Susan Dey Refused To Attend ‘The Partridge Family’ Reunion Because Of This One Co-Star-

welcome to past Paradise where we explore your favorite ventage TV series Secret Story lines and hidden drama today we reveal why Susan day skipped The Partridge Family Reunion as a prominent character in the 1970s comedy her disappearance aroused considerable conjecture what created the Gap after all these years in 2024 additional information revealed the ongoing issues with one co-star stay tuned as we disclose the newest Insider information and examine the complicated factors that kept Susan Day from the reunion Limelight surely was related to Keith in real life several of the cast members are related Shirley Jones the actress who portrays Shirley Partridge is linked to her onscreen son David Cassidy who portrays Jones’s son Keith Partridge is her stepmother when the two divorced in 1974 they had been married for over 20 years the family remained close after the divorce and continued to communicate in the years that followed Shirley made an effort to be involved in David’s life despite his difficulties but in the Years leading up to his passing their distance increased taking advantage of them blindly The Partridge Family was created and produced by screen gems Sony a company earning Millions from the popular program despite this the cast was grossly undercompensated given the show’s enormous popularity David cast the show’s main musical performer was only paid $600 weekly his revenues were absurd when compared to the amount put into the production which was over 10 times greater every week thankfully it turned out that David had signed the initial contract while underage so he was entitled to renegotiate the conditions his weekly pay increased to a more manageable level after that Shirley Jones Shirley Jones born in 1934 in Pennsylvania began acting early after declining the part of Carol Brady the mother of The Brady Bunch she started playing Shirley Partridge on The Partridge Family in 1970 until the series conclusion in 1974 Shirley Jones performed the role of the mother of The Partridge Family after that the actress had trouble finding employment because of her increased notoriety from the part but Jones quickly returned to the public eye and since then has been nominated for and won several accolades for her performances Jones is an active member of PETA and acts largely in theater performances these days David Cassidy born in 1950 in New York City David Cassidy is the son of actors Jack Cassidy and Evelyn ward he started pursuing an acting career in his teens which picked up steam in the late 1960s Cassidy’s major break came from The Partridge Family before this he had mostly modest roles in TV series his career took off thanks to this new chance and he succeeded greatly producers said Cassidy’s androgynous good looks led to his casting in the series because of his attractiveness he rose to prominence as a Teenage heartthrob in the 197s and attracted much attention in his later years Cassidy supported himself as a musician experiencing widespread Acclaim in the 1970s and 1980s due to his propensity for drug usage and his serious alcoholism later in life Cassidy cut himself apart from his friends and family sadly he passed away in 2017 at the age of 67 from liver failure not everything is sunshine and rainbows the unexpected stardom of David Cassidy was not as carefree as one would imagine it became a major issue as Cassidy’s initial contract granted him no protection or control over his name or appearance businesses may use his image and likeness on anything including lunch boxes and posters without obtaining his consent or paying him royalties the fame of Cassidy was likewise rather chaotic even while Teen Idol culture was relatively young it was powerful numerous times when Cassidy returned home he discovered admirers sleeping in his vehicle after it had been broken into nude ladies inside his home and followers waiting to crowd his doorway the young guy found found himself in a dangerous environment Danny badui Danny Partridge the basist of The Partridge Family band was portrayed by Danny badui as the redheaded middle kid at 11 he started working on the program and for his performance he was given the child actor Lifetime Achievement Award after starting as a child star badui hosted his radio program the Danny badui show and had numerous other popular radio programs he had a short career in professional wrestling after his radio career in addition to becoming a star in Hulk Hogan’s celebrity championship wrestling he mostly performed in charity matches Brian Forster on the program Brian Forster portrayed Chris Partridge Jeremy Gil performed the part for the first time before being replaced in 1971 Forster was destined for greatness he comes from a long family of wealthy individuals Forster is the stepgrandson of renowned British actor Alan Napier and the son of British Cinema star Peter forer in addition he is the great great great grandson of renowned novelist Charles Dickens following his stent on The Partridge Family he had no more onscreen work and went on to work as a professional race car driver in North Carolina and as a stunt vehicle driver replacing Chris Partridge Jeremy Gilbo was forced into acting by his parents and and he had strain relationships with his producers and co-stars after a year the producers decided to replace him for their