Why The West Mourns the ‘Butcher of Tehran’

So Yesterday something peculiar happened on Sunday the president of Iran an evil human being the Butcher of tan named Ibrahim RI died in a helicopter accident and as I said yesterday I feel bad for the helicopter to waste of a good helicopter Ibrahim RI one of the worst people on Earth presided over the deaths as a member of the Iranian pseudo Judiciary the deaths of thousands of innocent people dissident he has presided over the crushing of all dissent from women from people who do not believe in Sharia law in Iran he’s presided over the deaths of thousands of American troops attacks on American Allies his proxy groups around the region have been involved in the deaths of thousands of human beings including of course the 1200 Jews were murdered on October 7th with the tacit permission and support of Iran via Hamas so he dies in this helicopter accident and the immediate reception of the West that the the response of the West is to lament his death this is a weird thing it’s a weird thing something that is somewhat unprecedented in modern history for example when Paul pot died the dictator of Cambodia when he died Bill Clinton issued a statement and that statement from Bill Clinton ripped into pole pot it said quote the death of kir rouge leader popot has again brought to International attention one of the most tragic chapters of inhumanity in the 20th century between 1975 and 1979 Paul pot and his Rouge followed followers transformed Cambodia into the Killing Fields causing the death of an estimated 2 million of their countrymen in a brutal attempt to transform Cambodian Society okay so the entire statement that was from Bill Clinton was a Democrat a moderate member of the left using the opportunity of Po pot death to point out his evils and the human rights atrocities that he had committed and of course historically this has been the way that we treat evil dictators and people associated with evil dictatorships when they die the world becomes a better place when they are no longer breathing that was certainly true of Ibraham RI I mean for example I mean there’s no question what Ibraham RI was here he was speaking at the United Nations Circa 2023 and again the United Nations is an Abomination as we’ll discuss in just a moment but here he was fully explaining his intentions for the world which was the domination of a radical form of Islam which is why his country is dominated by the Ayatollah a religious fundamentalist leadership that took over what had formerly been a secularist country in 1979 here was explaining to the whole world that the era of the West was over and the era of the islamist was here the equation attributed to the hegemony of the West no longer resonates with the diverse realities of today’s world old Powers will keep their current downward trajectory they are the past and we are the the future I repeat once again they represent the past and we represent the future we are the future we do believe that according to Divine will just as Divine prophets have promised Justice and fairness will overtake the world and the rule of the sincere people those who truly follow the path of the omnipotent will reverberate throughout the world a world that rejects ignorance the world awaits the day in which the old paast will come to an end and let’s be clear what he’s talking about here he is talking about the Messianic beliefs of Shia Islam that is what he is talking about right there he’s not making any bones about that he’s saying that in front of the entire world and of course on the anniversary of the 1979 Revolution that brought the AAS to power in Iran he gave a speech this in February of 2024 in which he ripped into the United States which in Iran has typically been termed the great Satan according to State tv in Iran millions of people turned out at rallies and showed it showed large crowds chancing death to Israel death to America which of course is very common in ibraim R’s world right in his world view so what explains exps the reaction of the West because here is how the West reacted here’s how the International Community reacted to the death of an evil islamist dictator in Waiting because he was widely perceived to be a possible heir to ayalah who is now 85 years old and when he passes on God willing soon when he dies as a barbaric dictator of an evil regime that spreads terrorism all over the region against fellow Muslims against Jews against Christians when he dies RI was supposed to take over instead RI is dead and here is how the world reacted the UN Security Council held a moment of silence for ibraim RI here it was the entire un Security Council stands up for ibr RI which is vile and disgusting why in the world should Western Powers pay homage to a butcher what is the purpose of that how is that possible the Senate chaplain in the United States held a moment of prayer after the death of Ibraham RI this is rear Admiral Barry black who held a moment of prayer for the Iranian dictator in Waiting responsible for the death of thousands tens of thousands of human beings and Lord we pray for the Iranian people who mourn the death of their President we pray in your loving name amen hard honestly hard to think of something more Blasphemous again I’m not a Christian hard to think of something more Blasphemous for Christians I would imagine than praising an Islamic dictator who wanted to forcibly convert the world which is what Ibraham RI is and by the way something more sick than saying that the Iranian people are mourning that dictator which is obviously not true the Iranian people are by and large the most moderate population in the Middle East and they are dominated by an Iranian revolutionary guard core that is wildly radical deeply corrupt and extraordinarily repressive and that was in the Senate of the United States we get to more on this in just a moment first in America we are incredibly fortunate to have brave men and women who volunteer to serve in our military 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across the world the number one Terror sponsor on planet Earth is the regime Ibrahim RI spent his life serving and in which he was a decision maker and the state department of the United States government put out a statement with condolences for his death that is a sickness it wasn’t just the United States the EU did the same Char Michelle who is the president of the European Council put out a statement quote the EU expresses its sincere sincere condolences for the death of President thi and foreign minister Abdullah as well as other members of their delegation in CW in a helicopter accident our thoughts go to the families how about the families of the people who have been slain in protest against the Iranian dictatorship how about thoughts for the families of the people who are living in repression and poverty thanks to those dictators NATO put out a statement NATO the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which is oriented against aggression by foreign powers the NATO press secretary Farah D dlala put out a statement quote our condolences to the people of Iran for the death of President RI foreign minister Amir abdan and others who perished in the helicopter crash so the people of Iran the people of Iran don’t need your condolences the people of Iran deserve your condolences for having to live under the terroristic opes of this evil regime this is insanity so the question is where is this coming from because it’s not necessary the entire West could have just stayed silent they could have said nothing instead they all came to the moments of Silence by the way in the UN there was I checked there was no moment of silence so far as I’m aware in the UN Security Council for the victims of October 7th none they did not stand up and pay homage to the 1,200 people who were slaughtered and 250 who were taken hostage by a terrorist group but they did stand to pay homage to a terrorist dictator who supported October 7th and proxy Terror groups from Yemen to Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Kamas it’s an amazing thing so what is going on in the west that Western leaders feel the necessity to give condolences on the death of an evil enemy cuz RI was