Kim Kardashian BREAKS DOWN After Getting HUMILIATED.. (she’s done)

Kim Kardashian just found out how much people don’t like her in the worst possible way. She got up on stage expecting people to cheer for her but instead, they just started booing and did not stop. And after that, she started getting a turn of hate for her dress at the Met Gala. And to make everything way worse, word on the street is that she is extremely angry at Taylor Swift for calling her out. Luvs I am telling you, it’s not a great time to be Kim K right now. So let’s get into it and I will tell you why.

#kimkardashian #thekardashians #tiktokdrama #celebritygossip



it’s okay it’s not okay though it’s not you know on Roblox you know say was on Roblox yesterday and a thing popped up and he started laughing I was like Mommy look and it was a picture of my cry face anyone can handle things that have come my way it’s definitely me and I’ve said that to like family members after like some shit’s gone down I was like if this happened to you You’ Beed up for the rest of your life Kim Kardashian just found out how much people don’t like her in the world worst possible way she got up on stage expecting people to cheer for her but instead they just started booing and did not stop and after that she started getting a turn of hate for her dress at the Met Gala and to make everything way worse word on the street is that she is extremely angry at teller Swift for calling her out loves I am telling you it is not a great time to be Kim K right now so let’s get into it and I will tell you why so Netflix just held their highly anticipated live roast of Tom bre millions of people tuned in to watch Tom Brady get absolutely destroyed however what people didn’t expect is the whole thing turning into a roast of Kim Kardashian y’all it was brutal and you can tell from Kim’s face that she wasn’t enjoying it now the show started off as expected different Comedians and guests would get on stage and take turns making fun of Tom Brady now I know what you’re thinking Kim Kardashian isn’t a comedian so how did she end up at the roast the answer to that is pretty simple the audience was full of famous people various athletes friends and Associates of Tom and if you remember not so long ago Tom and Kim were rumored to have a thing going on now because of that Kim was also given an opportunity to get on stage and roast Tom little did she know that she was the one who was going to get roasted loves after Kevin Hart introduced Kim she got up on stage and there were a few cheers for a couple of seconds and then things went completely South you guys the crowd almost out of nowhere just started booing Kim and they didn’t stop the Boos just got louder and louder and Kevin tried to step in to get the crowd to calm down but they didn’t when I tell you this moment will go down in history I am not lying well thank you I know a lot of people make fun of your [Applause] hike all right all right anyways eventually the crowd calmed down and Kim managed to power through her roast but you could tell that she was a bit shaken by all the booze Kim delivered a pretty solid roast but the booze didn’t stop there throughout the night whenever the camera turned to Kim people started booing and even the comedians weren’t letting her have a moment of Peace Tony Hinchcliffe however was brutal towards Kim some might even say that he crossed a line reminds me Kim Kardashian’s here she’s had a lot of black men celebrate in her end zone Kim word of advice close your legs you have more public beef than Kendrick and Drake thank you guys thank you Tom thank you Jeff thank you Netflix Tony is known for insult comedy but many people think that he went too far with Kim in the name of cracking jokes loves during Tony’s set whenever the camera panned to Kim you could tell she was extremely uncomfortable even though she was managing to force a smile there was no way that that smile was genuine it was like she was fighting her body to try to stay calm and not cry at the same time while also trying to smile because the camera was on her y’all Kim K had such a rough night that after the roast Netflix had to edit out most of the booze she received in the version posted to their site I genuinely think after that humiliating moment Kim K learned just how unpopular she has become as of late sorry to say but I really don’t think Kim was affected by the booing as much as people are trying to make it seem she gets hate every single day there’s stuff written about her she’s gotten negativity at other events I feel like the booing was just more annoying if anything and by the end people still laughed at her jokes other than the Patriots owner she was by far the richest person there so I’m sure that makes things a little easier and for people wondering like why was Kim even there that’s a testament to how famous she is and the views that she can bring this thing had to have a huge budget they had Kevin Hart Ben Affleck will frell you think they’re going to spend money on Kim Kardashian if they don’t think she’s going to bring anything she’s not cheap now the hate didn’t end at the roast when people started posting videos online other people jumped on sharing their dislike for Kim just take a look at these comments from people after seeing the roast that’s what the media get for forcing Kim Kardashian on people that family is annoying thank you for booing her Kim K famous for being famous she was the biggest joke of the night it’s honestly about time why was she even there not wanting to hate but WTF does this woman have to do with roasting an NFL goat honestly I’m not too much of a fan of the Kardashians but that was extremely embarrassing for anyone but I must admit she did a pretty good job on the roast despite all of the booze in the beginning thank you so much for being here I know Kim was terrified to be here tonight not because of this but because her kids are home with their [Applause] dad now the downfall of the Kardashians is something people have been talking about out for a long time now it seems like every other day a Kardashian is getting into some sort of Scandal and I think the booze that Kim received were just a clear result of that however Kim’s rough week wasn’t over just yet a few days after the roast this year’s Met Gala was also happening as per usual it was a star-studded event and Kim K wouldn’t miss it for the world now Kim is used to making headlines whenever she hits the red carpet but this time it was different coming from a night of complete humiliation Kim expected the M Gala to be a better and more pleasant EXP experience well it was initially that was until people saw her dress Kim rocked up to the red carpet wearing a short gray sweater by John gallano that covered the top of her Meson Marella corset dress y’all the most shocking thing about this whole look was just how tiny Kim’s waist was in that dress and I don’t mean tiny in a good way I mean in a deeply concerning way loves Kim’s waist was needle thin I genuinely don’t understand how she was able to fit in that dress let alone walk or