Jessica Alba habla de su nueva película “Trigger Warning” en Netflix | La Opinión

so trigger warning you on Netflix June 21st right yes tell us a little bit about this character that you portrayed in this movie so I play Parker who’s a special forces Commando and she’s on active duty and suddenly her father passes away and she has to um go back and kind of tie up lose ends um but when she comes home things just don’t feel right uh with his death and she starts to really investigate and try to unravel the mystery behind it and in the process exposes um corruption in her small town and uh decides to take it on um and try and write the wrongs that are happening uh in in her gra and lots of Crazy Action um it’s sort of like a throwback action movie it’s very gritty um lots of hand toand combat um and I and I learned knife fighting which was really fun uh everything from a machete to a dagger uh and so that was fun yeah but you’ve always been like comfortable in action movies right I have been yeah it’s where I probably feel most comfortable because I started my career in Dark Angel which was a TV show and I I learned so much there and I feel like um you know they’re haven’t been really many opportunities for me to put my skills uh to use so this was definitely a fun one and H I mean in the last years you’ve been doing so many things I mean you you’ve been doing your your acting career but also you’ve been doing like growing your company how how do you manage to do everything and I’m I was thinking do you take things that you learn in one of those fields to the other one do you apply learnings from you know the business side to to to filming and and the other way when you are dealing with you know with with companies as the as the CE of founder of your company do you do you bring learning from from from acting yeah I mean I think learning how to collaborate and deal with all different kinds of people um and you’re only as good as your team are things that are very real on a set and it’s very real in business um it’s a challenge to try and do both so I have uh after 12 years I decided to you know just really take a seat um on the board for the Honest Company I took it public a couple years ago and um and we have a great leadership team so I’m not really involved in the day-to-day anymore which is nice and it frees me up to do more producing um and more acting and things like that more things in entertainment and I feel like this is just a really great time in Hollywood where there’s so much opportunity for women and for Latinos in particular uh and so much representation that that we need and uh and frankly it’s it’s a good time for the business because there’s a lot of money being left on the table so what is coming in your pipeline now that you mentioned that you are going to be like working more and more I have a couple of things in development I can’t really talk about them yet um but I have some pretty exciting stuff that I’m working on that’s in development yeah okay what and and what do you look for in a in a project on this stage in your career I think it it genuinely it just has to be fun you know I think life is is already for me I I’ve dealt with a lot of heavy stuff I’ve been very serious for most of my life and I’m at the stage where I just want to I just want more joy I just want to have fun I want to be surrounded by people that that are just kind and uh and that I respect and respect me great well looking forward to to to seeing those fun projects thank you so much thank you

La actriz y empresaria estadounidense Jessica Alba conversó con el periodista Rafael Cores sobre su nueva película “Trigger Warning”, titulada en español “Detonantes”. Esta producción de Netflix narra la historia de Parker, una agente de las fuerzas especiales en servicio en el extranjero que se ve obligada a regresar a su ciudad natal después de la inesperada muerte de su padre. Ahora, propietaria del bar familiar, se lanza a descubrir la verdad detrás de lo sucedido. Además, Jessica habla de sus nuevos proyectos tanto el mundo actoral como en empresarial y cómo ha logrado equilibrar ambas partes. Conoce todos los detalles en esta entrevista en exclusiva.
#LaOpinión #JessicaAlba #TriggerWarning

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