an evil enemy that’s who he was so there is an error in thinking that has become extraordinarily common in the west that I think leads to so many bad results this error in thinking was made clear yesterday actually by Pope Francis so there’s a lot of controversy over something that Pope Francis said in his 60 Minutes interview he said a lot of controversial things one of the things that he said Pope Francis is being translated here and what he says about human beings is controversial to say the least and you can interpret it in a way that is friendlier to Catholic theology as far as I’m aware and you can interpret in a way that is less friendly to Catholic theology here is the pope when you look at the world what gives you hope everything you see tragedies but you also see so many beautiful things you see heroic mothers heroic men men who have hopes and dreams women who look to the Future that gives me a lot of Hope people want to live people Forge ahead and people are fundamentally [Music] good we are all fundamentally good yes there are some Rogues and sinners but the hardest is good okay so there are a couple of ways to read that statement and I want to explain three ways of reading human nature we get some more on this in just one second first my days are obviously incredibly full I’ve got the show I’ve got the company I’m a dad I got a lot going on and I start to run down really quickly if I don’t get a good night’s sleep that is why I appreciate and rely heavily on my Helix mattress Helix harnesses years of mattress expertise to offer that truly elevated sleep experience the Helix Elite collection includes six different mattress models each tailored for specific sleep positions and firmness preferences if you’re nervous about buying a mattress online you don’t have to be Helix has a sleep quiz 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know more about this than I do about the Alternatives the traditional judaic way of reading human nature is that human beings are not inherently good human beings have an internal battle that battle is between what we call the Yater hatov the good desire and Yater har which is the bad desire and these two things are fighting with each other all the time and it is up to us to try to cultivate the good desire at the expense of the bad desire if you do it well presumably you can even turn the bad desires toward the good and that’s the judaic perspective then there is the Catholic perspective the Catholic perspective is interesting traditionally I’m quoting Thomas aquinus here the Catholic perspective is that human beings are inherently good in the sense that they were made in God’s image but through Original Sin human beings were then cursed with the capacity for sin that capacity for sin is dominant and powerful and original sin was only expunged with the death of Jesus and I have Catholics in my office who will correct me if I’m wrong about this but that is not quite the same thing as the secularist idea the secularist idea is that human beings are inherently good and not only are they inherently good most human beings are not even sinful most human beings are not even sinful and that is at odds with both the judaic and the traditionally Christian view of human nature and again the traditionally Christian world view on human nature is that while the human heart might be the inmate in the image of God meaning that on a fundamental soul level the soul of human beings are good the Bible is replete with statements about how sinful human beings are right whether you’re talking about the Book of Mark where Jesus said no one is good except God alone or Romans where he said none are good no not one or Jeremiah where the Prophet says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked or the Psalms 515 where it says behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me and the traditionally religious View at the very least is that the human capacity for sin is extraordinarily strong and that means that most people in fact all people are inherently sinners now the solution to that differs between Judaism and Christianity the solution to that for Judaism is perform the mid vote act in virtuous ways and you will become more virtues virtuous and you will dominate over sin as God says to to Cain at the beginning of the book of Genesis sin crouches at your door but if you’re strong you can if you will it you can dominate sin you can rule over it that’s the sort of judaic perspective the Christian Perspective it is only through the grace of Christ that you can expunge that original sin giving you the capacity for a free will so that you can conquer sinful sinful nature and then there’s the secularist point of view which is different from both of these and is a misread of judeo-christian tradition and that basic idea is that human beings are not only inherent good not only is the heart inherently good sin is not something internal to human beings it’s not even a force that human beings fight on an individual level that sin only exists in systems and not in individual human beings there’s no such thing as Sin human beings have a nature and that nature is inherently good and if you consider something sinful it’s probably because you are the problem you see this in secularist society all the time if two people love each other how can it be a sin if if you do something bad to another person well you know that’s that’s just relativistic it’s Rel relativistic in Morality who are you to judge right all of that is a misread of traditional judeo-christian Doctrine all of it okay but that widespread secular perception that human beings are inherently good and that the only problem with human beings that the systems above them are a problem leads to two incredibly false conclusions one human beings generally agree on right and wrong this is a lie it is not true it is fundamentally false human beings do not agree on right and wrong there are very few things that most human beings agree on like murder is wrong and even that traditionally has to be bounded by the tribe because it turns out that people in tribes are pretty open about being fine with murdering people who in other tribes human beings do not at a fundamental level disagree agree on wide aspects of right and wrong at least not once it comes to outside the tribe the second fundamental assumption that arises from this idea that human beings are good is that all it requires is better human institutions and an organizing effort to effectuate right over wrong progress is the effectuation of this attempt right that that is the basic left-wing theology when it comes to curing the sin of the world again the Jewish Theology and curing the sin of the world is act better perform MIT vote the Catholic and Christian theology is find Christ and that will cause you to be it will heal your soul and you will be a better person for that and then there is the secularist version of what to do about human sin which is that sin does not abide at the level of the individual sin only abides at the level of the society right this is the Marxist materialist idea that the only reason that people are bad is because the systems under which they live are inherently bad and corrupt and therefore if we can cure those systems then magically Humanity will be absolutely transformed this is written in the Communist Manifesto what people mistake about Marxism it’s not an economic philosophy so much as it is a religious philosophy about how you cure the sin of the World by curing the systems at the top level when put into the language of international politics this leads to a bizarre belief in international order that is just a lie it leads to for example to the rise of the League of Nations and if only we can organize all the nations that we all think alike and if only we can organize along the right lines we can all be friends this is why the West is paying homage to Ibrahim RI because they feel in the west that if they are nice enough to ibraim RI if they change the systems enough that people like ibrahimi and his followers and the mull in Iran they will become inherently good magically they’ll become inherent good if we change the international order because human beings are naturally good and if