Lady GaGa Upsets HER FANS! Billie Eilish vs Taylor Swift! Celine Dion’s Health Scare! Sean Kingston

plug in my light hi TG F TG I F TG I F I’m running a little behind actually I’m early what am I talking about my brain’s scattered I’m early but I’m running it does make sense I’m early but I’m running behind on everything today cuz I did something that took a lot of it um is something that I can talk about sooner than later let me get my book to perch my laptop up and a couple of housekeeping items I am taking Monday off because it is a holiday happy Memorial Day Weekend Nikia Smith and everybody else I will miss you Monday but I will enjoy the holiday break hi mini Brands obsessed mama uh if you are new here we do Hot Topics every weekday Monday through Friday but taking Monday off and I have set up a membership here on YouTube if you want to support please become a member it would be greatly appreciated it really helps and I just switched to me M only mode so you get to chat live with me like P Oli you get to ask me anything suggest topics guide the lives I try to be as interactive and responsive as possible and um today we’re talking Billy eish Taylor Swift Seline Deion Sean Kingston and more so let us get right to it do you guys have any fun holiday plans heos fly girl as soon as I’m done today I am taking the family out to eat taking my mom to a steakhouse here in Vegas because my mother loves steakhouses actually hold on let me tell my my kids to get dressed hold on 5 Seconds okay okay just so can I just say I’m so grateful for you all all right let’s do it I love you I appreciate you you’re amazing you might have seen the video that I shared on YouTube earlier today about Billy ish I have some new developments to share with you all but if you did not catch that let me fill you in Billy eish had let me actually play you the audio so that you could hear in her own words what she had to say Billy iish was giving a chat recently and was talking about doing a three- hour show that’s literally psychotic nobody wants that you guys don’t want that I would don’t want that you know what I’m saying I don’t even want that as a fan my favorite artist in the world I’m not trying to hear them for three hours you know what I mean it’s far too long so Billy ish says that it’s psychotic when artists perform a three-hour show for their fans so many thoughts first of all Billy eish doesn’t even have enough hits or maybe even material to do a three-hour show there’s that also she may be talking about Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen is known for his long shows but Bruce Springsteen gives like 4our long concerts Bruce Springsteen performs for a long time Ryan Robinson or maybe she’s talking about fish fish perform forms for 4 and 1 half hours fish does Long sets for their druggie fans okay she said a three-hour show you know who else does you know who does a three-hour show off Fly Girl Taylor Swift Taylor Swift hey Annie it’s pretty clear that Billy ish was talking about Taylor Swift and a lot of fans probably disagree with her sold out stadium shows worldwide and people not leaving early they’re staying for the whole thing that speaks volumes I say but I don’t even think it’s about that you know what I think it’s really about Billy eish releas relased a new album I told you yesterday and it’s not projected to come in at number one in its fifth or sixth week Taylor Swift is projected to continue to dominate the billboard album charts and come in at number one again so Billy is salty and desperate she has put her album on sale already on iTunes released a slowed and Reverb version of the album and a sped up version of the album okay how desperate and she’s writing Taylor Swift she’s clout chasing she’s using her for headlines and social media attention hoping that that translates to some sales for her new album but I think the opposite will happen I think that this is only going to help Taylor even more Annie I think Tay Voodoo if you don’t know Tay Voodoo you’re about to find out Billy iish Tay Voodoo has been activated and Taylor Swift fans are going to be streaming her new album and maybe even buying it cuz as I mentioned yesterday Taylor released three new physical versions of her album with new live songs from Paris you know live versions of the songs you can only get if you buy the physical CD from her website and you know what like I love that Taylor Swift is competitive Taylor Swift is not only a talented songwriter and performer but she’s a talented business person too I love that she loves to win and also supports other artists and lifts them up as well but when it’s her time to compete like any athlete she wants to win and if she doesn’t win it’s still fine you know athletes all want to come in first but they’re still proud of the effort they put in if it comes second or they don’t or don’t win you know I think that should be celebrated her being astute and Sav you know savviness um I want I want my daughters to be like that I and my son I want them to be highly ambitious have the bar set exceptionally high for themselves so that even if they don’t meet the bar they’re still with winning hi Tiffany do you understand that like if your bar is so high that even if you don’t fail to meet it it’s still higher than everybody else’s bar cuz your bar is up here and everybody’s is here and if you just get there you’re still Leaps and Bounds