benefit and that of Jeremy and what do you know nobody paid attention the program went on as normal and the studio never received a single letter or complaint about the changeover Brian forer assumed Chris’s role for the last three years of the show’s run without anybody noticing Forster and Gilbo both appeared in The Partridge Family Reunion TV special sharing their opinions on the program and their experiences as Chris Partridge Fame and jealousy surley Jones wedged Jack Cassidy from 1956 to 1974 but their Union was called off for an unexpected cause her husband got quite envious when she started playing The Partridge Family and started to succeed in the business and their marriage suffered badly as a result he turned to adultery because of his alcoholism and jealousy years later Jones remarked his overriding sense of inferiority in the face of My Success drove him into the arms of other women even more often than before David Cassidy subsequently revealed that his father had battled alcoholism and anger management which led to unpredictable behavior and ultimately the breakup of the couple Suzanne KRA Tracy Partridge the youngest member of The Partridge Family was portrayed by Suzanne crra as the the family band’s tambourine player it was Crow’s first acting job at 9 years old after the program ended she continued to play a few small parts before deciding to give up the Limelight and lead a regular life crra ran and owned a Bookshop for several years after becoming 18 years old she resided in Nevada with her two kids after getting married in 2015 Crow unexpectedly passed away from a genetic cardiac condition in a memorial Danny bonad GUI said everyone thought I’d be the first Partridge to go sadly it was little Tracy Suzanne was a wonderful lady and a good mom she will be missed her co-stars Express their sadness over her passing Dave Madden Dave Madden was reared by his aunt and uncle in Indiana from an early age after being born in Canada in 1931 despite his early enlistment in the US Air Force he has always loved humor and Performing after serving in the Air Force he worked on several comedic series including appearances on Camp runamuk and the Ed Sullivan Show subsequently he achieved more success as manager and agent Ruben Kade for The Partridge Family Band After the program ended Madden got a few small TV parts throughout his youth he developed a strong interest in photography and a Pastime out of it in 2014 Dave Matten at 82 years old passed away under hospice care partridges who did you know that the actual tale of the cill family band inspired The Partridge Family the mother was the family’s leader which included six boys and one daughter the song The Rain the park and other things was one of the band’s few small successes in the 1960s the program was originally developed to cast the genuine calil family as the partridges as desired by the Sony producers the cils were not not pleased when the producers decided later in the discussions that they wanted to replace the mother with Shirley Jones the calil family decline the chance because it was all or nothing Brady is not Partridge Shirley Jones was originally slated to play Carol the mother on The Brady Bunch but she declined the role stating although I loved the script and felt that she Partridge was destined to become the first working mother on TV I turned it down because I didn’t want to be the mother taking the roast out of the oven and not doing much else ultimately Shirley Jones decided to take on the role of Shirley Partridge for two reasons first because working on the series would let me be an almost full-time mom and raise my kids the romance of Cassidy and day for the duration of the program Susan day who portrayed Lori the second oldest child had intense feelings for her co-star David Cassidy Cassidy subsequently said that he he was aware of day’s long-standing desire but chose to wait to act on it until the 1974 finale of the program the two started dating after the program ended but regrettably their relationship was short-lived years after their relationship ended Cassidy wrote about it in full in his book Susan was not delighted when he revealed maybe more information about their connection that was acceptable their relationship ended with the book’s publication and the two never spoke again the Ricky Stevens the show’s creators introduced the character of Ricky Stevens when the show’s ratings started to decline Ricky was cute even at four years old and the expectation was that he would increase viewership in the next season to capitalize on the Jackson 5es popularity at the time the producers originally intended to include a young African-American youngster in the program however they ultimately changed their mind and chose to go with a small Caucasian youngster London tragedy David Cassidy’s musical career was greatly aided by The Partridge Family and once the program ended his notoriety skyrocketed one terrible incident happened in 1974 when they performed at London’s White City Stadium fascinated by Cassidy’s stunning appearance a throng rushed to the platform stomping on those nearest it 30 of the almost 8 00 wounded in the rush required hospitalization one of the 30 people sent to the hospital bernardet wheen 14 never made it out of the hospital wheen had a persistent heart problem and the stress of the encounter led to a cardiac attack 4 days later she died tragically in