Jesse Metcalfe Says He ‘Wasn’t Eating,’ ‘Working Out 3 Times a Day’ for John Tucker Must Die

by mcfw31


  1. > “I was not eating, and I was working out three times a day,” revealed Metcalfe, 45, who recalled being at the gym “anytime that I was not on set.”

    > Playing teenage womanizer John Tucker involved “working out and eating salmon every night,” continued the star. “I was taking it pretty darn seriously.”

    > Bush, 41, and Kebbel, 39, agreed that the movie’s set “was rough in terms of body image” for all actors involved.

  2. i actually feel like people don’t talk enough about the unhealthy extremes male actors go through for roles. Dehydrating, taking drugs, keeping body in a state of starvation, etc all so muscles ‘pop’ and they fit with some kind of male body archetype of masculinity or god or hero (i guess in this example, womanizer)

  3. heartof_glass on

    I know Brittany Snow has said she’d just finished some serious ED treatment when she was filming that movie.

  4. AchyBrakeyHeart on

    It doesn’t help male body issues when all these obviously-roided up guys (Chris Helmsworth, Zac Efron, The Rock, John Cena, etc etc etc) deny it constantly. I know it’s because they will lose sponsors and other endorsements but it’s awful for men in particular.

  5. Significant_Ad7605 on

    Not minimizing his experience but I’m sure many women of Hollywood would say welcome to the club because they have to go to similar lengths not just for a role but to simply to get an audition in Hollywood. This is their entire existence.

  6. This is sad to read. I thought he looked gorgeous in the movie and looks even better now. Certain male actors go through it too with the pressure to have rippling muscles 24/7. Especially with the popularity of superhero movies and the unrealistic standards they’ve set for male body image.

    When Zac Efron spoke about it a few years ago, I empathized with him. I recall a scene in his documentary where he was emotional about eating pasta (carbs) for the first time in years and not feeling guilty about it.

  7. candycanestatus on

    Even outside of Hollywood, this kind of exercise regimen probably wouldn’t register as unhealthy to many people. Diet and fitness culture are totally out of control to the point where people think this is just what you need to do to stay “fit.”

  8. LipsLikeSlugs on

    I think it was Channing Tatum that said something similar to this. I’m glad they’re speaking out

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