Matt Bomer and Keanu Reeves on the set of ‘Outcome’ (May 08, 2024)

by stars_doulikedem


  1. Just-Plankton-8553 on

    Oh god i love cropped haired Keanu so much. Giving Speed era Keanu which is my fave. Him and Sandy B had little me feeling all sort of confused feelings.

  2. Keanu really should win some lifetime achievement award for hotness and jeans wearing.

  3. MyViscountess on

    I’m excited for Matt. He couldn’t do Barbie because he would hqve been away from his children for a year. Since he was doing the queer bait movie Maestro (they edited out majority of his his scenes 😔).
    So finally a movie that’s fun and hopefully he has a substantial role. He’s billed above Cameron Diaz and no way is her role small. So I’m happy for him

  4. Flashy-Squirrel6762 on

    I thought Matt Bomer could pull anything off, but what’s up with his beard?

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