The END of The Kardashians…(poor ratings, failing brands)

the Kardashians have been in the news a lot lately but not for anything positive all the discourse surrounding their family has been negative lately and that trend is continuing again this week from poor ratings for their new season their brands being exposed their brands flopping it’s a NeverEnding Story with them and it seems to get worse every week it’s a mess so let’s get into it we’ve been discussing the car Jenners a lot lately mainly because of Kylie Jenner and her constant never-ending releases it’s been said that Kylie is destroying her own Brands by constantly overwhelming her fans with a new product or a new brand every week and although we didn’t have any new releases this week Chris still found a way to get the girls front and center on our screens the new season of the Kardashians aired last week and there’s a good chance you probably didn’t even know since it feels like it’s been the least promoted out of all the seasons normally something interesting happens that Sparks some kind of convers ation at least on Tik Tok but it’s been dead I watched the first episode just to see what we were all missing out on and I can see why no one is watching this when it was announced that keeping up was ending and Hulu was releasing this new show it was promoted as a more real raw look into their lives it was supposed to be less put together more real and honest and people were excited to see that towards the end of Keeping Up with the Kardashians the story lines were getting old the show was becoming more scripted than ever before Kylie and Kendall were hardly on it and people were over it this new show was supposed to get people interested again but it’s literally being used as their own PR platform it’s like they mainly use the show to push whatever narrative the Kardashians want out there and to be shown in a more positive light for example Tristan has cheated on Khloe multiple times in a very public way and time and time again Khloe has gotten back together with him the narrative that’s been going around for years now is that Chloe is a pushover and allows Tristan to continue to disrespect her and embarrass her as a way to hopefully change people’s perspective the show filmed a scene showing Tristan eager to spend time with Khloe wanting to live with her well Chloe is like um no thank you I mean we could just combine both houses and just live one big happy family no just make a big trail like like a big tunnel you know like a overpass from here to to to your house that’s normal yeah like I know we were a great Dynamic duel you know like peanut butter and jelly you know I’m always going to come with these Fire and Ice salt and pepper Batman and Robin sometimes I hate how much I have to think and be on guard to not do anything that might ever give a glimmer that there’s hope and I get that they’re poking fun at The Narrative going around about them being back together or secretly hooking up or something but this scene was so painful Yul scripted I can’t believe there are actually some people out there who believed it another scene that was set up to set the narrative straight was with Scott the media has been talking a lot lately about Scott’s recent weight loss and there’s been a lot of speculation behind what’s been causing it some people suspected that maybe he was taking OIC While others threw more serious accusations around like well the Kardashians had another setup scene involving Scott where they made sure to get a shot inside of his fridge and left the box of Monaro in Clear View the internet is going crazy over what they saw in Scott disc’s fridge and no I’m not talking about all the dairyfree milk Scott disk opens his fridge and there’s OIC in it now about a month ago Scott DC made headlines due to his drastically different appearance due to OIC use and I feel like the Kardashians are kind of using this to get views now I personally think at this point the Kardashians are just getting super desperate for ratings and someone said it was planned better than the alternative rumor that he was skiing and I mean I’m sure the show is great for them they can put out whatever narrative they want to set the record straight without having to directly address anything but for the viewers it’s really boring every scene feels so set up compared to only a few seasons ago it makes me wonder how long is this show even going to be around for speaking of flopping we have a little update on Kylie’s most recent launch of her lip glazes that was the last product that we talked about her launching it’s been over a week since it launched and no one is talking about it I searched everywhere for some honest reviews but everything I’ve come across is either reviews from influencers who received it in PR and love it so much or reviews from smaller Beauty influencers trying to get on Kylie’s PR list Michaela was another influencer who also reviewed it and of course she loved them these smell Divine these are made in Italy so I feel like they’re going to be really good oh my God that feels amazing wow I love this so much this is one of the most comfortable things I’ve ever put on my lips like it’s not sticky it it doesn’t feel thick it’s absolutely the best thing I have put on my lips this year this is one you’re not going to want to sleep on it just feels like no one really cares about these launches whenever I see other brands like makeup by Mario launching new products Everyone is always talking about them these brands have enough space between their new releases which only builds up hype and allows people to get excited all over again Kylie on the other hand like I said in that last video she is the Shen of Cosmetics Kylie isn’t the only car Jenner sister that has products flopping lately Courtney’s lemi vitamin line has been under scrutiny since it launched but more and more people have been calling them out lately back in March a very popular Creator on Tik Tok called be better released a company review of lemi and he did not hold back I have a master’s degree in Botanical medicine and today I’m going to use it to expose why this brand by Courtney Kardashian is one of the biggest scams I have seen in the supplement industry in a very very long time and I was extremely honestly shocked to see that Courtney Kardashian is engaging in something called proprietary Blends proprietary Blends are not something that any legitimate supplement company should be engaging in and I have a personal Vendetta against them because I also have a very similar business where I Infuse therapeutic doses of different Botanical blends with honey in order to effectively deliver