ahead of everyone else yes Ryan Taylor is lovely and another reason why this is definitely about Taylor Swift Billy ish’s manager liked a very shady post on Twitter somebody tweeted Taylor Swift breaking her neck doing everything to prevent other artists from shining and Billy ish’s manager liked that I don’t think that’s true I think that’s shady lame rad God I love coffee and what’s Billy Elish doing to help other artists Taylor regularly Champions new music collaborates with a ton of artists gives them shine invites them on tour does things for others all the time what does Billy ish do for other artists huh all right let’s keep it moving and more music related news Lady Gaga is making a lot of headlines and has upset a lot of her fans yesterday Gaga had the premiere for her chromatica Ball concert film that’s going to be streaming on HBO and she made a startling confession Lady Gaga said quote I did five show shows with Co I shared it with everyone on my team and I said I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable at work and you don’t have to perform and you don’t have to work that day but I’m going to do the show because I just didn’t want to let all the fans down a lot of people are upset at Lady Gaga for not following covid protocols um for what she did I’m not one of those people I’m not upset she told her staff she told them they didn’t have to work if they wanted to work I’m sure she was fine if they wore masks and also you know some people are saying well she could have exposed her fans like get a freaking grip the likelihood that lady Gaga would get a fan sick with covid is slim to [Music] none and also if you are somebody high risk if you’re an immuno compromised person maybe you should make sure if you go to a concert to wear a mask if you wear a mask at a concert con ERT you’re protected right um you or maybe you’re way less risk you know you’re much lower risk if you do that um and if you’re still nervous or whatever uh don’t go to concerts simple right I’m not upset at Lady Gaga and uh I don’t know which Joker preview you’re talking about I think I did see it a while ago right um yeah I saw it a while ago it looked fine I wouldn’t say it looks amazing or anything it looks fine uh offly girl the chromatica tour I’m guessing was 2022 let me see chromatica tour it was 20 it was the summer of 2022 it was a pretty short tour crazy that she only did 20 shows so yeah 2022 yeah Co was still much more present in in the summer of 2022 actually that’s when I got Co I got Co For the First Time In Summer of 2022 I managed to avoid it for two years and then in 4th of July weekend 2022 is when I got covid and unfortunately everybody else in my house got sick too but I’m not bothered by it I’m not bothered by it I’m so glad I live in Vegas now like my thoughts on Co have changed I am now against mask mandates I’m against vaccine mandates I’m against all of that now let everybody do what they want if you’re worried about things the responsibility is on you put your mask on don’t go to places with a lot of people get the vaccine I’m not against the vaccine I got it and I would get it again in the future but I’m now not in favor of like forcing it on people in the thick of it all though I was just cuz like I want to get out of lockdown let’s do whatever we can to get out of lockdown but I’m glad I’m in veg vas you know like Vegas was pretty quick to reopen I’m you know Florida didn’t even lock down Florida was open the whole time if there’s another pandemic that’s what we learned if there’s another pandemic and there probably will be before I’m dead or maybe you know in the next 100 years you know if there’s another pandemic there’s going to be a Mass Exodus of people from California cuz they went a little too hardcore and extreme I think and they still had a ton of people pass you know it’s like whats I think I’m a Centrist these are my these are my thoughts my opinion everybody’s as valid all right some couples’s news Kendall Jenner and Bad Bunny are still very much together and they were just spotted at Epcot Center in Florida do you guys know Epcot it’s part of Walt Disney World there’s the Magic Kingdom Animal Kingdom and Epcot Center this like futuristic World also the they they have like those those different countries um I forget what it’s called you know you get to I miss it I haven’t been in such a long time it was so much easier to go to Disney World when I lived in Miami because we could just drive there now coming from the West Coast it’s more expensive it’s not you like fly there you have to rent a car all of that but I love Disney I’ve got to manifest get there and have somebody pay for it maybe I could do some shows or something I don’t know then Thinking Out Loud all right more couples news congratulations to Millie Bobby Brown she is now a married woman that’s right the former danger things Star said I do last weekend to her boyfriend of three years Jake bonjovi the son of Rocker John bonjovi yes she’s 20 years old and John Bon son is 21 and you know what I’m not mad at their starter marriage if it doesn’t work out it doesn’t work out let’s just we’re going to assume it won’t work out mostes don’t work out doesn’t matter how old or young you are and also Trish Millie Bobby Brown’s been she’s 20 but like she’s really spiritually third cuz she’s been in Show Business and working and mature matured much more so than her