Kendrick Lamar releases another Drake diss “Not Like Us”

by demimonde9


  1. Copperfeild on

    Did he just doxx Drake’s address with the cover art? damn this is getting so 4chan

  2. mizzymichie on

    This is what being fueled by hatred looks like. I aspire to be able to turn this kind of pettiness into productivity. Lend a girl some of that Gemini energy!!!!

  3. Financial-Painter689 on

    The sex offender markers lmfao he is not giving drake a second to breathe

  4. ResponsibleCulture43 on

    My husband and I’s faces at each other during the a minor line must have been hilarious.

    Also, drakes turned off comments on insta lmaoooo

  5. Traditional_Maybe_80 on

    I had to pause at “trying to strike a chord and it’s prolly a minor” especially with him holding that final r for so damn long, lmaoooo

    ETA: Kdot is aiming at a diss EP at this point 💀

  6. petits_riens on

    “he’s already dead” is trending on twitter OMG lol

    kendrick may not be perfect either but i aspire to his level of haterdom, we’re damn near a full EP by now!!

  7. Just once in my life I want to come up with a burn as good as “tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A minor”

  8. fantasticwarriors on

    Oh my God. Has any artist hated someone as much as Kendrick hates Drake?

  9. redchampagnecampaign on

    So at this rate are we just going to start keeping time in increments of Kendrick Lamar diss tracks or?

  10. coastalwanders on

    I’d be fine if Kendrick dropped a new one every hour. This is amazing.

  11. They gotta take this beef to The People’s Court or Hot Bench or something at this point, this is too much! 🤣😭

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