Bianca Censori EXPOSES How Kim Kardashian FORCED North to Block her and Kanye

in the past couple of weeks the drama between Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s new wife Bianca sorri has gotten more and more dramatic and this time again it revolves around Kim and Kanye’s daughter Northwest apparently Kim is struggling extremely hard with the fact that North seems to prefer spending time with her new stepmom and her dad over spending time with her own mom as you can imagine this makes Kim extremely Furious and she tries everything in her power to show bianka in a negative light so that North doesn’t want to spend time with her anymore however since that hasn’t worked very well Kim started grabbing some more drastic measures and according to insiders Kim has even forced North to block her own dad Kanye and Bianca from her phone that’s right it seems like Kim is so desperate to keep her daughter away from Bianca that she’s resorting to some pretty shady tactics but here is the plotwist instead of just accepting this and letting Kim do whatever she wants Bianca decided to expose Kim Kardashian for her schemes and let me tell you Kim didn’t like to get exposed at all but did Kim really Force North to block Bianca and why would she do something like this and even more importantly how did Bianca expose her publicly this is exactly what we are going to find out in today’s video so make sure to stick around until the end of the video so you don’t miss a single juicy detail also before we dive in don’t forget to subscribe to my channel so you stay up to date with every celebrity drama ever since Kanye West married his new wife Bianca sori they have been Inseparable even though there have been a few scandals surrounding their marriage overall they seem happy and what’s even more obvious is the fact that North and Bianca have a pretty strong bond according to inside sources North has expressed a strong desire to stay with Bianca leaving the Kardashian family uncertain about the future of their family Dynamic it seems like North has found a sense of comfort and stability with Bianca that she may have been lacking in her life with Kim Kanye has been introducing his children to Bianca gradually and it’s clear that they’ formed close connections with her North in particular seems to have taken a liking to Bianca and the two have been spotted out and about together on numerous occasions whether they’re shopping grabbing lunch or just hanging out north and Bianca always seem to be having a great time together the most memorable event here is probably Kanye’s 50th birthday where Bianca and north have been seen how they were walking down the streets hand inand and laughing together but not everyone is thrilled about this new Bond Kim in particular has been struggling with the idea of her daughter preferring to spend time with Bianca over her she’s even gone so far as to plead for a meeting with Bianca to address the situation and try to come to some sort of understanding however Bianca seems to be handling the situation with Grace and maturity she’s never tried to overstep her boundaries or replace Kim as North’s mother figure instead she’s simply been there for North as a friend and Confidant providing her with the support and attention she needs during this difficult time it’s clear that North’s bond with Bianca is something special and it’s not going away anytime soon while Kim may be struggling to come to terms with this new reality it’s important for her to remember that what matters most is North’s happiness and wellbe as you can imagine fans online are split and some are even on Kim’s side for example one fan write I can’t believe North would choose Bianca over her own mother Kim must be devastated I mean she’s been there for North since day one and now she’s being pushed aside for Kanye’s new wife that’s just cold however another fan wrote honestly I’m not surprised that North has such a strong bond with Bianca Kanye seems so much happier and more stable since he married her and kids pick up on that kind of thing plus bianka actually treats North like a normal kid instead of a mini fashion accessory or the last one that wrote I feel so bad for Kim in this situation it must be incredibly painful to watch your own daughter choose someone else over you but at the same time she needs to realize that trying to force North to cut ties with Bianca is only going to backfire kids need stability and love not drama and manipulation why exactly does North prefer to be with Bianca over her own mother well first of all Kim has been using North as some kind of fashion accessory and exploited North for fame we’ve all seen the countless photos of North decked out in designer clothes attending Red Carpet Events and being paraded around like a mini version of Kim but is that really what a child needs apparently North doesn’t think so the best examples here would be North being forced to come to all kinds of fashion shows or the Tik Tok account that she is running together with with her however that’s not all sources close to the family have revealed that Kim’s heavy Reliance on nanni has left North feeling neglected and unsupported while Kim is off jet setting around the world and attending glamorous parties North is left at home with a revolving door of caregivers what makes this even worse is that Kim always tries to portray herself as some kind of super mom that does everything on her own at least that’s the narrative she has been trying to push for years until the bomb dropped and Kim got exposed for heavily relying on nannies on her parenting as you can imagine people online were not happy especially those that our parents them themselves were not happy because they always felt like they haven’t been doing enough but this changed after Kim got exposed and to be honest it’s no wonder she’s gravitating towards Bianca who actually takes the time to bond with her and treat her like a real person speaking of bonding have you seen the way North lights up when she’s around Bianca the two have been spotted out and about on numerous occasions and it’s clear that North feels completely at ease in Bianca’s presence whether they’re shopping grabbing lunch or just goofing around North always has a big smile on her face when Bianca is around compare that to the stiff posed photos we see of North with Kim and it’s not hard to understand why she prefers Bianca’s company Bianca actually listens to North engages with her and treats her like a child rather than a mini adult it’s worth noting that North’s bond with Bianca isn’t just a surface level thing insiders have said that the two share a deep connection and that North often confides in beon about her feelings and struggles in a world where