OpenAI chatbot’s voice sparks controversy over likeness to Scarlett Johansson | ABC News

open ai’s new voice enabled chatbot is getting attention not for its ingenious Tech but because it sounds suspiciously like us actress Scarlet Johansson users notice the demo of the chat gp40 model which uses emotive voices to answer questions features a voice that sounded like the actress who also portrayed a chatbot in her 2013 film focus on the U openi has now suspended the use of the voice named Sky while the company Works to address concerns fantastic in a blog post the company claimed it was not an imitation and that it belonged to another actress let’s hear a sample of the AI voice alongside johanson’s hey how’s it going hey there it’s going great how about you I see you’re rocking an open AI hoodie nice choice are you about to reveal something about AI or more specifically about me as a part of open AI you’ve got me on the edge of my well I don’t really have a seat but you get the idea hello I’m here oh hi hi how you doing I’m well how’s everything with you pretty good actually it’s really nice to meet you the demo drama comes amid criticism over open ai’s decision to dissolve its super alignment team shortly after several employees resigned the former workers at alleged the team which was responsible for developing ways to govern and steer AI systems was promised 20% of the company’s compute resources but were often denied posting on X the team’s co-lead Yan licki detailed the reasons for his resignation saying the struggle for compute was stopping crucial research from getting done artificial intelligence expert will Knight says there are still questions about how the voice was generated the actress has issued a statement saying they originally did ask her to provide the voice and she she declined and then after hearing it she got her lawyers to uh to to ask them for some clarification as to how they made it and they then they took their voice down so I mean there there are a lot of questions here you know questions about how they how they generate that that voice in particular um you know how what their attitudes are to copyright generally I think other questions um Beyond you know the obviously very important objectification of women as you mentioned is um what kind of uh stress testing they’re doing for this technology what what they’re looking at or how they’re looking at how it might influence uses you know that movie her I think you know people forget sometimes that that was a cautionary tale and um we’re already seeing people using these AI chatbots as as kind of surrogate girlfriends and boyfriends um and when they’re that much more evocative as the demo that they they gave recently was um it begs the question how much more is it going to influence people how much more addictive is it going to be are we developing a new technology that’s going to be that much more addictive yeah cautionary tale indeed and you so questions for open AI well there were plenty this week had some high-profile resignations as we just heard about there but can you tell us briefly who they were uh but also this super alignment team that they were part of what that was for yeah so the these were the the co-leads of um of this group super enlightment as you say which is really F focused on longer term risks it’s this idea which sort of gained a lot of currency last year that AI might sometime someday in the future turn against us and people were starting to worry about that as these models got more powerful uh the the the people leading that one of them was this a co-founder of open AI Ilia seta but he was also on the board that tried to force Sam Alman out so for a while it’s been sort of there have been questions about how long he might stay at the company but it’s certainly interesting that the entire group basically has either left or been absorbed into other parts of the company so do we look at this as personality clashes or better off as elsewhere or what does this say about safety in the AI space well that’s a that’s a good question that’s the question I think everybody has and and undoubtedly there going to be some you know probably some political uh you know machinations going on there when you’ve when you’ve had that kind of turmoil but um we do see these companies moving very quickly like moving as aggressively as possible and it’s not you know long-term existential risk but we certainly uh you know this this the question around um this voice and and how you know what the ethical implications of this technology might be do suggest that these companies are moving often faster than you know they’re they’re able to really sort of gauge the the impact of the technology

OpenAI’s new chatbot has become a subject of debate because its voice resembles actress Scarlett Johansson’s character in the movie Her. The AI developer has suspended the use of the voice named Sky.

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