we change the order in which we live to expunge all of the various Contra it’s really just a miscommunication is all that it is so woodro Wilson when he was speaking for the League of Nations said quote there’s only one power to put behind the liberation of mankind and that is the power of mankind as a whole as a whole that’s stupid okay there is no such thing as quote unquote the power of mankind as a whole in pursuit of the broader interests of mankind it turns out there are lots of human beings they have lots of different interests you can see this all the way down to president Barack Obama and what I I pointed this out in 2008 when he was running for president that this was a sick version of how you see the world it is a wrong worldview with dramatically evil connotations but this was Barack Obama in dreams from my father and everybody saw this is sort of nice and and loose it was sort of pacifistic and and it was it was sort of hippie-ish but what he says in this quote from dreams from my father I think it’s his whole philosophy in a nutshell and it is a desperately wrong philosophy quote I have scene the desperation and disorder of the powerless how it twists the lives of children on the streets of Jakarta or Nairobi in much the same way as it does in the lives of children on Chicago’s South Side how narrow the path is for them between humiliation and untrammeled fury how easily they slip into violence and despair I know that the response of the powerful to this disorder alternating as it does between a dull complacency and when the disorder spills out of its prescribed confines a study unthinking application of force of longer prison sentences and more sophisticated military hardware is inadequate to the task I know that the hardening of lines the Embrace of fundamentalism and tribe Dooms us all so in other words what he is saying there in fancy possibly written by Bill A’s words in dreams from my father what he is saying there which is that all human violence terrorism is a result of the systems of the elites and those Elites are the ones who are creating all this and thus if we create better International organizations run by people like Barack Obama all violence and terrorism will fall away we will all have a new community Community organized day now here’s the problem this is absolute trash it is nonsense it is garbage and it is it is absolutely going to create more violence in the world it turns out that these Western delusions of everybody thinking like a Westerner these Western delusions that everybody has the same value system down deep by the way not unique to the left George W bush said many of the same things in 2005 after his re-election he gave a speech in which he said that the fundamental desire of all human hearts was to be free which is a lot it is untrue the vast majority of people on planet Earth may not wish to live like people in the United States recognizing that truth means you have to protect your own interest but if you believe that all you have to do is massage your enemies and suddenly they will be your friends you will be used by your enemies and that is what we are seeing right now get to more on this in a moment first when we started the daily wire the biggest question mark was what we would do for HR it’s something you don’t think about when you start a business because you know you’re trying to make content or goods or services so the HR person is like Toby from the office do you want to think about well here’s the thing you do need 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it turns out that in Islam there’s a Doctrine which is called dude okay Dei to be a Dei okay historically speaking if you go back to the on when Muslims took over a particular area there were three statuses that were applied Muslim which is top level unbelievers who are people who were pagans who could be destroyed and and murdered and members of the Dei the Dei were so-called people of the book and Christians and Jews who accepted their secondary survi status paid a head tax called the xia and were forced into a series of laws this was true by the way it remains true today in many Muslim countries right my my wife’s family is from Morocco and and in Morocco until fairly recently Jews did have secondary status meaning they they weren’t allowed to perform certain activities this is true for Christians in particular areas of the Muslim World historically it meant that for example non-muslims could not ride horses they were forced to keep their heads lower on the street than Muslims during the Ottoman Empire okay that was deud was was being a second class citizen so people like Ibraham RI who see every anyone who is a person of the book or a non-believer as a person of secondary status those people will turn the naite and the openness and the hope of the secular West in their own favor they will use open systems of immigration against you they will engage in deceit they will seek hnas ceasefires for example so they can rearm and fight again later they will use the generosity of the West free immigration free movement Free Speech regulations against you they will use legal implements against you the very institutions that you’re trying to reorganize for the benefit of global Society they will use against you which is why the UN which was founded in the aftermath of World War II by the great powers and attempt to organize the International Community for a better day well the UN is now a tool of some of the worst powers on the planet it has been a complete waste of space and resources has done more bad in the world than good the United Nations because as it turns out the international order is a lie there is no International order because human beings are not in general good you can say they have a fundamentally good human nature but that it’s sinful also the Christian Perspective which means the outcome most people all people are sinners but that is not the case being made if all human beings are good this means that the only failure is a failure of organization that’s a lie it is why every institution directed toward quote unquote International order ends up being perverted by people who are evil it’s why for example the UN General Assembly in 2023 issued seven General resolutions against the entire world but 15 against Israel is that because Israel is uniquely evil or is it because it turns out there are a lot of countries that hate Israel where did that where was the goodness of human where was the unanimity in moral right and wrong where did it go it is also why the world is perfectly willing to ignore the predations of Hamas in favor of slamming Israel at this point in time for example right now the international criminal court is attempting to issue arrest warrants for the prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and the Minister of Defense yav Galant at the same time they’re issuing arrest warrant for yak sinir and Muhammad deif who are the heads of Kamas as though these are two equivalents the accusation made by the international criminal court which does not have any legal jurisdiction in the state of Israel or in the United States by the way or in China or in Russia or in India what is their accusation according to the people who wrote the brief including I’m all cloney the wife of George Clooney who happens to be Lebanese what they say is that the reason for this indictment reached unanimously is quote the war crime of intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare and the murder and persecution of Palestinians as crimes against humanity now Israel has shipped in thousands of tons of Aid into a war area that is controlled by its enemy unprecedented in the history of warfare in in the middle of World War II we were not shipping Aid into Germany in the middle of the Korean War we are not shipping Aid into North Korea that is not how War works in the middle of the Gulf War the United States was not shipping Aid into Iraq either time that is not how War works it has never worked that way Israel is doing it and they’re being charged with it get more on this in just a moment first you owe back taxes or still have unfiled returns that is a bad idea because it’s stressful and the IRS is going to come after