The Rosie O’Donnell Show – Season 4 Episode 106, 2000

hi I’m Trish Brown from do Delaware and this is the Rosie O’Donald show on today’s show the mystery guest Charlie saren and Michael Clark Duncan hit it [Applause] John people and bigars new day feel’s no need to wait we all well this show is the best with the mystery [Applause] GI and now here [Music] hi CH hi Rosie how are you I’m fine thank you are you freezing cold I’m freezing yeah I’m so cold too is the air conditioner on something it’s unbelievable my knees are shaking my little fingers are icles what do you do for a living Trish well I’m a case manager for the Court of Common Pleas in do Delaware what does that mean Court of Common Pleas um whatever the judge said sentence and a defendant or an inmate I write down the sentence and then make sure it gets to where it’s supposed to go oh a Common Plea meaning a common please we handle misdemeanor traffic offenses and I’m case manager for the felony offenses when they first come in our court okay could you just one second excuse me could you fo girls stand up stand up stand up all four of you stand up come down here come right down here come on come on right here one two right there one two come here three four come here right down here come here swee okay now look right at that camera now now wave to everyone that they know all right great now get in your seat and stop [Music] waving you ever watch Good Morning America now Trish yes Good Morning America they have the people just like those four girls in the studio and it’s a new show it’s so distracting there’s been another shooting what is that I mean it’s the weirdest thing at least in the Today Show they have the window so their people are in the background you think you see somebody now you can tell the guy has a zit see that guy with the zit is waving all right anyway Trish I was distracted by the four girls behind you but now they’re settled down well now I want to ask a favor of you okay okay I really need you to help psych our chub Club back up you’ve been letting us down here lately oh really you now you really have and we’re the spunky chunkies from do Delaware you the spunky how’ you do how how is your CH like um we’ve done really really well um personally 40 PBS my sister I’m not sure over 20 good for you congratulations the other two got as well uh yeah I uh we we haven’t had an update I lost about 30 PBS but then I gained about four I gained four back I don’t know why well I know why I did why I ate a whole bag of peanut butter M&M well that can do it you see that can do it that did it well you got to stay motivated I we’re going to have a CH Club update in the in the next few weeks so don’t worry about that we’ll be looking forward to it we need it well you did a great job TR thank you thanks for being here great see had to job we see hi John hey Ro how are you I’m good how are you good nice to see you and you what’ you do last night oh I went to a fun birthday party for Billy strit you know our friend Billy Str he turned 38 and Linda Lavin threw him a beautiful party at her gorgeous apartment it was Alice yes Alice there’s a new girl in town she’s looking girl she’s a swell cook too she is a good she’s adorable I enjoy her oh as do I hey remember remember um Brian and Rosanna from our Bachelor dating game thing yesterday they went on their date to the Russian t- room and uh we asked them how it went and they both said separately they did not like each other oh really um didn’t work out they asked us if they could possibly take their trips to the Bahamas separately oh we said yes oh that’s good but on the way uh home from the airport Bachelorette number two and Brian that’s Katie the little bitty Boop voice they drove to the airport together and then they had dinner and they almost missed the plane and they talked for two hours and they were enjoying each other so they we made another love connection and also Erica Bernie’s assistant she called him and spoke for hours on the phone too so you never know we’re going to hook this Brian Fedora up whether he likes it or not but uh as for our Dating Game skills right not good no okay we tried um what do I have to tell you first of all we have a great show today we have mystery guests which I don’t enjoy but we have it again it’ll be all right be all right I think you’ll be fine we have chariss sarin not Thon okay Char SAR so beautiful yeah great actress too I love The Cider House Rules movie that she’s in that got nominated I believe for Best Picture did it not let me look y best picture yes it did I love that movie really great and um the the nominees are out I’m very excited Denzel Washington I’m happy he got nominated and um Michael Clark Duncan who’s on our show today that’s right he nominated that’s right that’s cool um all right now what do I have to tell you [Music] anything what trying think which ones I want to tell you there yeah well um you know what I tried to do with my son cuz he doesn’t listen yeah I made a listening chart on a little Blackboard that I bought and you get there’s I drew an ear yeah which is listening time he listens he gets a heart then I drew an ear with an X right every time he doesn’t listen he gets an X so what I was going to do is if he gets 10 Hearts he gets a surprise and if he gets three X’s he gets a toy taken away oo been doing it for a week yeah how’s it going he has four hearts and 28 X’s oh and no choice and I don’t know what