she’s constantly in the spotlight and under immense pressure Bianca provides a safe haven for North to just be herself of course none of this is to say that Kim doesn’t care for her kids she clearly loves her children and wants what’s best for them but sometimes what a child needs most is simply time attention and genuine affection and unfortunately it seems like Kim has been too busy chasing Fame and Fortune to provide those things consistently at the end of the day North’s preference for Bianca is a clear sign that something needs to change in the Kardashian household Kim needs to take a long hard look at her priorities and make sure she’s putting her children’s needs first because if she doesn’t she risks losing them to someone who will what makes this even harder for Kim is the fact that she somehow still has feelings for Kanye but we are going to talk about that in just a second now it seems like Kim Kardashian is finally starting to see the light when it comes to co-parenting with Kanye West and his new wife Bianca s story according to sources close to the family Kim has had a major realization about the importance of Kanye’s presence in their children’s lives despite all the drama and challenges that have come with their divorce and Kanye’s remarriage Kim is starting to acknowledge that having a strong Father Figure is crucial for her kids wellbeing insiders say that Kim has been watching the way North’s face lights up whenever she’s around Kanye and Bianca and it’s made her rethink her approach to co-parenting she’s starting to understand that maintaining a strong father child connection is more important than any personal beef she may have with Kanye or Bianca of course it hasn’t been an easy Road for Kim to get to this point she’s had to swallow her pride and put aside her own feelings of hurt and betrayal in order to prioritize her children’s needs but according to those in the know Kim is slowly but surely coming to terms with the new family Dynamic insiders say that Kim has even started to find peace in the positive outcomes of the co-parenting arrangement she’s seen firsthand how much happier and more well adjusted her kids are when they have both parents AC L involved in their lives and it’s given her a new perspective on the situation now this doesn’t mean that everything is sunshine and rainbows between Kim Kanye and Bianca there are still plenty of challenges and disagreements to navigate but the fact that Kim is willing to put her children’s needs first and find a way to make co-parenting work is a huge step in the right direction however all of this was very shortlived and Kim changed her opinion from being open to Bianca to changing her mind and forcing North to block her out of her life but we are going to talk about that in just a second first let’s take a look at Kim’s desperate attempts to get Kanye back because if we go back a couple of months it seems like Kim can’t let go of Kanye word on the street is that she’s been pulling out all the stops to get his attention and her latest move a surprise trip to Tokyo with their son Saint now let’s be real here Tokyo is a long way to go just to accidentally bump into your ex but according to inside sources that’s exactly what Kim was hoping she allegedly planned the whole trip around Kanye’s schedule hoping to coincidentally run into him and Spark some of that old magic but here’s the thing Kanye seems to be thriving without Kim by his side he’s got a new wife a new sense of purpose and a whole lot of success on the horizon meanwhile Kim is starting to realize just how much she relied on Kanye for her own brand and identity let’s not forget Kanye played a huge role in building Kim’s fashion Empire he was the one who helped her refine her style connect with top designers and establish herself as a legitimate player in the industry without him by her side Kim seems to be floundering a bit of course Kim would never admit any of this publicly she’s too proud and too Savvy to let the world see her sweat behind closed doors sources say she’s been feeling lost and unsure of herself she’s even been overheard questioning whether she made a mistake by letting Kanye go but here’s the thing Kanye has moved on and he seems to be doing just fine without Kim in fact some might argue that he’s doing better than ever he’s got a new creative partner in Bianca a new sense of purpose in his faith and a whole lot of exciting projects on the horizon meanwhile Kim is left trying to pick up the pieces and figure out who she is without Kanye by her side it’s not an easy task especially when you’ve built your entire brand around your relationship but if anyone can do it it’s Kim K so while Kim may be pulling out all the stops to get Kanye’s attention it seems like he’s not biting he’s too focused on his own happiness and success to be drawn back into the drama and honestly can you blame him as you can imagine this is insanely hard for Kim as she doesn’t only lose Kanye to Bianca but also her daughter North and according to insiders she tried convince North to block out Bianca and Kanye so they don’t have any impact on her life anymore now as I already said in the intro Bianca wasn’t happy about this at all and she decided to expose Kim for this desperate attempt fans online have been on Bianca’s side and one of them said wow I can’t believe Kim would stoop so low as to try and force North to block out her own father and his new wife that’s just cruel and selfish North deserves to have a relationship with both her parents no matter what’s going on between them Kim needs to put her daughter’s needs first for once or another one that wrote I’m so glad Bianca exposed Kim for this manipulative Behavior it just goes to show how desperate she is to control the narrative and keep Kanye and Bianca out of the picture but guess what Kim you can’t force your daughter to choose sides in your messy divorce North is old enough to make her own decisions about who she wants in her life or the last one that said this whole situation is just so sad for North can you imagine being caught in the middle of your parents bitter divorce and having your mom try to force you to cut off your dad that’s got to be so confusing and traumatic for a little girl Kim and Kanye need to get it together and start putting their kids first or they’re going to do some serious damage now I’m super interested in your opinion on this entire topic do you think it was good from Bianca to expose Kim like that or do you think that she should keep her nose out of Kim stuff let me know down in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe to my my channel so you stay up to date with every celebrity drama with that being said thanks for watching and until next time