you the irs’s chief data and analytics officer revealed their focus on an enforcement project right now with an average return on investment about six bucks for every $1 they spend they’re targeting individuals and businesses they currently owe back taxes or haven’t 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Pier off the coast of the Mediterranean off the coast of Gaza in order to ship Aid in that Aid is immediately being stolen by Kamas 11 out of 16 trucks were cleaned out on Saturday according to Phil Stewart a military and intelligence correspondent for Reuters there were no deliveries on Sunday or Monday because of this so we’re wasting taxpayer dollars your taxpayer dollars in mine in order to ship Aid to Kamas in the middle of all this does anyone seem to care no because the international criminal court is yet another attempt to create an international Institution by RIT by Common agreement about morality and right and wrong that does not reflect natural law it does not reflect decency it merely reflects the hollowing out of the West’s presuppositions about unanimity in favor of a secondary status for the West again the West is its own openness is being turned against it you see this in major cities all around Europe where there are in fact real noo zones meaning that the police basically leave them alone because they understand that those areas are violent and dangerous and those areas happen to be in places like France or in places like Sweden they happen generally to be places where there is a very high population of Northern African Muslim immigrants that is not a coincidence the West has Let its own openness and foolhardiness be used against It While others are attempting to achieve secondary status for westerners that is what this is and the West doesn’t know what to do about it the answer of course is to reject the fundamental supposition that is the actual answer to all of this reject the fundamental supposition not everybody thinks the same way you do not everyone has the same moral value system that you do the problem in fact is not one of General lack of systems the problem is that there are some systems that are bad and some systems that are good just like there are some ideas that are bad and some ideas that are good there are some cultures that are significantly worse than other cultures the left refuses to acknowledge this and thus they are led to the Barack Obama solution which is let a few Elites restructure all of society and everybody will magically turn into a good person that is not true it is fundamentally untrue and so you end up with in Democratic circles for example is a bizarre willingness to criticize the ICC the international criminal court for going after Netanyahu at the same time it goes after Yak sinir but no willingness to just just dismantle the ICC they have to keep the lie alive to admit that the UN is garbage heap and a bad idea would be to defeat the idea that all of thinks similarly and that there is a community of Nations where all human beings believe in right and wrong in similar ways to get rid of the ICC would be to let slip the fundamental truth that human beings are not are not good all the way across the board at the very least we are all sinful and that means that people Orient toward tribe it means that they are perfectly willing to engage in all sorts of atrocities and human rights violations against one another without regard to a higher morality and to you the institutions that you have supposedly created for international comedy against you so you have the Biden Administration coming out and condemning the IC which of course not not super shocking Joe Biden said that it was outrageous he said that there is no equivalence none between Israel and Hamas and he said later at American Heritage Month some event that he was celebrating Jewish American heritage month that what’s happening in Gaza is not genocide it is we reject that but he’s been spending the entire time the last several months of the war declaring a moral equivalence between what Israel is doing and what Hamas did which is why he’s been calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza leaving Hamas in place while shipping Aid in and criticizing Israel’s prosecution of the cleanest Urban war in history in literally all of history can’t admit the truth you can’t because the minute that you admit maybe Kamas is evil and believes evil things and pursues evil ends maybe ibah RI is evil and does evil things and pursued evil ends and it’s a good thing he’s dead if you admit that then it it fundamentally explodes your vision of the world and it might mean that there’s a lot of responsibility that hears and inheres in human beings individually that failure is not in fact a reflection of the system all the time that very often it’s reflection of you but that is something that the left cannot abide and so they will end up with this bizarre status where they’re simultaneously standing for moments of silence for Ibraham RI and also condemning the ICC but not getting rid of the ICC so the state department spokesperson yesterday said that the United States fundamentally rejects the icc’s attempt to go after prime minister Netanyahu this is the same exact human who paid homage in a statement to the dictator of Iran as a secretary said in a statement a short time ago the United States fundamentally rejects the announcement today from the prosecutor of the international criminal court that he is applying for arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials together with warrants for Hamas terrorist there should be no equivalence between Israel and Hamas none okay so then why have you guys maintained a quasi equivalence meanwhile other members of the European Community by the way a continent responsible for two world wars and some of the worst genocides in human history they have decided that it’s important to effectuate the desires of the ICC the high representative of the EU for foreign affairs and security policy a person named Joseph Burell fontel put out a statement saying I take note of the decision of the ICC prosecutor to apply for warrants of arrest before pre trial chamber one of the ICC the Mandate of the ICC as an independent International institution is to prosecute the most serious crimes under international law all states that have ratified the ICC statutes are bound to execute the Court’s decisions and this is what you get you have courts that have now been taken over on behalf of some of the worst human beings on the planet promulgating the worst values on the planet and everybody in Europe apparently nodding at all of this in the United States the Democratic party is torn on the one hand they realize what the ICC is doing here is quite evil and terrible on the other hand they don’t want to explode the ICC because that would do too much damage to their fundamental belief system you’re seeing this right now by the way with a lot of Jewish liberal Americans who marched with black lives matter believing that there was a coalition of the oppressed and then suddenly realized that members of the Coalition of the oppressed hate them and think they’re the bad guys and so they have two choices to dissociate from their former ideology or to continue to pretend along because it’s too damaging to their way of thought to acknowledge the reality here’s Chuck Schumer yesterday condemning the ICC this is the same guy who’s calling for Benjamin netanyahu’s ster 5 seconds ago as disappointing as the icc’s decision is it comes as no surprise because for decades and decades the ICC has shown it Harbors deep biases against Israel this decision suggesting an equivalency between Israel and Hamas is another GL bearing of example of that bias against Israel as I have said many times there never there has never been and there can never be any equivalence between Israel’s right to defend itself Against Terror and hamas’s barbarity then why exactly have you gone along with your president’s attempts to deprive Israel of arms in a time of war the Republican Party thankfully actually does have a level of moral clarity about the situation because Republicans because Republicans are disproportionately Christian do not abide by the