90s movie moment: 200 Cigarettes (1999) and photos from the premiere

Posted by emeraldnob


  1. Careful_Swan3830 on

    I know I’ve seen this movie but I can’t remember the plot even a little

  2. Upset_Performance291 on

    I LOVE this movie! Such an underrated gem with a very cool cast. Definitely an essential 90’s film for me

  3. Loooove this movie but I haven’t seen it in ages! Thanks for the reminder that I’ll need to track it down one if these days.

    Casey Affleck’s character was the pinnacle of babe when I was younger.

  4. FloatingNightmare on

    I don’t remember anything about the movie, but I looooved the soundtrack.

  5. Wow! I have never even heard of this movie. The idea of Courtney and Paul in the same orbit is blowing my mind a little.

  6. Oh MAN do I ADORE this movie. They didn’t give Chapelle any love here tho 🙁

  7. I heard there’s an issue with the licensure for the music. I hope they can resolve this, because this movie is hilarious and I want to watch it again.

  8. lepetitgrenade on

    Courtney Love is excellent in this film and Paul Rudd is so hot that I wanna cry.

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