1. Austinpowerstwo on

    She looks so much like her parents, the last pic is like a morph of Tom and Katie

  2. pink_faerie_kitten on

    She is so pretty and seems like a nice, normal girl. Katie did right by her!!

    She looks like her parents, of course, but there’s a young Rachel Weisz look about her too. Soft and natural.

  3. There is no denying her parents. She’s the perfect mix of both of them looks wise.

    In other news…


  4. Can we please call her Suri Noelle? She doesn’t want to be associated with her dad’s name anymore

  5. It’s gross that this is pop culture “news.” She’s a kid, let her live her life without paparazzi.

  6. Silver-Eye4569 on

    She looks so cute but can’t help feeling like these moments should not be captured by paparazzi. She deserves some privacy to enjoy her prom. It’s not her fault her parents are famous.

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