breathe that dress’s waist was so thin that at one point Kim needed help from people just so she could walk up the [Music] [Applause] stairs you guys this isn’t even the first time k K has managed to squeeze herself into a clearly uncomfortable dress during the 2022 me Gala Kim wore a dress previously worn by Marilyn Monroe in 1962 the dress looked gorgeous but Kim went to extreme levels for the dress to fit her during an interview with vog Kim detailed the length she put herself through just to fit into that dress I had this idea to put it on and try it on and they came with armed guards and gloves I tried it on and it didn’t fit me and so I looked at them and said give me like 3 weeks and I had to lose 16 lbs down today to be able to fit this it was such a challenge it was like a roll I was determined to fit it loves Kim later revealed that for 3 weeks straight she didn’t eat any carbs or any sugar she was determined to sacrifice a lot just to fit into that dress Kim even detailed Other Extreme Measures she took just to fit into the dress but if you want to know the funny part about all of this Kim actually wore the dress for only a couple of minutes according to Vogue because of the fragile nature of the dress and its insane value the whole story surrounding Kim’s few minutes with the dress sounds like a movie first Kim had to leave her hotel in a dressing gown her security had to set up barricades outside the hotel to block Paparazzi from seeing Kim she had to go to the me Gala and was rushed to a fitting room close to the me Gala steps that was built specifically for Kim then a person with white gloves had to help Kim put on the dress before she walked out to the red carpet Kim K got a lot of backlash for going to these extreme levels just to wear a dress but she repeatedly insisted that the beauty standards she is known for are very achievable for most people now it wasn’t just Kim K’s dress that everyone was talking about at this year’s mat Gala on top of her dress Kim also wore a sweater that looked extremely out of place the gray sweater was raggedy and pilled while many were focused on her dress others were puzzled by the sweater oh this is like what what did we say the wildest night of my life in a garden and I just ran out and grabbed my boyfriend’s sweater and threw it on and had to get to work my hair is all messed up now many people didn’t buy Kim’s explanation saying that she had to put it on because of a wardrobe malfunction Kim insisted that it was all part of her look she said her inspiration came from another Meson margela show that featured corsets and sweaters and showed Gallo’s sketch with the gray sweater included Kim Kardashian definitely had a wardrobe malfunction because there is no reason why she needed to wear that raggedy cardigan over that beautiful dress it seems like every single time she comes to the m Gala there’s always a malfunction and she’s always having to do something to cover something up what do you guys think now outside alleged wardrobe malfunctions and getting absolutely humiliated Kim Kardashian also got dissed by Taylor Swift now reports are coming out that Kim isn’t happy with Taylor at all according to a source who spoke to US Weekly Kim is furious that Taylor still has beef with her after all this time allegedly Kim thought that their Feud was in the past and completely forgotten while she is extremely angry Kim allegedly doesn’t want to add fuel to the tayor fire so she was willing to let this lie so for those who don’t know Taylor Swift recently released her new album The tortured poets department and just like all of Taylor’s previous albums it had people talking immediately Love’s one song immediately stood out from the whole album because she was calling out Kim K the line of the song that caught everyone’s attention was when I picture my hometown there’s a bronze spray tan statue of you and a claque underneath it that threatens to push me down the stairs at our school y’all the bronze spray tan statue is about Kim Kardashian’s fake tan and when she says my hometown she isn’t talking about the actual place she grew up in but the mental and emotional place she was in during her encounters with Amy AKA Kim and then Taylor Swift just goes on in the next couple of lines explaining to her fans how bad her experience with Kim has been over the years likening Kim to a school bully who wants to push her down the stairs and loves if you think about it you will see how deep Taylor went in this song Because by comparing Kim to just a school bully she is saying just like a school bully Kim isn’t that relevant in the real world however the part of the song where you can feel the dislike Taylor has for Kim Kardashian is in the chorus of the song where she says all that time you were throwing punches I was building something and I can’t forgive the way you made me feel screamed F you Amy to the night sky as the blood was gushing now if you look closely at the version of the lyrics tayer uploaded you can see that the K in F you Amy is capitalized which is Taylor’s way of stressing how she feels about Kim Kardashian because of all the things she put her through Taylor’s management team even tweeted out the lyric during her reputation era of the era’s tour now up to this point it was just speculation that Amy in the song was Kim but in the final verse Taylor acknowledges that Amy is a real person by saying and maybe you’ve reframed it and in your mind you never beat my spirit black and blue I don’t think you’ve changed much and so I changed your name and any real defining Clues lose and one day your kid comes home singing a song that only us two is going to know is about you cuz y Taylor just basically came out right and confirmed that she did change the person’s name to Amy but she left Clues so that the real person can know who they are and I guess it’s safe to assume that the capitalized k i and m IE Kim are the clues the thing that also made a lot of people believe that Amy was Kim Kardashian is the line about Amy’s kid singing a song that only Taylor and Kim knew about you guys remember that viral video of Kim and North singing and dancing to shake it off which is a song about Taylor shaking off all the things of her haters AKA Kim and Kanye were saying about her Kim Kardashian and Northwest were dancing to a Taylor Swift song specifically Shake It Off in their latest Tik Tok I feel like I’ve been waiting for this to happen I always wondered what the conversation there was like if Kim’s kids wanted to listen to Taylor Swift like was that allowed but we already know that Kim will literally do anything North asks her to do so it’s actually really cute anyways what do you all think about Kim seemingly now getting nothing but hate wherever she turns from the public to Taylor Swift to even other celebs are people saying that this is the downfall of Kim and the rest of the Kardashians actually speaking the truth or are they just hating let me know in the comments down below and don’t forget to check out my previous videos to ensure you guys are up to date with all the latest tea