to do about it it’s like he doesn’t even feel bad he’s like look at all those exes oh boy not listening you wow and he he’s got me so wrapped around his finger too because when I put another X down I’m like I hope that you Parker look at that do you know how many toys I’m taking away taking away like seven toys he goes I have like a hundred toys barely a dent I know what do you do and then I made the real big mistake he loves his Loft in his bedroom he has a little Loft that he climbs up a little toy area I said because it’s the only thing he loves I said you know what I’m going to do I’m going to take down your Loft he’s like you are he starts crying I’m like yes I’m going to get a saw and I’m going to saw it down and I’m going take the whole thing down it’s the stupidest thing to say to a kid because if you can’t come through on the threat then it’s just an idle threat can you imagine me with a hacka taking down the kid’s Lofts and the amount of therapy bills he’s going to have when he gets older no I can’t oh it’s horrible we’re giving out uh we’re giving out prizes the John Newberry and Randolph C medals are the most prestigious Awards in children’s literature these two books Bud Not Buddy is one of them and this is another one Joseph had a little Overcoat those two books uh won the awards and we’re giving them out to the audience because of it today pick them up for your kids okay that’s all I got to tell you all right I believe uh the mystery guest up first they said somebody I enjoy I hope it’s true uh Michael Clark Duncan Academy Award nominee and the lovely shist f after uh the break so don’t [Music] call next guess who the mystery guest all right everybody it is time for the mystery guest I never really enjoy this part John it makes me a little nervous all right it sweeps you know they say people think this is enjy able to torture the host we’ll do anything we can to get the big numbers all right ladies and gentlemen I can’t see please welcome our mystery guest [Music] [Applause] all right all right Hello mystery guests hi scoobydoo are you a man yeah are you a singer not really I could have sworn from the yells you were one of the ins sync guys you’re not a singer are you an actor yeah are you on a sitcom no are you on hourong show zoinks yes at night yes is it still on now yeah are you over [Applause] 50 thank God no are you under 20 not anymore have you been on this show before yeah okay now let me think uh do you play a police officer no did you play a doctor I don’t think so do you play um a judge no what other nighttime shows are there fo lawyers and judges are you are are you a westwing yes Martin shean no no yes that was that was good one though Rob hey that’s a pretty good schoolie Doo it wasn’t so bad was it no you brought a school be- Doo for me I actually I stole it from your desk you did I did I’m giving it back though well thank you very much you’re very good at Impressions I know well that’s one of my oldest ones really you know I’ve been working on that since I was eight no kidding well how are you I’m great to see you and you’re coming out to visit us I understand yes I am I’m coming on the set of westwing we’re going out to LA I leave um next week and we’re going to do the westwing and the practice it’s all my favorite hourong dra well we are we’re so excited to have you out I enjoy your show and congratulations on the Golden Glow nomination thank you very much was that exciting for you it was you know what it was great it was it was such an exciting time it was a I got to see everybody and and catch up with people I hadn’t seen in years saw your boy Tom Cruz see and he won didn’t he he sure did and he got nominated today I know how good is that he’s so good it’s great I know it’s great you’re friends with him though for a long time yeah we we did our first movie together The Outsiders yeah yeah and that’s back when I was under 25 exactly exactly that’s you know you’re the one I guess the quickest isn’t it the I’m too good Penny Marshall Li do you know what she said I go are you a singer she goes yes with that voice well no she had some sort of machine are you a country singer yes I’m thinking Faith Hill Shaya TW I’m naming everyone she’s not a country singer she’s bald facedly lied to you exactly she lied that’s so unfair it’s time to rethink that friendship I think I think you’re right I’m done with her uh we’re going to take a break come back and they’re going to give me an interview sheet and we’ll interview you that’s how it works on the show uh with Rob low right after this still ahead from reindeer games [Applause] chal with the low and your sister-in-law was nominated for an Oscar this morning I know it’s a good day in the lwh house it’s so exciting Hillary Swank who was in Boys Don’t Cry a brilliant performance she put in in that in fact when I saw the movie I thought God here she reminds me of you in it yeah I wonder if she modeled that after I don’t know what that says about me but uh I kind of I mean just the look you know very pretty and handsome and the she was so fantastic in that movie she must be thrill I haven’t had a chance to talk to my brother or her yet today I’m going to call him when I’m done yeah don’t you do you love Awards shows do you hate them well you know uh Academy Awards is not my my my highest thing you know I I somehow back in the day was talked into singing with Snow White on the Academy Awards now that you bring it up I