‘It Ends With Us’ Author Colleen Hoover Shares Her ‘Non-Negotiables’ for Blake Lively-Led Film

I [Music] didn’t her music is just like unmatched her writing is so beautiful and it’s so personal and you can feel that this woman’s story and her journey which is so faceted and complex and you know having another woman who authors her journey and has you know very faceted complex stories like you know overlaying those I think that resonated with people uh yeah it did the trailer has more than 17 million views on YouTube which is no surprise Colleen Hoover’s bestselling novel has an extremely dedicated fan base who had a lot of opinions when set photos of Blake as lily bloom surface online some people will always like a book better than a movie and some people will like a movie better than a book we just did our best to honor the book and honor the fans now Colleen what were some of the non-negotiables there’s a couple of quotes that um I don’t want to spoil for people who haven’t seen the movie but um we got them in there and they’re all to do with Alice man like he’s my favorite character wait what this is how I find out the movie in theaters August 9th is not Blake’s first book to big screen Rodeo she recently wrapped filming for a simple favor too you want to get out of here Mommy needs a drink Blake What’s three words you would use to describe what’s in store oh goodness wild Couture oh yes okay and Capri oh it was amazing and like I live in Capri now I don’t know just at me that’s where I live

Author Colleen Hoover and Blake Lively chat with ET’s Denny Directo about the upcoming film adaptation of the best-selling book, ‘It Ends With Us.’ Blake Lively sends a message to superfans of the book and gushes on Taylor Swift’s music being included in the trailer for the movie. ‘It Ends With Us’ is in theaters Aug. 9.


  1. Idk if it’s just me but I feel like both main characters are badly casted 😅… I like BL but… idk why I feel like she isn’t the way I imagined Lili… no hate tho..

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