The context was the recent Me Too movement in France and accusations against powerful French directors and actors.

Interviewer: "Well I just wondered when you said that you also acted like a jerk if that meant…"

Kassovitz: "No, no, no, no, acting like a jerk, you know, in relationships with women. Sometimes when you're young you say and do things you don't understand and if that woman doesn't tell you this is not, you can't do that, then you don't learn. I was lucky enough to have women tell me hey what is this, oh I'm sorry, that's how you learn. But you cannot learn as a young man without being slapped in the face. That's why I'm telling all these women, slap them in the face, we'll back you up."

Sorry, but what in the actual F? Is this what your average delusional "pro-women" French artist believes? That unless women specifically tell men their behavior is wrong poor men are too dumb to conclude for themselves that they are being jerks or worse???

And to think I used to like this guy primarily for his movie La Haine…

You can listen to the interview here, the relevant part starts at 13:20

Posted by notasia86


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