@SaturdayNightLive phenomenal sketch of Katie Britt’s State of the Union Response featuring Scarlett Johansson.

But y’all Biden’s the one who is destroying our country just ask yourself are you better off today than you were four years ago back in the good old days of 2020 the year that nothing bad happened


  1. Yet snl can’t come up with anything making fun of slow joes senility,they even showed how anti semitic they are by making fun of the woman asking questions about antisemitism of college presidents and made the college presidents look like victims. The show is just pathetic democrat propaganda

  2. SNL has NOT been funny since the first cast in the 70s.

    Imagine the uproar if Chevy Chase would have mocked this current idiot actor by being falling down the stairs, rather than Ford.

  3. Interesting fact – Mr Mumbles has had 40+ years as a failed politician and now he can hang his hat on the fact that he failed as president. Obummer is glad because this makes him the second worst president now.

  4. I always appreciated her skills as a actress, she kills this skit, spot on same facial expressions and the delivery is crazy, better than the original ❤😂😅😊

  5. Yeah, no, I'm not.I have far less money than I did back then. Food and gas and everything else is super expensive, Crime is through the roof, I mean come on.

  6. Go grocery shopping or by some gas. Not funny then. Yeah Trump caused the Covid 19 pandemic. Liberals are so ignorant. If you don’t believe me, just talk to one.

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