remember I wasn’t going there I swear I wasn’t you know now that water is under the bridge and the family name is being you know upheld at the Oscars I can go back and relive that without any postraumatic stress disorder okay good now that was I remember Snow White and you singing and opening notes no it was unbelievable as an actor you go hey this will be great everybody will go and it’ll be fun how about not fun yeah yeah how about like huge disaster yeah and I and I had that experience where you look into an audience and you fixate on like the most famous person you can see who’ you see Merl I could see I saw Merl Street and I swear to God singing with Snow White and this is what Mar Street’s face is doing no she’s going she’s going which is you know that’s got to be hard it’s really good for your confidence yeah it’s really but you know what was great is when I when I came when I was done back in the Green Room there was no one there there was a little tiny sort of redheaded woman sitting in the corner and it’s Lucille Ball and she says young man I didn’t know you were such a wonderful singer come sit and she I sat with her and she held my hand and we watched the next hour of the show together and it was it was one of the Highlights Highlights of my life so it it ended up being a great thing and at one point she said young man my head is absolutely killing me be Ault and get me some aspirin Lucille well I I uh went on the set of her last sitcom remember that one she did when she played the grandma and uh I didn’t say hello to her because I didn’t know you know I knew somebody who knew Gail Gordon I was like on Star Search or something and I went backstage I remember she walked past me and I’ll never forget it the feeling that I got it she was the I mean to have that kind I mean she did you hear what Jerry Lewis said yes what the heck he doesn’t like any female comics and he didn’t like Lucille Ball you can’t please anybody if you don’t like exactly if you don’t like Lucille Ball I’d like to check my career at the door please like to possibly ruin everything in one sentence a poor guy he I hope he was drunk you think he could have been drunk I think I think it was the altitude Aspen was high I hope he had like three shots at tequila before the and listen I never like free any there’s the altitude I’m convinced I felt bad for him in a way you know he’s getting up there he’s like 108 I think I don’t know how old he is he’s getting up there the poor guy anyway uh so how are things at West Wing I love the show thanks it’s so good and Stockard was here talking about the other day our first lady she is so great I think we have more like Oscar winners per capita on our show it’s like crazy I bet yeah Marley Matlin is uh is now uh part of our show and um it is we did a show last week about the death penalty that I thought was was really fantastic really riveting and um this it was it was really great and when the priest at the end and the priest M yeah will you hear my confession oh that was a killer I was in the show and was surprised how it ended really you know it was uh it was very touching it was it’s very it’s you know what it’s wish fulfillment it’s TV wish fulfillment we wish we wish that we we had uh that kind of uh government you know and maybe one day we will but you know what makes me nervous truthfully to think that that’s how things are done I like to think it’s like the all Powerful Oz I don’t really want to know how it works just make it work you don’t want to know that it’s human beings struggling with right and wrong every day no it’s like some assistant sleeps with a prostitute and then the whole you know career falls apart exactly what were you doing that night on that show anyway you know I I you know I went to to have a tough meeting had a hard day at the White House and you know a man needs a little companionship you know what was nice of you then you wanted to go back and date her cuz you thought she was nice as far as prostitutes go yeah she was nice and she wasn’t charging me so was free and maybe she liked you I know a good deal when I see one I’ll bet you do now um what how is it working with your good friend’s father cuz I know you grew up with uh amilio and and Charlie and now you’re working with their dad when I first moved to California I was 13 and we moved in Three Doors Down from the Sheen and I wanted to be an actor and I like oh that’s Martin Sheen’s house so we’d go trick or treat just to see him right you know and you know and then growing up and knowing amelo and Charlie he was like a sort of surrogate Father Figure to me so to end up with him as the president and me as as an adviser it’s when I look at him you know I have such a history and and he’s he’s just the heart and soul of our show and and everybody just worships him and and in many L I think he thinks he’s the president now yeah good he’d be a good president I think I swear to God he walks good to see good to see plays Hail to the Chief when gets out of his car no kidding oh yeah yeah he’s he’s like completely into it it’s great well I love him I love his politics too I think he’s a great guy he is he’s fantastic how are your kids they’re great thank you good yeah what are they into now they’re into Pokemon which I I don’t understand I but I laugh at the names Wiggly tufted and which evolves into a Jigglypuff right I don’t know I’m lost to that did you see the movie I saw the movie I I got to