the hospital when questioned later about the little girl’s death Cass City said that it would follow him into the hereafter distressor badui due to his difficult upbringing Danny badui was quite a troublemaker even as a young child Danny’s onscreen mother Shirley Jones who subsequently served as his Guardian in real life said of him Dany was a wild child who came from an unhappy home at 11: he started smoking like many child stars his family life was negatively impacted by the Limelight he grew up in his regular and even chaotic conduct did not improve after his harsh uppr bringing it persisted into adulthood the partridges house if you think the Partridge Family House seems familiar don’t worry it was a set used several times in addition the house served as the residence of the neighboring spies who lived next door to the Stevenson in the television series Bewitched Dennis the Menace I Dream of Genie and The Donna Reed Show fans of these well-known programs from the 1960s and 1970s noted many parall s and the sets but no one seemed too concerned Reese Witherspoon appeared in Pleasantville a movie that also used the set the family owned a dog called Simone during the program’s first season as many of you may recall the dog somehow vanished from the program throughout the first and second seasons and was never seen or discussed again we can only hope that the dog was discarded because it was deemed unnecessary for the plot and an unnecessary expense it is conceivable however that the dog did not survive to see the second season and the program chose not to discuss it to avoid negative publicity though we hope it was the initial choice this one is up to interpretation reunions in the years after the show’s conclusion Susan day has been unable to attend cast reunions due to her and David Cassidy’s romantic troubles it is unknown if the two made up before Cassidy died in 2017 but it’s highly unlikely what a shame for the once lovers Shirley Jones commented on the situation she and David had Grown Apart and nowadays they are completely out of touch which hurts David tremendously I was also hurt that out of everyone on the show only Susan consistently refuses to participate in TV reunions of The Partridge Family Partridge Family in animation after a brief run on television The Partridge Family was can canell due to low ratings similar to most spin-offs the show’s popularity prompted the creation of an animated spin-off Partridge Family 2200 ad David Cassidy and Shirley Jones declined to participate in the project and Danny badui and Susan day provided limited voice roles sometimes it’s best to let a show go out of business guest stars because of its immense popularity the show featured several well-known guest stars throughout its four Seasons notable names include Farah faucet Johnny Cash who appeared in the pilot episode jod Foster jacqulyn Smith Cheryl lad and Mark Hamill the list goes on and on and considering the show was only on the air for 4 years this is a significant number of guest stars Final Destination The Partridge Family bus a 1957 Chevrolet 6800 Superior is widely recognized as one of the most iconic symbols of the show when viewers saw the bus zooming on their TV screens they instantly felt delighted in The Partridge Family pilot episode the family finds the bus at a car dealership and takes it home to give it the iconic paint job we know and love however behind the scenes the screen gems TV studio purchased the bus for $500 from the Orange County School District the bus was parked behind a taco shop on Martin Luther King Boulevard after the show ended presumably to increase the establishment’s visibility years of disuse and neglect caused the bus to be officially put out of commission and taken to a dumpyard intended for just Shirley to sing Shirley Jones was the only cast member originally scheduled to sing but after hearing David Cassidy’s demo The Producers decided he would be a great addition to the tracks with his amazing voice he was able to sing alongside his stepmother on the show and maybe this was the start of his musical career after the show ended Cassidy singing career took off we are grateful that The Partridge Family producers saw fit to hire him in place of Keith Partridge when the show’s fourth season was about to end the producers faced a dilemma David Cassidy wanted to focus on his music and leave the show to pursue it since the show was so popular they wanted to renew it for a fifth season but they need needed a replacement for the heartthrob David so they cast talented musician Rick Springfield in his place however things didn’t quite work out that way and the show was not renewed for a fifth season no one could replace the great David Cassidy memorize his lines the young Danny badui struggled greatly to learn his lines because he was dyslexic but he also had a photographic memory which helped him remember them much better Danny frequently got into trouble with the other cast members because he would correct them on their lines even though his photographic memory helped him remember them the voice of David Cassidy in actuality David Cassidy’s voice is very different from what we hear on the show The Singing portions were all pre-recorded in a recording studio where the producers adjusted Cassidy’s voice to sound more appealing to audiences although Cassidy had a natural Talent having a higher pitched voice at the time was