peers at a very young and and Ag and very quickly uh and also you know Jake I think his parents John Von Joy got married when they were very young he and she were high school sweethearts right if I remember correctly so you know they’re modeling that I wish them well I hope it works out his parents did make it work Penny Lane in more music news Rihanna’s baby daddy Travis Scott got into a fight a physical altercation at the can film festival with shar’s boyfriend her boy toy he’s like 40 years younger than her this dude’s bad news hopefully after this latest incident Sher dumps him her friends don’t like him I mean I want Sher to get good D get that D honey have him eat your pee get that D eat the pee but pick someone better or or or keep him along until you f you know be on the lookout for somebody else I don’t know I just he’s bringing her down I say also speaking of bringing down I have to bring it down for a minute some some sad news Morgan Spurlock do you guys know he is a document was a documentary filmmaker he he came out with that very popular documentary film Supersize Me and he just passed away from cancer complications and that wording from the family had me raise my eyebrows died from cancer complications um in addition to cancer he also was an alcoholic hey Adam finds he was an alcoholic and um he a few years ago his career was over he himself said his career was over let me let me read to you what um what he said on wikip what what it said sexual conduct okay it’s pretty wild okay um in December 2017 Spurlock wrote a blog post admitting to what he called a history of sexual misconduct in the midst of the me too movement he said I’ve come to understand after months of these Revelations that I am not some innocent bystander I am also part of the problem in the post he said he committed sexual misconduct in his past including cheating on his past wives and girl friends as well as settling a sexual harassment allegation brought by an assistant at his production company the post in the post he also said he was accused of sexual assault while in college Spurlock wrote that while still in college a girl I hooked up with on one night on a one night stand accused me of r a not outright there were no charges or investigations but she wrote about the instance in a short St story writing class and called me by my name uh Spurlock did not say the woman was lying but wrote this wasn’t how I remembered it at all um after publishing in the blog post he stepped down from his production company he co-founded um October 2022 The Washington Post reported that Spurlock had suffered career death as a result of his misconduct anyways all I’m saying after all of that is that perhaps his alcoholism and the end of his career maybe there’s just more to the whole cancer thing that’s all I’m saying all right some more Downer actually this is not a downer this is actually maybe a positive thing depending on how you look Stinger Sean Kingston has been arrested on multiple fraud and theft charges multiple fraud and theft charges and his mother has been arrested as well and actually there have been rumors for not even rumors there have been accusations for a very long time about Shan Kingston and his mother that they would use his Celebrity Status to allegedly get free things um or just get things and not return them or get things and promise things in and not do what they promised hence the theft and fraud charges um they’ve they’re also allegedly very litigious this is all why I am very careful say about Sean Kingston but seems like his alleged actions and that of his mothers are finally catching up with them PL in more legal news Kelly Clarkson has settled her multi-million dollar lawsuit against ex Brandon Blackstock and I always thought that lawsuit was frivolous she was suing him for helping her get work illegally because technically managers are not allowed to get their clients work but all managers do agents are the only ones that are supposed to be able to get work for their clients but managers do all the time suing him for that which everybody does lame the terms of the settlement have not been disclosed though so hard to say who won here my guest Kelly Clarkson also some startling news speaking of singers uh on Monday Today Show Hoda [ __ ] is sitting down with Seline Deion to talk about her new documentary and Seline reveals that she nearly died recently I did not know that um stiff person syndrome was so hardcore she nearly died because of it wow and finally let’s end things on a positive note Lana Del re shares that she submitted a song to the James Bond producers to sing the Bond theme song and they rejected her rude actually here’s a little bit of her dis singing it aella I mean how has that not happened yet can we just say like uh it’s only 24 hours in a day I wrote that for them but Sam you did a wonderful job really no I’m just kidding no one day maybe probably not but well but I’m going to continue to continue to sing do my little Nancy synop thing every now and then and just pretend that it’s the title track you and James B Fe discuss I mean I mean she only sang that one [Music] lyric 24 hours the day uh I agree as fly girl so much gratitude to all of our service people thank you for your uh you know for protecting our country um and U thank you all for watching and your support I love you I’ll see you Tuesday enjoy the long weekend bye everyone