tell you I looked I was there and it’s all dads and moms and their kids and the kids going crazy there’s crying my four-year-old’s crying when Pikachu is whatever and I look over and there’s like Robin Williams across the y and he’s like this you know like all the dads ended up in the lobby just like oh my God will it ever end it was you had to bring a Walkman to that movie that’s what I did I brought a Walkman and I just very slowly inserted it and night hit my barber stri sand tape and I was happy there you go you know yeah well it’s great to see you I’m going to see you out there in a couple days yeah we’re g to have some surprises for you oh really yes oh good to know Robo thank you for being our mystery guest thank you you’re delightful very handsome man we’ll be back with sh after still ahead The Fabulous actor Michael C our next guest currently stars in one of my favorite films of the year The Cider House Rules her new movie reindeer games opens next Friday please welcome back to the show the very beautiful chariss [Applause] [Music] sarin hi Charlie Hi how are you you’re fuzzy I know I’m I’m all fuzzi out I was freezing aren’t you cold I know I don’t know what I was thinking you want me to get your sweatshirt no I’m thinking Hawaii I’m thinking warm well you look good but can I tell you something yes you always look different and every movie every time you he you walk out I’m thinking I haven’t met her yes I have cuz you look different every time oh I’m going to take that as a compliment well well you’re always beautiful but do you do that on purpose to look different cuz well I just I whenever I’m doing press for one movie I’m working on something else and so there’s a whole other look involved right you know like right now I’m wearing Samantha’s hair you know from reindeer games or from another one no this is this is somebody’s hair I don’t know really that’s not your hair at all no these are Hollywood secrets that I should prob wait a second I don’t see any wig line what is it extensions yeah it is can I look under there yeah totally because where do they oh my God they put the extensions up here can I tell you like that that M who was that guy The Mask du guy that gave all the secrets away for for the the mass magician yes you’re the MK actress these are actually hair extensions here is lifeo suction exactly [Applause] but I and these breasts they’re not real you know what I always thought this is how ridiculous I am extensions means they had to extend it from here I didn’t know they extended it from the top really yeah well now you know it’s like little toothpicks in there but it looks nice but what what is this for what movie you doing now uh a film called uh waking up in Reno and I play Arkansas enhance the roots Arkansas lady address those letters to Sherice yes saren not to me I did not say that I cannot believe that you let her say that about Arch it happens to me all the time I know it happens and it’s like you know you say it with the best intention because it’s not I’m I’m not trying to be mean or anything it happened to me the other day I I’ve been doing so much press for RoR games and you know after a while you sit in a room you know this you sit in a room and you did like 70 interviews and by the 50th one you know question one two and three right and three is we Shot the movie in Vancouver and people go so yeah and I loved being there but I don’t want to just keep answering it the same way plus the poor camera guy in there is going insane cuz I keep saying well it’s really great so I started livening it up a little bit and I thought a little humor might be good and I I I started telling the story about which is true cuz I’m a foreigner I’m not American so let’s get that out first right you’re from South Africa yes and going to Vancouver for me is very strange because it’s like a 2hour flight from LA and then you get off and it still looks like America not I mean I know there’s like you know you want to be special but it looks still like America I can still understand everything they say it sounds American right it’s English yeah and then you go to the Coke machine and you try and get a coke with a dollar and it doesn’t work and then you realize ah exactly you know I need to use some other money I’m in a foreign country now now what’s wrong with that is that what you said yeah so this guy wrote in a letter hi there guy um he wrote a letter into Entertainment Weekly saying uh dear Starlet chariss let me help clear up a little issue you might have uh we use different money in Vancouver because ready Vancouver is in Canada check any Atlas and then ouch here this is yours you might want it back and then and then my friend goes my friend goes where’s he from I’m like Ontario where’s that now does it bother you when you refix like that it doesn’t no so you’re better than me sometimes it gets to be mad really not like not something like that I mean I you know I couldn’t care less I love Vancouver and and if I know I do and I know I didn’t offend anybody I’m okay with it it is beautiful there I did a movie there as well it’s lovely it’s so clean and beautiful yeah and you have all these little streets that you can go and sit and drink coffee and it’s just very nice the only difference between Canada and America is Canada is cleaner yeah I think so it is it’s very clean there yeah it’s very clean yeah it’s very very beautiful dear Rosie I love what you said about can I say