When you think Kim Kardashians Tactics can’t get darker we all get surprised -and this time again she did something that many people claim it to be EVIL.

According to insider sources Kim forced North to block Bianca Censori and her own Father Kanye West.

However Binca was quick to expose that and she decided to call Kim out!

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  1. She needs Kanye to take the heat off her with all the Diddy troubles…….Also she trying to get him to stop talking. Too late Kim you made your bed now lay down in it.

  2. I am an Arab young man. I love Kim Kurdashin more than all the singers in the world I know this shock For everyone And also I love Tattoo and painted name Kim Kardashian To the point that we Arabs forbid tattoos, but I loved them very much 🔥❤️How much I want to take cat pictures with her Everyone boycotted celebrities But I am Me, no I interrupt Yes, famous Wow famous I loved it A lot And me almost I will sell my college Right And go to America in order to Kim kardashian Laocoon with her With the same Country and state 🔥❤️⚜️😍

  3. Not only that, but if North loves and trusts Biance, that will never change .When you win a child's heart, you have the. Forever.Ehen North is 70 years old, she will still love Bianca.

  4. Bianca spends TIME with North ; Kim usually leaves her with nannies. She
    will never get that time back and North will never be a child again. The
    only reason she's kissing up to Kanye is because her ego can't handle
    being replaced by another woman. It's not about Kanye !

  5. Where are their other kids? You are gonna screw them up with giving all the attention to North and leaving them with the Nannies! Therapy and trouble is ahead if those parents don’t get professional help on parenting!

  6. I can't believe I am even writing about this as being in a family of Witches or Satanists basically sex workers as well as pimps on a world leave as it is the world that sees what is and has been going on since she arrived and even though it is a pretty cool name it does truly add to the Satanic Witch thing, I guess the thing that actually made me want to respond is there are 4 kids yet the only 1 ever spoke of is the 1 Kim actually carried as well as the first born as I understand they are all of the same god yet the first born is usually well the first born but with Pierre Trudeau, for example, having 3 sons the youngest was the sacrificed while the oldest even though the same sick groomer was brought in for all the boys Justin was obviously looked at and trained up as my kid's grandfather who made the law in Canada for his & Pierre's divorce legal he too had 3 children having 2 pass the bar & tried till his death to get the youngest on board also so why are none of the other 3 mentioned ever? I mean we don't have a clue even if it's a Kardashian thing that the only show the girls North does have a sister and 2 brothers, So do they ever get dad & Bianca time or do the other 3 just have personal nannies, I really don't mean to sound nasty but it truly is a serious question or I would not waste my time asking, Much Respect & Thanks

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