escaped murderer your name is not the same as your parents how could that be now your investigators made a mistake no mistake the nuns changed your name to protect you and themselves but why because they

Would have been killed for Sheltering a child with the name Halevi it is a Jewish name my parents were Jewish yes they weren’t part of the resistance maybe I don’t know but that is not how they died how does it matter how did they die dco I stayed awake all night wondering how I would tell you all my life I’ve only known

Lies even my own name this doesn’t change who you are now no but it changes us doesn’t it here look at this is this your family it was taken by the friends who gave you to the orphanage but there’s a baby a boy he was adopted from the orphanage a

Few days after you both arrived we tried to locate him couldn’t I had a brother you still have a brother as far as we know he survived One of the conditions to settle the lawsuit with Mr belson’s family is that You’ be terminated although you were acting under extreme circumstances permission to speak of course Captain BRS on the subject of Haiti Captain Lowry left that body behind to ensure the safety of his passengers by the book

Not Pan am’s book then I suggested addendum but he took on a stowaway once she was on board she was his passenger too it was his duty to protect her and I talked to his navigator that takeoff out of Port of Prince was a thing of beauty instead of standing here being judged

Captain Lowry ought to be showing other PanAm Pilots how it’s done at a party in Rome didn’t Captain Lowry assault you Justified I would have hit me too and harder that’s all I have to say thank you Captain BRS for your testimony if that’s all it’s not address to you from Juan

Trip you may want to read that now that’s from Maggie and I want a rematch your Own well you’re very fortunate Captain Lowry it seems that Mr trip has made an investment in your future and taking this and Captain bro’s testimony into consideration you will not be terminated at this time thank you however your flying privileges will be suspended for 6 months there’ll be a plane waiting for

You in June consider yourself very lucky Captain thank you gentlemen is everything okay you pulled me out of a meeting called off the wedding Amanda wasn’t the right woman so it’s over what are you talking about she’s perfect for you I know she’s perfect for for that plan you have for

Me but I don’t need that plan got Laura who’s Laura the woman I love and it turns out she loves your huge disappointment of a son too never said you were a dis disappoint you didn’t have to just wait think about it come by the house let’s talk tell Mom I’m

Sorry happy New Year P Edward we’re not done here Edward yeah talk to Richard where is he my apartment he’s sleeping on my couch he trusts me good all right stay here I’ve got to get to him before he contacts the Soviet Anderson it doesn’t matter if he does I have the

Microfilm I lifted it from his pocket good girl knew I could count on you give it to me I’ll keep it safe just one thing the mission in London what mean and not a female in my6 agent we can talk about that later just give me the microphone they’re Trend agents I’m a

Stewardess don’t undervalue your abilities the worldwide intelligence agency is looking for that microphone and you were the one to retrieve it now I must insist that you give it to me let’s take it to CIA headquarters together okay this is not a game are you sure what are you going to

Do are you going to shoot me in front of all these people excuse me explain the Soviets turned you when you were in Moscow you shot Richard you stole the microphone I caught you unfortunately you resisting All right let’s go little unfinished business I’m a special agent for MI6 I’m arresting that woman for Espionage she’s a spy I hate to break it to you we’re all Spies this is how I always want to remember you Henderson get Amanda you at my summer home used to push you off the dock just to see you cry better swimmer now I’m the one being thrown in the deepend Amanda we talked about this there’s been a slight detour I’ve just come from the doctor I’m pregnant daddy don’t just stand there you’re

Going to be a father hug me we’ll get married right away you’ll see this is the best thing that could have Happened What are you doing here it’s New Year’s Eve don’t you have a party to run off to I do I couldn’t leave you alone for people in our business alone is our natural State you have come a long way from the stewardess who didn’t think she could switch a

Passport it was a lifetime ago my biggest problem was my sister on the cover of a magazine my parents were the Enemy and this country was camela the world has changed it’s getting more dangerous every day that’s why we need people like you you have me right now like most women who work for us you’re just an asset but that is about to change we want you to become a real agent

Kate you’ll have to go through training at Langley a new class starts next month what about penam life is all about making choices happy New Year Richard as we speak little teddy Jr is growing inside of her a guy’s got to do the right thing right yeah absolutely oh

Man what am I going to do in that right C for 6 months without you in the left what’s Your Gut telling you never had too many of those yeah mhm good have another oh boy what does the gut know anyway keeps changing its mind until Colette yeah till Colette you going to

Get her back no she’s going to be a princess no no no no no no no Royal courtship is kaput what it’s over when last night Lord told me runway’s clear my friend yeah but she still have to forgive me that’s highly doubtful at least you have a chance

Huh I’m going to be a father and lose Laura forever oh hell it’s New Year’s Eve Tomorrow’s a new year he’s 21 he might be in college he might be married that might be an end you lose a prince you gain a brother without knowing it I think all my life I’ve been looking for him all I seem to find were the man I shouldn’t have those

Kind are easier to find you know sometimes the right ones right there under your nose and you just don’t know it until he’s gone oh you wish they were MH where’s Ted and Dean the the ball’s going to drop in a minute oh who needs more champagne me [Laughter]

Me Maggie did you peel for all those bottles from PanAm no this is legitimate cargo really I recently came into a little money thank you a a toast yeah yeah to PanAm for bringing us all together P hey crazy when did that happen um isn’t he engaged to somebody else to Amanda she

Kissed me what on the mouth wasn’t half bad congratulations I hear you’re still aan and pilot yeah a 6 month suspension still better than being fired m sorry about you and the prince don’t be I’m not it’s my family that’s me standing in front of my father but who’s the who’s the boy

That’s my brother tomorrow I start looking for him let me help you oh come on it just so happens that I have 6 months off of work come on please I missed you um listen uh Laura I have to tell you something hey everybody the countdown’s about to begin oh tell

Me next year let’s watch the ballr Okay goodbye 1963 it was the best of times it was the worst of times I left every minute of I love us and this I love this that ball Never Lands happy New Year happy New Year happy New Year Happy New [Applause] Year


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