it to the body who do you think you are Courtney Kardashian to say it’s a proprietary blend I’m not telling you what the breakdown is that’s the first problem the next problem and I have ly chill here we have lemon bomb passion flour and goji berry so in total that’s 15 Mig for those of you that don’t know 15 mg is an absolutely negligent amount of Botanicals that will have absolutely no effect on you whatsoever it’s BS I’m sorry I’m getting mad because this is really one of my biggest passions this video got over 8 million views and tons of people in the comments were saying that this video was the deciding factor on removing lemie from their cart well that’s when people noticed lemie was popping up in TJ Maxx’s Across America all these videos were showing up on my for you page saying that lemie was in their flop era and saying that it was probably because of the video that b better posted but that actually wasn’t the case am I seeing this right um these lemie Burns that’s so weird one Creator said that she was so excited to see lemie burn in her local TJ Maxx but when she went to check out the cashier told her the product was recalled and needed to be sent back tell me why the l me gum were at my TJ Maxx I snatched those so so quick through my car I mean I am walking proud the rest of the way through TJ Maxx I’m like oh my God just got the steal of the day I cannot wait to tell y’all all about it cannot wait to shout this from the rooftops I mean I was like get to check out the way they scan it and they’re like sorry like we actually can’t sell these like we they’re recalled like we have to send them all back I was like huh and there were a ton of posts on social media sharing the same experience one person wrote on Reddit and said been wanting to try the beauty Wellness Vitamin brand Courtney Kardashian came out with I just saw lety burn at TJ Maxx for about $15 yesterday and I was intrigued but hadn’t purchased yet wasn’t expired bottle wasn’t opened at all score I got to the register and they said the item had a recall so they couldn’t sell it now I’m searching the let me site and I don’t see it available at all but it’s still being sold at Ulta online right now anybody hear about this and other people were replying saying that the same thing happened to them as well which kind of concerned everyone because lemy Never released any official statement on their social media and lemi burn was still being sold in retail stores and online well it turns out lemi was never supposed to be in TJ Maxx in the first place apparently some of their stock was stolen and then sold to TJ Maxx and out of fear that the product could have been tampered with they recalled it someone replied on Reddit explaining this and said I talked to customer support apparently a truck of lemi products were stolen and the company has been alerted they’ve been seen at TJ Maxx and Marshalls so they have voluntarily recalled the product as they don’t know if they were tampered with as they were stolen and sold to TJ maxxm Marshalls so it sounds like lemi isn’t hitting the shells of TJ Maxx just yet but why do I feel like that day is coming soon but but vitamins isn’t the only thing Courtney is being called out over this week a Creator on Tik Tok that goes by the name Leandra V comedy posted a video exposing Courtney’s team for not wanting to pay her with actual money for a requested service okay so with everybody getting blocked let me share my story about push and Courtney Kardashian Leandra explained how a few years back she had an aura photography business and she was asked by push if she could do something for them for one of their events at coach so it was a few years ago I had an aura photography business and I was approached by push to do an activation at Camp poo Camp poo outside of Coachella in Palm Springs what a great opportunity right wrong because when they reached out to me they were like hey we would love for you to be there in Palm Springs for 2 days it’s fantastic this is actually during the pandemic so I had shut down my business because it’s an event spased business that has requires you to close to people so I had to do pick up other work but when I got reached out to I was like oh my gosh this would be a great opportunity to be in front of people who would hire me to do parties Etc wonderful excited for the opportunity she sent over her prices to them and that’s where the problem started turns out push didn’t want to pay with money they wanted to pay with exposure so I get asked to do this event it’s exciting I’m like okay this could jump start everything again I give them my pricing and then afterwards they were like mhm yeah that’s so great actually but um love that you sent us your pricing but we were going to give payment with tags as in they were going to give me tags on a Blog and on an one Instagram post as a payment for two days worth of work in Palm Springs they wanted me to do two days worth of Activation so that’s $4,000 worth of work in Palm Springs and they weren’t even going to cover any accommodations so they wanted me to be there during peak season two days Saturday Sunday for no money for a tag they asked me a small business owner that was struggling to do that for free to basically pay to play to be there and honestly I’m not mad that they asked I’m mad that after I explained to them why I needed at least some of the basic costs covered they were like like I definitely got like the Woody poor energy absolutely they’re millionaires they can pay for my services I have people that make less money presumably that I paid for my services like this is how the rich just get richer of course it would be a great opportunity for exposure but billionaires should be paying for the services they want and then some everyone should be paying for the services they want exposure isn’t paying the bills but unfortunately I bet a lot of companies take the Kardashians up on that offer hoping that something comes from it that’s why you always see them doing these like extravagant birthday parties for all the kids with the most expensive looking vendors how much do you want to bet that all those people are working under the promise of exposure probably all of them anyways guys let me know what you think about everything down below do you think that Kardashian Fame is coming to an end are you guys over them or do you think they’re doing just fine and are here to stay no matter how much negative conversation there is surrounding their name let me know and I’ll see you next time

Today we’re talking about The Kardashians and why people think they’re experience a downfall with their popularity and their businesses.