something nice quickly yeah go ahead okay the mountains are really beautiful too because they have pretty snow good tre good good okay now can I just say something uh very sort of butt kissy I love side house rules so much thank you so what a great movie that is so much that’s not really what you’re here to talk about but no no but it’s we got we got seven Oscar NS seven Oscar nominations I know and I’m so so glad Lassa hallstrom got an a nomination and John Irving and John Irving and Michael Kane I just H I’m just so yeah you know there’s nothing more amazing when when when you work on something than it’s so special and then I just loved it I thought it was absolutely brilliant it broke my heart too you know being an adoptive mom the whole subject matter about adoption and oh my God it just killed me I know not even being a mom just being a a woman and and standing around these kids and you know they all had Parents way back you know hiding behind the Honey Wagon but I was like come home with me I know it’s it’s really it’s so sad and there are still orphanages in America not called that they’re called foster homes or group group foster homes where they have 20 kids you know and if you ever go to visit one of those it’s the same kind of thing all the kids look up at you can you take me home it’s really heartbreaking you you just got a little I have a new baby yes congratulations third one thank you very much delightful a new baby in the house yeah we’re doing a show on March 21st for everybody it’s going to be on March 21st about adoption because a lot of people were curious how I adopted three kids in five years I’m going to tell everybody this is how you do it because there are so many kids who need and I think a lot of misconceptions like I think a lot of people have fears because they hear Bad stories about it taking forever and then you get your hopes up and then it doesn’t go through and right that’s good it’s a lot easier than people think and we’re going to have people in the audience who are School teachers and so that you don’t have to be rich and famous to do it that everybody can do it but anyway while I was just talking about me I’ll I’ll go to a break because that was really bad and uh sorry but I was thinking about the letters to People magazine and how I felt bad when people wrote that and that’s why I went on that tangent and if you get People magazine you’ll see what I mean uh but I shouldn’t be talking about it cuz it’s a negative thing and I really shouldn’t concentrate on the negative hey Rosie Rosie Rosie Rosie it’s okay all right Rosie go to a break Rosie hug me all right just thank you thank you I feel B take a break and we’ll talk about reindeer game so don’t go [Music] [Applause] away so absolutely we’re back with the sh uh whose name I never get right so I like to say it like that hello I’m French sh um now you’re new movie reindeer games with Ben Affleck too I have to say I think he’s like the next Mel Gibson kind of guy don’t you think oh yeah definitely I saw him on the cover some magazine he’s like a hunky young and taller taller hunky studly American he’s just a beautiful beautiful beautiful human being yes he’s a nice guy oh I’ve been so lucky you know it’s always so nice when you get to go and do the job that you love so much and then you get to do it with with nice people right you know yeah and he’s just H you get to play his girlfriend in this his wife I haven’t seen it yet I’m sorry uh I play as mother but no you don’t uh no he uh we play he plays a convict and I uh become a pen pal and we fall in love right yeah and he gets released out of prison and uh my brother played by Gary sise uh is a little bit of a bad guy and uh he wants to Rob this casino and he knows that Ben’s character has information on it so he kind of takes us Hostage to get all this information to Rob this casino got you but it’s a John frankenheimer movie and so it’s very much in that celebratory oldfashioned uh heist movies you know very great but very character-driven we have a clip and this is you and Ben when he gets out of prison and you’re um in bed together correct okay all right take a look ree your games right now only guys I’ve ever been with they never wanted to get to know [Music] me guy like you got to be 6 months before you can even touch my face but when I read what you wrote to me I said here’s a guy they say is a criminal but he’s not cuz he did what he had to do to save somebody and the world just didn’t see it that way state of Michigan anyway you wante me some wonderful things you’re pretty oh thank you you are you always look you look great in movies even you know some people you take their face you make it big it’s not good you know when you first saw yourself on the screen was it freaky oh I I I I and I know a lot of people talk about this and it just it gets old but I really went into a a very very bad depression you did yeah because I saw a screening of to Days in the Valley and the director had to actually come to my house CU he was worried about me I didn’t leave my room for about three days now you thought you looked ugly no I didn’t think I looked ugly I think it’s just shocking to hear yourself and to see yourself and plus the character was so uh you know was so much movie this is what um with James Spader yeah and the and the guns in the valley and two days in the valley yeah yeah that you were good in that I didn’t know that was you though again