stupidity that human beings are good as a general rule speaker Mike Johnson put out a statement quote the ICC has no authority over Israel or the United States today’s baseless and illegitimate decision should face Global condemnation International bureaucrats cannot be allowed to use law fair to usurp the authority of democratic nations that maintain the rule of law Congress is reviewing all options including sanctions to punish the ICC and ensur its leadership faces consequences if they proceed if the ICC is allowed to threaten Israeli leaders ours could be next which of course is true the ICC has been investigating American soldiers in Afghanistan for years at this point meanwhile when it comes to the death of Ibraham risi best statement award goes to speaker former speaker Mitch McConnell Senate minority leader here he was giving a morally clear statement about the death of Ibrahim RI I too would like to extend my condolences to the people of Iran for their longsuffering under the brutal Theocratic rule of the Islamic Republic public I suspect a great many Iranians would rather Western admirers stop lionizing a man known as The Butcher of Tran for executing political prisoners they might prefer that foreign leaders not further legitimize the regime that actively represses all of them you might think so wouldn’t you but again it’s the international comedy of Nations that is at stake and that is why the West continues to play directly into the hands of people who think that they are the Dei okay in just one moment we’ll get to an epic flub by Joe Biden yesterday first get ready for something special tomorrow night join me along with Matt Walsh Michael NES Andrew claven and Jeremy boring backstage 700 P p.m. Eastern 6 p.m. central streaming live and free at dailywire plus we’re taking you behind the scenes and Beyond the headlines at Daily wire and we’re being told that Jeremy boring has a special announcement you’ll hear first during backstage I don’t even know what it is we’ve been busy it’s been way too long since we’ve all been together there’s a lot to discuss this is your chance to hear about all of it don’t miss out watch live and free on dailywire plus tomorrow night 7 p.m. Eastern 6 p.m. central meanwhile Joe Biden’s unbroken series of Epic screw-ups continues yesterday he was speaking at Jewish American Heritage I didn’t even know that was a thing okay but I guess it’s a thing now and this is again Joe Biden trying to play both sides of the table on the one hand Israel is committing possible human rights violations according to the state department and they have to be barred from using certain weaponry and they certainly can’t go into Rafia where the last four brigades of Hamas are that that would be really bad and uncover all the terror tunnels with Egypt that by the way are large enough to drive trucks through that would be really really on the other hand he does like matal soup so here was Joe Biden speaking what he says here he he named checks a person named HH Goldberg Poland H Goldberg Poland is an American Hostage to Kamas being held in the Gaza Strip who Joe Biden has effectively abandoned because he says that Israel should not exert more military pressure in Gaza and he has no plan for actually getting those people out of the Gaza Strip short of allowing Kamas to continue to rule the Gaza Strip he announced that HS Goldberg Poland was present at this event before realizing oh wait he’s a hostage my Administration is working around the clock to free the remain hostages just as we have freed hostages already and here with us today is hirsh go Goldberg Poland and still he he is not here with us but he’s still being held by himas oh well that’s that’s awkward I wonder I wonder maybe you should do something about that sir but don’t worry Joe Biden says that the United States is going to try to get the hostages help which is weird because he has not the trauma of October 7th it’s aftermath of the deadliest day the Jewish people have undergone since the Holocaust is still fresh and ongoing and many with many of you we have parents of someone being hell hostage right now and we’re we’re going to get them home we’re going to get him home from Hell high water honestly if you’re attending this event with Joe Biden because you believe that Joe Biden is going to get the hostages home um you’re delusional I I don’t I don’t know what you’re thinking and meanwhile the Democratic party also had a big day yesterday because it was the anniversary of the death of Michael Brown you’ll remember that Michael Brown was the young man from Ferguson Missouri who robbed the convenience store using Force then was walking down the street accosted by a police officer proceeded to reach inside the police officer’s car punch the police officer grab at his gun fire a shot inside the car try to run around and then when caught turned around and charged the officer before being shot this led to the Ferguson Riots of 2014 spurred on by the president of the United States at the time Barack Obama who suggested that people would not make up a story like hands up don’t shoot remember entire the entire media pared a lie from a friend of Michael Brown who said that Michael Brown had surrendered and then was shot in the back after putting up his hands and saying don’t shoot and the entire left went became a new symbol of the BLM movement BLM did not start with George Floyd BLM started with Michael Brown and you’ll recall that there was a lie the lie was hands up don’t shoot there were t-shirts there were marches all sorts of stuff you remember this well it turns out according to Eric holder’s own doj under Barack Obama that in fact Michael Brown had attacked a police officer was not shot in the back was shot in the front was charging a police officer and hands up don’t shoot was a total and complete fabrication and lie it doesn’t matter because the myth is more important than the reality so the Democratic party the woke members of the democratic party decided that it was time to stand up for Michael Brown once again it is truly amazing how a criminal who attempted to shoot a police officer has become the face of the black lives matter movement but again you got to pick the worst examples to demonstrate falty to the cause so here is Corey Bush Ferguson congresswoman trying to make a big deal out it because of course she wouldn’t be famous or in Congress if it were not for the death of Michael Brown Michael Brown should have turned 28 years old the last birthday he celebrated and will ever get to celebrate was his 18th just 81 days after his 18th birthday a Ferguson police officer killed him in a just World Mike Brown would be with his loved ones right now celebrating another year dreaming of his future as he blows out the candles on his birthday cake but instead we are only left with the memories of who he was yeah who he was the guy who robbed the convenience store and tried to shoot a cop that’d be who who he was the attempt to rewrite incidents like M what’s truly amazing is there are in fact incidents of tremendous police misconduct this is not one of them but they have to keep they have to keep pushing out the lie because again this goes back to the original supposition that I brought up at the beginning of the show the left believes that everyone is good not just they have a good heart and then original Senter of the world that everyone is good like throughout and it’s only the systems that are bad it is our evil systemic racism that led to the death of Michael Brown today he’d be walking on the moon with NASA if it were not for his murder at the hands of a police officer which is not true it is not true Jamaal Bowman did the same routine he put out a tweet suggesting something similar he said Mike Brown should be celebrating his 28th birthday today Mikael was just 18 years old when he was killed by a police officer black people continue to be targeted by police who view us as a threat while turns out that you’re viewed as a threat when you punch a police officer and reach through the window of his car and fire his gun we need Justice and accountability so black boys can grow into black men in peace actually what you need is fathers in the home and Law and Order in major