[Music] Kevin Macleod


  1. It seems kind of an odd story that a bunch of stolen merchandise was sold on to T.J. Maxx. How does that work exactly? Who did T.J. Maxx buy it from and where did their supplier get it? I mean, it's not like the buyers from T.J. Maxx are going to be buying stuff of the back of a van from some dodgy guy in a carpark.

  2. I was so excited about the kardashians new show but then I realised you can watch this show at x2 and still understand everything….the amount of filling content is unreal

  3. They're so out of touch They don't realize it doesn't matter how many things you launch if it's someone buying a lip gloss kit are putting that money towards rent or food I think they're going to go with rent and food. The economy is FKD right now. No one spending money like that unless they have a partner or a parent who's helping them with money unless they've got like a ridiculous high paying job.

  4. The consumer mentality that people have is mind-blowing like they would buy anything they lunch just cause they are the Kardashians not for the quality or the uniqueness so yeah its kinda nrml that now they are lowering their standards

  5. the thing is… exposure does pay the bills for these brands??? they are literally promised thousands and thousands of eyes on their product, of which would normally cost them so much money for advertising? I can understand them being upset about not paying their travel expenses etc but at the end of the day, they will get sales from it???

  6. It’s not gonna happen. As much as you wish, they’re gonna stay relevant and continue making $$$. They’re too powerful – with power and connections all over the world.
    Plus Kris is gonna live until 100 😂 so no way

  7. They won't end… they're like the human cockroaches. We think this is the end but they're just hanging on ntil they ca start pushing the next generation out to become relevant again. Just look at what they did to poor North (and I say poor North because that child is brainwashed into not knowing what reality is so can't and shouldn't be blamed!)

  8. The Kardashians are so “HAS BEEN” we are over these over rated self absorbed narcissists. Move along everyone! There is real entertainment out there. Try getting outdoors. Start a project fighting the sex trafficking of innocent children! If we stop obsessing over these phony miserable has beens we will ALL BE MUCH HAPPIER.

  9. We are tired. That's sad they keep forcing them down our throats if they stop while ahead we would like to watch them a few years later but 20 years of it all. Who get excited by trauma, adultery with no redemption and bad business ethic and framing Rayj

  10. They been on the spotlight for a decade now they showed of EXPENSIVE material AT ITS FINEST like me owning a new CHEAP food daily. THEY posted vacays after vacays w fancy fashion and unrealistic beauty standards to make themselves feel the best possible looking at their instagram archives while making millions of ppl feel jealous sad and depressed at themselves bc of comparing. THE DOWNFALL IS WHAT THEY DESERVE

  11. If we buy these rich people’s stuff it’s our own fault. Invest your $ in yourself not these rich people’s garbage. “Exposure” does not pay the bills and it’s disgusting they think this is acceptable. We all need to stop letting the rich get richer on our backs.

  12. If I stole packages from a truck and tried to take them to TJMAXX to sell them they wouldn’t buy it. They buy specifically from businesses not independent sellers. I think she sold them the LEMME and then recalled it so they couldn’t make the money back and saves her image 😮

  13. I wouldn't trust them to flush my toilet, let alone ingest a product they sell. I think the Kardashian area was cute when we were in a decent economy. Now, it looks obscene to watch people displaying this amount of money while barely doing anything. People are finally waking up.

  14. They don't even pay taxes. They have their own church, so they can funnel their income through it and avoid paying the government.

  15. Its a very toxic family in general. They lie, steal, and even use their kids for ratings. Ps. Tristan is UNDER CONTRACT. Meaning they need a storyline for views. They did it with scott and kourtney. It worked because scott was funny and said outrageous things ( entertaining) . Tristan is boring. Both men cheated. Scott and kourtney broke up and stayed friends for a few seasons. Tristan infuriates and annoys people. They should get rid of him. I think hes a sperm donor whos a friend. Or friend with benefits to khloe. Yes khloe is a doormat. Kourtney was too putting up with scott in the early years. He was a drunk and drug addict. I suspect hes back to using.

  16. Honestly the whole kardashians not wanting to pay but in exchange for exposure is no news to me, anyone could’ve predicted it was going downhill. Tbh should’ve start with pricing before proceeding. But then again waste of time from companies like theirs

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