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Lady GaGa Upsets HER FANS! Billie Eilish vs Taylor Swift! Celine Dion’s Health Scare! Sean Kingston – Fraudster! And MORE! | Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton


  1. Well, Billie made an appearance on American Idol – via Facetime on Ryan Seacrest's phone – to compliment and encourage Abby, who performed a couple of Billie's songs. Abbie ended up winning. But, I don't know if Billie had anything to do with that part.

  2. Ummmmm…if fans didn't want to go see a 3 hour show they wouldn't go. As far as Taylor goes, she could continue to perform her 3 hour shows for years on end and she would still have sold out stadiums. Billie is wrong! Fans DO want to listen to their favorite artist for 3 hours. Also, if Billie is taking a dig at Taylor that makes me sad because Taylor was VERY good to Billie when she was getting started.

  3. Taylor started performing before Eilish was born she needs to calm down! Talk less do more , and yes 3 hrs is what the fans enjoy, Taylor shows are electrifying she is a true artist m that keeps her fans engaged , Taylor is a role model, and loved by thousands

  4. Wait, Taylor released THREE more versions of the album? That's absurd. There's been a smart woman, then there's money hungry. I think Billie sees through the Taylor Machine, it's not a bad thing.

  5. Travis Scott is Kylie’s ex with the crowded concert that killed a dozen people.

    He got into a fight with Chers BF, and Tyga was there too. Also Kylie’s ex and friends with Chers guy!

  6. Team B. Eyelash on this. Is Taylor performing for 3 hours? Or is an hour of it just theatrics and dancers, etc? I don't want to be at a show for 3 hours. I don't like either artist, but it irks me that Taylor can do no wrong, but a young, new artist gets bad headlines over her opinions?? Billie doesn't have to like Taylor. There are people (ME) that don't like Taylor. We exist. If Billie is hating on Taylor for attention, isn't that what Taylor does with Kim K??

  7. Its funny about Billie Eilish, I remember her being on a show called The Project which is pretty light hearted in Australia and she was being interviewed by a nice host, well she was so rude and her attitude to my liking was what a nasty young woman, didnt even crack a smile, looked like she was so up herself big time, oh it turned me off of her, would never want to even listen to her music ❤️

  8. I’ve been to two Eras tour shows and have tickets to a third. I saw Paul McCartney live etc. They do three hour shows. I absolutely enjoy long shows. I pay a lot of money and enjoy seeing my favorites sing deep cuts and the hits.

  9. This is bullshit.. we don't know if Billie Eilish was even talking about Taylor Swift. She never said her name. That's one.. Two, even so, Taylor has put too many songs on one album and they all sound the same. Also, she has put out multiple albums herself. So please. Stop drinking the Taylor koolaid. Billie is a much better singer and song writer. Taylor has all those pop hits because she had help from the best Max Martin. Billie and her brother do it on their own and are still better 💁‍♀️

  10. Taylor Swift stay on Billie's neck with another new release. And she can keep dropping with the tour all summer lol This is like Drake when Kendrick drop another song before he could react to the first one.

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