American cities that’s what you need but that would again go to personal responsibility as opposed to the sort of broad systemic changes that Jamal Bowman is pursuing is this an unbelievable guys what what what the heck is going on in there nothing keep going are are you grilling the steaks again yeah yeah you got me why why are you doing that in the middle of the show well would it help if I told you it’s 100% American beef from good ranchers oh that that does help actually make this summer one to remember with good ranchers right now my listeners get free wagu burgers for a year simply go to goodranchers.com And subscribe to any of their custom curated boxes filled with 100% American beef chicken pork or wild caught Seafood use code Shapiro checkout to claim your free American wagu Burgers for a year and in case you need needed any other reason to support good ranchers they support the Paralyzed Veterans of America every order you make saves American Farms and directly supports American veterans change the way you buy meet today go to goodranchers.com use coach Shapiro to claim your free burgers for a year and support veterans this Memorial Day season that’s goodranchers.com use code Shapiro goodranchers.com promo code Shapiro good ranchers is American Meat delivered it’s true and guys can you like go back to doing your job now let’s do it okay meanwhile the Donald Trump trial continues it is amazing how much Faith the media have put into the Donald Trump trial the idea that he’s going to be jailed basically they need be jailed or he’s going to win the election see again if Donald Trump just goes into a basement and throws his phone somewhere puts it in a lock box for the next several months he will be president of the United States again latest Harvard Harris National poll Trump 49 Biden 43 remember that time in 2020 when Trump’s ceiling was like 44 45% then he ended up with like 46% in the national election he’s now at 4943 with leaners he is now at 5347 with RFK Jr in the race he is at 4540 so in other words these are very good numbers for Donald Trump right now and the Democrats are freaking out as well they should be because it turns out that even the New York hush money trial it’s such an obvious farce at this point that even members of the CNN coder are like what the f So Yesterday Michael Cohen who is Donald Trump’s former garbage lawyer and fixer it turns out that he admitted on the stand to having stolen some $60,000 from the Trump organization which is a more serious crime than anything even alleged against Donald Trump here’s CNN’s Eli honing pointing this out Michael Cohen explained this whole thing quote that’s what was owed and I didn’t feel Mr Trump deserved the difference that’s a lot different than I stole $60,000 from my boss on the transaction at the heart of this case and by the way the fact that he was never charged with Larsen is important because stealing $60,000 through fraud which would be Larsen in New York state is more serious of a crime than falsifying business record this is oopsie that’s a problem the CNN anchor spent the rest of yesterday just reeling it was reminiscent of the time when Donald Trump was President every single day there’d be a breaking news alert from Wolf Blitzer about this was the moment when they were going to discover the secret documents linking Vladimir Putin with Donald Trump and it never materialized yesterday CNN’s an was like oh no oh no he escaped again it’s like Lucy in the football yeah no it’s uh it’s fascinating stuff and I have to say I’m still kind of reeling from the Revelation uh that U Michael Cohen stole money from the Trump organization and that wasn’t at least to my knowledge that the prosecution didn’t get that get that out earlier uh because it’s not as though um the prosecution is going to be helped by further uh evidence that Michael Cohen is a shady character I’m shocked that are hearing it for the first time on day three of cross-examination of Michael Cohen that the prosecution did not take the sting out did not front it because it goes to the heart of the actual case it’s not just about establishing him as a liar they’ve done that the prosecution fronted that we knew that he has convictions but going to the heart of what you were telling your employer about what money you were owed in the extent of it we’re talking about $420,000 we’ve already seen the pay 15 bucks it’s not 15 bucks the heart of the matter is that Donald Trump was complicit caused to have this happen and knew about the money that was going and why if they can establish Michael Cohen is somebody who is not to be trusted about the amount of money as well then they might be able to suggest that Donald Trump had no idea what he was truly paying well I mean oops it just turns out that this whole case is gonna they’ll convict him anyway it’s New York so I’m sure they’ll find a way to convict him he’s not going to get jail time he is not a prior criminal in any sense not a criminal this case he’ probably get some formal probation if that happens this is just going to look like they missed him again and every time they miss Trump every time they fire at Trump and they miss it actually benefits Trump so now the left is basically relegated to just shouting at the wind about how Donald Trump is a mean bad man the latest form of this comes courtesy of a film festival in con so the the film festival over there obviously is where all the Shi people get together to watch films that no one will ever watch in real life there’s a movie called The Apprentice about Donald Trump rise to power in America it is apparently incredibly controversial because Sebastian Stan plays Donald Trump Jeremy Strong plays his political fixer Roy con and um apparently in the film Donald Trump his wife Ivana the screenplay is from Vanity Fair journalist Gabriel Sherman Gabriel Sherman is most famous for during the Fox News sort of Hayday maybe 10 years ago writing stories about Fox that were just patently not true over and over but now he’s WR a screenplay and it’s about the evils of Donald Trump according to the Washington Post when the lights Rose the applause was instant and robust with Kate Blanchett and Cynthia arivo somehow leading the charge down the orchestra seats near Abasi and Stan there have been spots of laughter especially during moments of physical comedy like when Trump slips on Ice while courting Iana and boastfully telling her he knows how to ski but by and large it is a very dark and chilling origin story Stan Trump is not a clown but a vicious killer as the character categorizes his ambition inde details that seem to be based on a 1990 divorce deposition from ion Trump we see him go under the knife in gory detail to get lipos section and a scalp reduction surgery as a solution to his growing love handles in bald spot and we watch when as iano also alleged in that deposition Trump pushes her to the floor of their home during an argument and her he’s also depicted receiving or from a topless blonde in Atlantic City well married apparently uh the Trump campaign says that they’re going to file a lawsuit to attack the film okay but again if the idea here is that this star studded Affair is going to somehow damage Donald Trump wrong approach guys that ain’t gonna do bleep ball the reality is that if Donald Trump loses this election then that’s largely on Trump because he has every systemic Advantage right now Joe Biden is a terrible candidate a huge number of people who were lukewarm on Trump are now hot on Trump because Trump is not Joe Biden and Joe Biden has proved himself to be an awful awful leader of the Free World the the left can attack Trump with all the slings and arrows they can muster with regard to personal attacks and and dumb lawsuits it ain’t going to make a difference the only person in this election who can defeat Donald Trump is Donald Trump and he seems to be running believe it or not a much more disciplined campaign this time around all coming up we’ll be joined by Trent horn at Catholic answers to discuss the Pope’s appearance on 60 Minutes if you’re not a member become member use coach Shapiro check out for two months free on all annual plans click that link in the description and join us [Music] [Music]

