Eva Green, Lena Headey, Jack O’Connell, Callan Mulvey on 300 – Rise of an Empire

[Music] [Music] the Ecstasy of Steel and flesh sweat of muscle and rage w [Music] leonidis and the brave 300 are dead have I not given enough for your dream of a United Greece the Mystic Le a king a husband aveng him I’m curious uh when you’re acting in a film that that’s as stylized as this what’s the learning curve for for figuring out the camera movements and when it’s going to be slow motion you have no idea I don’t know how they doing to tell you the truth um I I don’t know it was like a normal film you know I don’t know when they did slow motion or not so so is it very surprising to sit down and see the the end result and but I haven’t seen the film I’m seeing the film on Tuesday so it will be a big surprise I haven’t had a chance yet it’s quite mad but uh I can’t wait to see it because you know it’s all green screen so you don’t know when you’re shooting what it’s going to be like you just you know have kind of a little boat no sea it’s all digital water and then just green surrounding you but you kind of have faith because you you know you you you saw the first 300 and it’s striking visually so you you know it’s going to look great but I I can’t wait to see the film it’s going to be a yeah so how excited were you when you found out that Queen gorgo was going to get to come back to the big screen um I was very excited I said are you sure uh but okay um seeing as she did live um but it was great to you know be able to come back revisit her and uh and see it from a different perspective in the same time frame you know kind of interesting idea it seems like uh you you’ve had a lot of roles that have developed fan bases over the years and I’m curious about uh queen gorgo as uh what kind of response do you get from fans who recognize you from the first one well because it’s so long ago I think people go that’s not you so I get that one uh but I also got a lady in a coffee shop once who years ago and she was like oh my God it’s you can you wait there and I was like sure I was having my breakfast and she came out with her husband with her wedding album and they got married as leonidis and GGO in the full costumes that’s brilliant I was like that’s a choice I guess tell me how this one started for you guys I I assume you were both familiar with the original film beforehand absolutely how to start for you I was in a pub at home um watching some football and uh soccer and um I received a phone call in in a pub so I had to try and keep myself contained you know I was already aware of what 300 is as an entity and uh to find out I was going to be included um yeah made made for an emotional po experience I guess how do you celebrate something like that uh in in in public that is just get in quite subtle is the key that’s what I’m trying to betray so it’s just you kind of just talk I find I was talking to my beer for the first time in my life that’s fantastic what about you uh I found out um I was in a hotel uh and I got the call and you know I was at the same time screaming my head off uh there was a little bit of old I’m in for some uh serious gym work here yeah I’m curious about acting in these films it seems like in some ways oh acting let’s talk about something else well it must be like a minimalist play in some ways yes it is I mean as you know as is as we know now they kind of they half build these environments so you have to use your imagination a little bit more than if you in somewhere fully realized uh and usually hopefully you have another actor to contend with but when you don’t like when you’re on the ships for instance and it’s just green green green and then a painter with a cigarette on his ladder and you’re like okay this is just weird you have to really kind of uh make believe you know totally it is like theater you know you have real actors and that’s what matters um and it’s actually great because you you know you don’t have to stand in the cold on the location somewhere it’s all you know in one in one set and it’s all you know they will add magic afterwards you just you know we just leaned heavily on our fight coordinator and our stunt men who were you know managed to turn us from pompous actors who run around with makeup into looking like we could really take off people’s heads and I think you’re just trying to you know it looks so fast but you actually go at about 60 or 70% and slow it down and make the moves you know more I guess for the camera to make them work so you just kind of concentrating on extending that last thing and having it in your face and and not trying to you know make contact with poor Jake the stuntman and and actually heard him you know does it make it even more exciting to to see the final product see so different than than what was on said I mean I first saw it I was like oh my God not blew my socks off it literally blew my socks off I still haven’t found my socks since watching it so that I mean that’s the recent State of Affairs that’s what happened with me and I’d seen it last Tuesday and it’s Saturday today so I’m still without socks is it a fun character to play it seems like having that sort of blood lust is yeah so yeah bloodthirsty manipulative you know she doesn’t care she she’s like she is pure evil but she’s extreme it’s fun as far as uh directing approach How does Zack Snider compare to noo uh they’re both you know they both have a very loud voice and I say that with uh admiration uh and they both can you know command the huge amount of people it takes in front and behind the camera to make something of this scale you know so you need someone who’s like right this is where we’re going now I will attack the Greeks with my entire Navy just like witches at black masses she has sold her soul to death himself in the fields of bodies burning she’s going to bring all with her as the war machine keeps [Applause] turning today we will dance across the backs of dead [Music] Greeks you’re no God you’re just a man CH Your Glory [Applause] and let it be shown that we chose to die on our feet rather than live on our knees [Music]

This video originally ran on ComingSoon.net and SuperHeroHype.com in 2014.

Eva Green, Lena Headey, Jack O’Connell, Callan Mulvey are interviewed by Silas Lesnick.

While King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans have their date with destiny at Thermopylae, another battle against the Persians is brewing, this time at sea. Themistocles (Sullivan Stapleton), a Greek general, sees the threat posed by the God-King Xerxes of Persia. He knows that he must unite all of Greece if he is to stand any chance of repelling the Persian invasion. Even if he accomplishes his mission, Themistocles must still face Artemisia (Eva Green), the ruthless leader of the Persian armada.

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