Lady Gaga claps back at haters after comments were made under Dylan Mulvaney’s post for International Women’s Day.

by Asleep_Frosting717


  1. AlternativeSlice2001 on

    Instead of calling them haters, let’s just call them what they really are transphobs

  2. OkPiglet5711 on

    that person saying they’re no longer a fan of gaga as if any homophobic/transphobic fans would be still around at this point

  3. Traditional_Maybe_80 on

    People who constantly try to make the lives of trans people harder are the embodiment of evil.

  4. tsabin_naberrie on

    > When I see a newspaper reporting on hatred but calling it “backlash” I feel it is important to clarify that hatred is hatred, and this kind of hatred is violence. **”Backlash” would imply that people who love or respect Dylan and me didn’t like something we did**. This is not backlash. This is hatred.

    Well put. I really appreciate this framing.

  5. IgnorethisIamstupid on

    How can you even call yourself a fan of Gaga if her support for Dylan Mulvaney makes you mad?

    Did you sleep through literally all of her everything? Did you take “Born This Way” as your justification to be an insufferable asshat? Because that’s not what it was about.

    Am always a little monster and am always a fan of Dylan Mulvaney and I’m so glad to see the two have crossed paths.

    edit: BAD BOT. I used both parties’ pronouns correctly.

  6. catastrophicqueen on

    God I wrote a whole paper before Christmas about how the terfy “real women” bullshit was a fearmongering tactic and it’s just so disappointing to see just how hateful people are. I’m fucking exhausted.

  7. InternetAddict104 on

    Wait is Dylan the trans girl who keeps getting into shit or is that a different trans girl

  8. crospingtonfrotz on

    Okay all of those comments are trash, and I applaud gaga for speaking out.

    But also I am particularly irked by the comment saying Dylan isn’t a “real” woman because she can’t give birth— like there aren’t millions of ciswomen who also struggle with infertility for various reasons? To apply the ability to give birth as a standard for a “real” woman is just extra hot garbage in what is already a dumpster fire of bad and transphobic takes

  9. caileyeloise on

    It is bizarre to me that anyone who calls themselves a fan of Lady Gaga to be offended/surprised by her support for a member of the trans community.

    I really like how Gaga reframed “backlash” – she’s so right, and it’s wrong when we call hatred other things.

  10. redditor329845 on

    I soured on Gaga during her acting phase, but if she continues to do stuff like this she could bring me back around (I know Gaga is a queer advocate and has done stuff in the past, but recently she hasn’t seemed as loud about her advocacy is the point I’m trying to make). Also really appreciate her specifically standing up for Dylan because Dylan faces so much negativity and hatred on the internet, so I love this from Gaga.

  11. When I went to the Chromatica tour I was shocked at the number of boomers who were there. It seems she really charmed them with A Star is Born + her jazz music. Even my super religious grandmother who was def on the “Gaga is satanic” train in ~2010 said she was jealous I was going to the concert. I think a lot of the disgusting comments are from old farts and brain dead locals who have only been “fans” for a few years and somehow overlooked that Gaga has been extremely vocal about uplifting the queer and trans community from the jump. Us true Little Monsters will be more than happy to show them the door 👋

  12. PreOpTransCentaur on

    I swear to Christ, the bi erasure is fucking **strong** here and I’m about to lose it.

    Stop calling her an ally. Gaga is literally part of the goddamn community.

  13. Proper-Emu1558 on

    How are people surprised that Gaga supports trans people? It’s got to be willful ignorance of her advocacy over the years.

    Also, conceiving and bearing a child is not the definitive marker of womanhood. There’s a comment in those screenshots indicating that. There are just so many problems with this point.

  14. Disastrous-Bet8973 on

    Lots of cis women can’t have babies does that make them not a woman according to these people?

  15. OneBrain3371 on

    Born this way = has surgery. Advocates for assault survivors-= sings with R Kelly. We need to stop idolising people that would do ANYTHING to get to the top. These people are not heroes.

  16. UnlikelyButOk on

    There’s alot of women that can’t have children so not sure why terfs are commenting that. Gagas whole ethic is about inclusivity so not sure why these “fans” are so shocked.

  17. Wooden-Limit1989 on

    Did anyone see the comment that said a man dressing in woman face is as offensive as black face!! Speak for yourself ma’am! I do not agree. Those comments are unhinged. What is even woman face. 😳

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