After the shocking but welcome demise of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, the West sends a weird batch of condolences; Europe and the US struggle to deal with the hijacking of the International Criminal Court; and Democrats try to sanctify the memory of Michael Brown.


– – –

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  1. If you still can't tell that democrats amd republicans are one and the same just playing their roles to divide us then may God (the real God) have mercy on your soul. Its all a show to manipulate the dumb. Dont be fooled by baal and his people

  2. Meanwhile isreal tweeted a helicopter 🚁 emoji right before he died and then claimed afterward they had nothing to do with it suspicious all these pple dieing in helicopers this year from the American soldiers over Cali to zelenskys closest cabinet members to now iran President.

  3. I personally don't care if Netanyahu died or the iran president just find it a little too convenient given the current situation going on that it happened. And in my line of work convenience usually means planned by a opposition party. Its clear to see bens pure biased Hatred on the topic wish he would cover topics he wasn't biased on so we get the full picture and not a distorted view point.

  4. Ben doesnt even respect anyone from iran or middle east i can almost best hes super rascist against anyone from middle east . I haven't seen him talk good about anyone from the middle east come to think of it now. Regardless of your believe or biasedness he was still a president of a country that alone makes him respectful to a point of power .

  5. I would not call the islamic Satanists, considering the fact that they don't practice anything regarding satan. In fact, you see more satan as I'm in America than you do see. In any Islamic or Muslim culture, in fact, they tend to be more religious and have more conservative views. At least when it comes to women and the roles of men and women. They also don't allow none of the LGBTQ plus stuff.
    And they promote promote the matriarchal society, which has shown time and time again to destroy societies. One could argue that the West is more of a demonic. Country than anything considering it's literally turning into Sodom and gamora.So we're gonna have to disagree on that point. I will agree that most in the Middle East tend to be a bit radical and their religious beleaf.Maybe more so than those in the west then anywhere else.