  1. I honestly dont even know why she was invited to roast to begin with? Lol
    She was clearly reading off the teleprompter and her delivery always sounded like a question. Yes others were reading off a script too but it was natural. Even the football players did better lol

  2. “She is willing to let this one slide” about Taylor…are you kidding me??? She isn’t willing to let this one slide. She HAS to let this one slide. Kim knows she doesn’t stand a chance against the most popular artist in the world. 😂😂😂😂

  3. Ya'll, they did this on purpose. They roasted her just by inviting her to get roasted to bring more eyeballs to the show.

    Also, watching her walk in that dress was hysterical! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Ouch. Idk if she didn't care about all the joke's being so mean, they have to have had hurt just a little bit. I know she must have a thick skin but still she is still female and those jokes were the most unladylike jokes I've ever heard directed to a public female figure.

  5. I have always disliked Kim cause srsly, she's just entitled with her damn money. And after scandal after scandal with her I just cannot come to liking her, TBH that roast that Tony gave WAS FKING HILARIOUS. And then Tom's roast had me BAWLING. I genuinely don't care that he went too far, take a damn joke frfr. And she SHOULD know by now that she is LESS popular than she was before. Just sayingggg, people standing up for her 😂probably laughed too tbh.

  6. Please please please delete these fame whores can't even stand hearing their names unless it's something they deserve which is boos and bye-bye's it's been to long waiting for this 🎉 it's truly about time 😂

  7. It's almost like when Kim broke up with Kanye and released the actual undoctored phone call, that nobody noticed. Why are they mad at Kim NOW. Also, I've never bought anything or watched the Kardashian's show. Only other thing I know about them is that their Dad was OJ Simpson's lawyer, that he died, and I'm assuming the Mom had to do something to keep the family eating after.

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