Khloé and Kim Kardashian Support True, Chicago and Dream at Their Dance Recital

get ready for some Kardashian cuteness Chloe and Kim Kardashian are saying Bravo to their daughters and nieces on June 23rd Khloe shares a cute pick of her and her sister supporting true Chicago and dream after their adorable dance recital captioning the post quote my girls had their dance recital yesterday year three done she continues I can’t believe they already have done 3 years of dance life is moving quickly they did two dances this year ballet and Hip-Hop I am so so proud of them they were absolutely perfect in the pick the mom of two is with her sister Kimmy and her daughter as the girl cousins look adorable in their pink Tut all glammed out for their show the reality star also shared a video from the show and you can hear them all cheering [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in other picks in the post Chloe shows of an outfit change from the performance a red and white pinstripe inspired tutu and a red baseball cap with matching socks resembling a baseball uniform it’s good to see Kim All Smiles in Mommy Mode as she shared in a recent episode of the Kardashians just how hard raising four kids can get sometimes you know I’ll always be there for my kids and I will write out anything with them but to say that it doesn’t take an emotional toll sometimes would be lying it’s been so hard for me this week in that area managing four kids in a household when they’re like not getting along and they all want different things and I’m only one person this always shuts them up I always say okay guys do you want me to just cut myself in half or in fours and a part will go with you a part will go with you and they like look at me like no don’t ever do that and I’m like okay well that’s the only option if you all want me at the same exact time we’ve got to chill like I’ll put everyone to bed at a different time we have to space this out [Music]

Khloé Kardashian shares pictures and videos from True, Chicago and Dream’s June 22nd dance recital.


  1. Khloe places True so that she doesn't appear gigantic like the Gap in the front of her Mouth. Mixed kids features and hair change look at Tatum 😢

  2. I will never understand why these schools and dance classes make these little girls wear lipstick and makeup. Every time I see dance recitals the kids are in makeup and it’s not necessary. Makeup does not help you dance better. Let kids be kids. Playing with makeup is for at home only IMO.

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