  6. A lot of people like to claim that other countries have dictators that they don't particularly like because they don't share the same views as them.I remember when trump was considered a dictator by some not that trump wasn't a A dictator at all, in fact, Trump was a very great guy and he was definitely not a dictator but I guess, it's how you look at a situation, if you deem someone a dictator and if they go against or for your views, you label them as such as the old saying goes. And someone's eyes throughout your life, you are the?
    Villain to their ark story.

  7. They didn't.
    Pay respect to him and what he did. They paid respect to him and the fact that he was a world leader and deserve respect in that sense regardless. Of what you believe for his actions. You should still respect the individuals. Since he was a world leader, it's just like you should respect the individual.

  8. I know Ben Shapiro because he's part of Jewish culture will not understand but even in Catholicism, we pray for our enemies.As Jesus taught us since he rejects Jesus due to his Judaism.Belief he will not understand this at all

  9. The jewish community could learn a lot from catholic if they continue to act like ben Turn the other cheek is just one reference love for thy enemy. I know that majority of Catholicism didn't really show much care to the muslims but even still they had a mutual respect on each other's faith the discrepancy came over the land of the holy sites mostly from both sides even Saladin had respect for king baldwin despite the fact of there indifferences same could be said for king memhed and Constantinople.

  10. Ben you should learn more humility for your enemies You're coming off very, very hateful.
    I understand your bias nest towards this this matter.But try to come from it From a neutral stance. Evan Saladin respected king Baldwin and would send his doctors to try and help him despite there indifferences

  11. I can tell you being completely angry and just bombing the s*** out of them. And hateful towards the Middle East is definitely not gonna serve. Help your conflict in the Middle East. Ben shapi'm not saying that being nice will help them or help us in any sense. But Jesus did teach us to show mercy. And to show love to our enemy and to turn the other cheek.Something that Jewish people never actually learned from Jesus because they conspired with the Romans to kill Jesus Christ, because they don't believe in Jesus.Christ but then again you would have to believe that christ is king something that ben shapiro fails to do.

  12. It's called showing compassion to your enemies. We don't assume that being nice to them will get us. Anything in life, although it does sometimes work, showing compassion, it does sometimes end wars and does help people find God. That's why there was this thing called mercy back then. Templars and soldiers would actually show mercy to some wounded people. And then In response to that a lot of soldiers men would convert their religion to say Christianity. Or which was mostly Muslim VS Christianity at war.
    Sometimes showing compassion does help. It's actually what differentiates you between your enemy, if your enemy it's not gonna show you compassion, but you're willing to show your e to be compassion. That's what defines it makes you different than you're enemy and it's some sense makes you better than your enemy because an opponent that never shows compassion that only knows pain and war. Will be destroyed in crumble But a opponent that shows compassion to both their enemies and their friends and allies We'll gain more allies and more friends. Is this simple thing called simply trying to be nice to people? Even when people are rude and angry or mean towards you. You should try it sometime. Then instead of always being angry at people and hating people and maybe quit bombing. Gaza and Rafa, if you need to go in to get the hostages, do that temporarily, then restore back the power to the people of that area.But all you're doing is killing innocent civilians.
    You can claim that it's hmas hiding where civilians are but one could say the same thing if u were to say launch a missile at pple in florida since there's a military base there u can argue oh the usa military is hiding amongest civilians .

  13. Ben Shapiro keeps bringing up October 7th, which was a terrible day for the Jewish people and is condemned by all majtraditions.
    But his insistence on bombing all these areas is harming women and children and young men as well. And I can tell you if you bombed my house. I would probably be inclined to join hamas or hate you especially as a young boy or female seeing a bomb go through my house for example that being said i want peace on both sides we get that by stopping the bombings at least so civilians can get medical care and proper food and more u can't just keep bombing a city and expect to stomp out hamas u killed what like 14k hamas pple and how many civilians did u kill over 100k at what point can u justify this war if your going to kill more civilians then actual terrorists. I mean look at Japan after the two nuclear bombs were dropped on it the amount of civilians killed was unjustifiable sure it ended the war quick but it left women kids and future generations scarred beaten abused and in fear of there life just because u sent aid and tried to remidy th situation did not change what happen it left a distaste and a giant stain to which Japan still does not like America they simply tolerate you.

  14. Its funny how America isreal China and russia all don't support the ICC yet all those nations have been at war and slaughtered billions if not trillions and committed the most heinous acts against each other especially with the use of the cluster munitions which are banned in most countries due to the violations of such use of the weapon. But alas leave it to the these countries to purposely start wars and never abide by the laws they put in place only to fill there narrative and or ideology.

  15. Ben Shapiro has no problem with the ICC Putting arrest warrants for those in I.Ran.Or china or russia but when it comes to netanyahu he becomes upset . Israel and america are not exempt from war crimes And being charged as such .

  16. It's important to understand that both sides can be charged with war crimes and
    Only through this can we make sure that we have a peaceful and fair court system. Otherwise, it's just a rig system. Where one party is favorite over the over.

  17. “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9 That is our initial state in this life, without Jesus, who offers to give us a new nature, a new heart.

  18. Frist, 10:53 I can't the guy who said there is no difference between the Israelis and the Muslims. That's insane. The Jewish people are absolutely different than the Muslim people. The Jewish people are different in every way. To put it in away that will outrage. many. The Jewish people are among the most decent people in the world. No, I am not Jewish. I am a born again Christian.

  19. Lost me at the UN is an abomination. NATO was established to fight. The UN was established to seek peace. So why is the UN an abomination? Isn’t the UN built on the US Congress? Where they argue points of Peace?

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