you don’t look like you and every movie you’re different but yeah I I had a I had a horrible depression and how did you get out of it I I guess uh alcohol helped um good good we’re not recommending that how could you tell the best people to drink that no no not I meant non-alcoholic beverages help exactly um but you just you just kind of have to get over it I guess you know plus time I saw myself in the movie I I thought I was like Sylvester Stallone because I don’t realize I have this thick of an accent cuz I don’t hear it yeah and I saw the movie I felt like yeah we’ll play baseball I couldn’t take it it was horrible it’s the voice that’s the worst The Voice cuz my voice just freaked me out I was like oh my and then you do those interviews and they play those tape back in front of you you hear yourself and you’re like I don’t even want to go on with the interviewer anymore can you write it down or something now when did you lose your uh South African accent um pretty early on on purpose yeah I mean I just couldn’t get a job right you know it’s like you look at the amount of foreign characters that come through and the amount of American characters come through and I realize pretty quickly I had to fake an American accent but it seems effortless to you now like it seems like you’re from Detroit no that’s a good thing you know what I mean like you seem like you it’s not it’s not I I don’t have to try that hard anymore I mean sometimes especially on the early early morning shows I have to really try and pronounce right right then I just become a slow but um but this time is good your show is at a good time all right good uh well tell everyone to go see a movie in your South African accent say reindeer games in South Africa oh I can’t do that come on you can go do it can I say it in Africans sure Africans is that another language yeah can you do subtitles okay yeah okay um reindeer games in a and Ben Affleck Gary sise John frankenheimer is a fantastic FM [Applause] Michael next thank you very [Music] much our next guest is not only delightful and Charming but as of this morning he’s an Academy Award nominee so I have flowers for his roll in the green M take a look your name is John coffee yes sir boss like to drink only not spelled to say oh you can spell can you just my name boss j o my name is Paul edcom if I’m not here you can ask for Mr to williger Mr how or Mr Stanton these gentlemen right there questions do you leave the light on after bedtime cuz I get a little scared in the dark sometime if it’s a strange Place how good is see please welcome back to the show Michael Clark Duncan M oh man how are you what a great morning you just don’t know I got off a flight a couple hours ago from Vegas and I was so worried that I wasn’t going to get nominated cuz they had a camera crew in my hotel room they did and I’m like thinking I said now the goofiest thing can happen is if you don’t get the call and the camera crew is like okay talk to you another time you know everybody’s out of there they don’t want to talk to you so sad oh man but the call came and I tried to call my mother and I could not remember her number no kidding I was so amped I was so geeked up for being Academy Award nominee you don’t know what this means to me oh I can imagine what one of those guys at the factory just a few years ago the gas coming see they were teasing me see you guys you guys you guys come on guys I mean how long ago that’s not that long ago like 6 seven seven years ago at the G right and now here I am on your show Ros it oh this is so nice this is just so sweet so good this is good and here you are at the Golden Gloves looking fine look how handsome you are Michael look at you I was try did you have a good time that night I had a great time with the Golden Globes a matter of fact I was I was kind of nervous cuz I met Joan Rivers for the first time and I know how she talks about and I said look Joan you’re going to talk about me talk about me to my face don’t wait till I leave said why did he wear that suit you know and she she told me that I was one of the one of the best dress there and she gave me oh that was a good one right there yeah cuz that is nerve-wracking it is nerve cuz she trying to look good you try but see Hollywood is so funny you I’m a big person so I stand out and you cannot see that’s why I got on the jeans today I said it’s my my girl Rosie I’m going come cool you know I got off the plane and I feel comfortable smell so good oh baby you always smell nice Michael you did well thank you baby what is that you’re wearing what oh that’s my little secret all right then tell you my secret you should bottle it if it’s you tell now so would you know I think that you’re going to win oh wouldn’t that be nice oh you know what that would thank that be nice thank you guys the thing is is I I try to to take it day by day oh uh which camera we on right there yeah hey Mama how you doing Mama I love you hey Judy and Kansas City and Karen that’s my niece and my sister had to say hi to them all right got that out of the way are you going to bring your mom to the Oscar she said she’s going to come and and if she doesn’t come I have to go with my sister and my niece right cuz they’re they’re the backups okay okay but it’s so funny that you get nominated and you worked your your whole life for something like that and you never think this is going to happen to you and then there’s your big head up there with