more fashionable so they made the necessary adjustments to fit the times battle with notoriety surley Jones said being famous was not always as glamorous as it seemed the public continued to find it hard to separate the Partridge Family from the real life actors playing them which could sometimes cause serious problems in our lives not only did her popularity lead to the breakdown of her 20-year marriage but it also made it different ult for her to lead a normal life because the music created for the show frequently charted in real life making it difficult for the public to distinguish between fact and fiction Additionally the public believed that Jones was David Cassidy’s mother which led to many issues between Jones and his real Mother Evelyn Ward the challenges many people who become famous at a young age find that adulthood is difficult David cast he struggled personally and got into much trouble with the law he filed for bankruptcy had three DUIs went through three divorces and owed creditors an astounding $400,000 David had severe alcoholism from a young age he entered treatment for his addiction in 2012 but it seemed that the damage had already been done because he later died from it his alcoholism caused him to have liver and kidney failure more part partridges were sold as previously stated the music written for the show was incredibly successful more successful than anyone could have imagined their song I Think I Love You from the 1970 album The Partridge Family album shot to the top of the charts both domestically and abroad reaching number one on the billboard charts in November 1970 and outs selling the Beetles hit song let it be this shows just how popular The Partridge Family was so much so that they even eclipsed one of the greatest bands ever singing of her co-stars Charley Jones was vocal about her dissatisfaction with her co-star’s singing abilities she believed only her stepson David Cassidy possessed the talent to sing on the show Jones frequently made statements claiming that the voices of Susan day Suzanne KRA jery Gil Brian Forster and Danny badui were completely unsatisfactory not able to play we mentioned that the public was often confused by the show’s fictitious elements often thinking of them as real this was true for not only the actors personal lives but also their musical talents the fans thought that The Partridge Family could play all the instruments they were shown to play in the show not understanding that it was all fiction there was only one actor on the show who could play an instrument and that was David Cassidy Susan day after leaving The Partridge Family Susan day became well known in Hollywood she starred in some TV shows including La law for which she won an Emmy a Golden Globe and an award for best television actress in 1988 following La law they worked in movies and TV shows like Echo Park bed of Lies Hawaii 5 and Third Watch however her career in Show Business ended in 2004 when she made her last onscreen appearance problems with body image the fast Ascent to fame and the Hollywood Spotlight was difficult for Susan day who struggled with her body image and began to restrict her food intake dieting and restriction were a slippery slope for Susan and she quickly became very underweight reaching a dangerous low of 92 lb Susan didn’t notice a problem with her weight at first it wasn’t until Danny bonuchi saw her in a bathing suit and commented on her near skeletal form that Susan realized she had a problem previously they had made a living as a model however it wasn’t until her acting career took off that she achieved any success a somber conclusion even though the show ended many years ago there was still animosity between some of the cast members David Cassidy maintained friendships with most cast members and maintained communic ation with Danny badui until his death but not all of his co-stars did Susan day refused to go to any reunions and distanced herself from the show after it ended the late Cassidy said this was probably because he had mentioned in his autobiography that he and day had spent a few nights together when they were younger it is unclear if Susan day will attend reunions now that Cassidy has passed away if you’ve watched the video till here that means you’ve enjoyed the video subscribe don’t forget to turn on the notifications Bell icon

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  1. Are you AI? You get and mispronounce so many thing. You show Danny when talking about Brian. You show a lunchbox for the cowboy star Hoppalong Cassidy when talking about David Cassidy. You say the family on Bewitched are the Stevensons when their last name are the Stephens. You are either AI or have a real uninformed Reseiarch department or your staff, including the narrarator is dumb.

  2. I saw two mistakes in this. That was Johnny Bench and NOT Johnny Cash, who guest starred. Then I was thinking about how having a photographic memory would help someone with DYSLEXIA (a reading disorder) to remember other cast members lines?? 😂😂

  3. Bad AI script! “David Cassidy, who portrays Jones’ son Keith Partridge is her stepmother. When the two divorced …” 😂🙄 They apparently picked up their script from some online articles but cut out chunks (namely the part that introduces Jack Cassidy) and maybe picked up the word stepmother from another part of it.

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