all these you’re like yes I did it I did it and I was jumping up and down and the camera crew said call your mother and I’m like What’s the number give me the couldn’t think of area cod or nothing I’m telling you now do you think in advance like before the golden gles you think if I win I’m going to say this do you plan a little no I kind of go up there and just add Li if I want I probably knock everybody down and just you know go get my trophy you knowz it’s so fun you I was at the NAACP image Awards I was nominated and I was up for best supporting actor against Denzel Washington and I didn’t see Denzel the whole time I’m looking in the front I’m like no danzel and I’m the next closest person exactly so I give away in Ward and I come back out and I’m just really I’m pumped up and I’m walking and denel says hey young F like a oh hey he how you doing Denzel and and the minute I saw that I said that’s the winner and he and not to take anything away from him cuz he’s a tremendous actor and one day I want to be at that level that Denzel is at and all those great performance in her yes really a great did you see his body yes I did it was chill now see you haven’t noticed mine I’m losing weight excuse me I touched your arm but you know I felt the whole right all right get over here I want to show mus look at that I’m losing though I’m losing you no what are you doing to lose no you know I’m going on I’m on the treadmill every morning 30 minutes walking up really hard and I’m I’ve changed my whole routine from doing that big guy always trying to be the strongest in the gym cuz that’s not getting me any money no it really isn’t it really isn’t and and Hollywood will see me as just that big guy too big yeah and they say well you know Michael’s a great talent but he’s just too big so by the academy time I’m going say it on national TV I’m trying to get down to 280 lb no kidding yes I’m 295 right I’m trying to get down to 280 myself no so you should stay the way you are oh thank you I like you just the way you are baby don’t don’t change change your don’t you go change it I won’t now you have a new movie out now the whole n yard the whole nine yards coming out Friday and with Matt Perry right oh man was he here he was here he is a funny guy oh did he show you how to do those Falls he made me do a pratt fall how did it go it hurt my back Frank really no it didn’t okay but it was he’s good I mean all the scenes in the whole nine yards he changed I mean they were funny but he made them hilarious and there’s a SC when he runs in man and he falls over this lamp and everything oh that guy you put him and Bruce Willis together and you got something great and these guys are fantastic who do you play in this film Frankie figs I’m I’m Bruce will I’m Bruce Willis’s bodyguard okay and we have a clip right do you cool all right take a look the whole nine yards which opens this Friday the 18th Frankie figs Jimmy T what’s going on what’s up baby how you feel welcome to Montreal you looking good thank oh you look worried don’t he look worried Frankie he does man why don’t you relax come on Frankie told me what a standup guy you’ve been now change your pants we’re going out the whole nine yards now you must be getting recognized all over the place now I not Ving Rams anymore no I am Michael Clark Duncan no kidding yes that’s the greatest thing no disrespect to you V you know you got way more money than I do but just to be myself now CU they always thought you were him they all thought I was Ving everybody but you you’ve always treated me like cool and I was so happy to come back here well I was I knew you were going to get nominated so I was happy to book you today you you knew I was how would you know that because it was a brilliant performance it really was and it was so subtle and gentle and layered and it was so good I really love thank you it was a you know what the the most thing that the thing that I’m most proud about is the The Green Mile best picture nomination and best screenplay cuz that means my whole cast well it was an ensemble piece and everybody everyone added the fromp to bottom was solid in that movie well I can’t wait to see how far you go because you’re such a great ad you got to have me back again anytime you want thank you baby the Academy Awards I’ll be looking to see you at 280 all right okay I’m going be there 2 Michael Academy Award nominee we’ll be right back after [Music] this all right everybody um I have a little song that we wrote for Jerry Lewis whoopy Goldberg lucil bow Rosanne and Goldie horn kild the r Gracie Allen and the list goes on Carol bur at Jerry deal what planet are you on women always make us left don’t be such a [Music] hey lady hey lady on Wednesday show Michael Douglas will be here and Tracy Chapman how I love her new CD and on Friday that’s what I was asking Corin is the human interest

The one hundred and sixth episode of the fourth season of The Rosie O’Donnell Show. Featuring guests: Rob Lowe, Charlize Theron, and Michael Clarke Duncan.


  1. This episode aired live on Tuesday, February 15th, 2000.

    This might be the last live show for a few weeks. We are about to enter the stretch of Backstage Pass and Grammy Award shows.

  2. Rosie admitted later in an interview that she always knew who the mystery guest was and she just played it off. So this is all an act, but it doesn’t matter because we love Rosie.

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