Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs 2019 Animated Film | Chloë Grace Moretz

red shoes and the Seven Dwarfs is almost unwatchable because the music is significantly louder than the dialogue and there is music in a lot of this we don’t get a lot of resp bite from the loud music and not all of the music is great and sometimes the music will stop and then it will start again in random places and maybe I’m just more aware of that because it was so irritating to listen to so on the one hand I think it’s an interesting concept and I will of course talk more about that but on the other it was an exceptionally excruciating experience now I will point out I watched it on now TV in the UK the sound might be better mixed in other places maybe there was an issue with the upload or the rendering I don’t really know what I’m talking about but I’m just saying benefit of the doubt possibly is that it could be an issue with the upload on now TV the audio might actually be significantly better elsewhere so if you have access to it maybe give it a go but certainly if you’re watching it on now TV the music is just painfully loud compared to the dialogue and I was straining to hear it I won’t go on about it any longer but long story short I watched it there were some interesting bits I will talk about those now but it was ultimately a pretty horrendous experience this was released in 2019 it’s also known as Snow White in the red shoes and this is directed by son Hong and it’s it’s an interesting concept we do have a good voice cast which is one of the reasons why I was particularly interested in watching this we do have Chloe Grace morrettes as snow white or red shoes as she goes by and the voice acting absolutely fine no problems with what I could hear at the very least and Snow White is plump and that in itself I wasn’t sure what they were doing with it to begin with but actually if you stick with the film it is ultimately a film about body positivity about accepting people for who they are about accepting yourself for who you are and also about not changing your behavior towards somebody based on their appearance so we do have some really brilliant messages if you were to give up with the film quite early on for example because the music is painful then that message might not be there and you might be wondering well what are they doing with this and that’s one of the reasons why I was able to continue watching this despite the horrendous music because I was really curious to find out what they were actually doing with this and I do think that eventually the message became very clear and very well delivered red shoes is actually the name that Snow White adopts because she puts on these magical red shoes and they transform her into society’s idea of a beautiful woman and she meets these dwarfs these Dwarfs are actually princes and they have been well I won’t actually spoil it completely but they have been turned into dwarfs so obviously they look very different as well and I like that we have kind of different angles for the same message in different perspectives I think that was a really good decision and I don’t want to say too much more about the narrative but it’s all about this journey of discovering the importance of what’s on the inside and also accepting oneself and as I said assessing how you judge people based on their appearance and how your actions might change if their appearance were to change and we have some interesting character relationships and the animation itself is really pleasing as well I really like the design of Snow White and the design of red shoes and I particularly lik the design of Queen Regina she’s played or or voiced by Gina Garian and I thought she looked fantastic really effective character design all of the characters look really good the the settings are beautiful the backdrops are lovely usually it’s a really satisfying film the story is a really interesting one and I think quite a brave one as well as I think if they’d maybe not got the message quite right it could have been a disaster but I think actually it it works well in my opinion I think they did a pretty good job with it the only issue I have and to be fair it is kind of a big one is the Diabolical music the music itself is not great sometimes it’s okay sometimes the the music is a bad choice but ultimately it’s the really poor editing because I don’t know why they thought the music should be that loud to the point where it’s drowning out the dialogue but again I will say benefit of the doubt maybe it’s an issue with the version on now TV if anybody has watched it elsewhere and can confirm that the music in other places is absolutely fine please feel free to share that information do I recommend it well it’s a difficult one because it was a painful experience if it sounds like something that would really appeal to you or if you’re really fascinated to see how they do this or if the animation style looks really Pleasant to you and you think you’re going to really enjoy the bulk of the film then give it a go and indeed the music might be better so give it a go anyway but if you start watching it and realize that the music is very badly done where you’re watching it as well I’d say it’s interesting but don’t put yourself through pain to watch it it’s not the best film ever it’s decent I’m glad that I got to the end of it but I most certainly wouldn’t be watching it again and if you decide that it’s just not worth the ear pain then I’d say you’re not missing out on anything that would be worth sitting through that discomfort

MY BOOKS: What’s your review of the 2019 animated film Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs? It stars Chloë Grace Moretz as the voice of Snow White. [OPEN FOR LINKS AND FACTS!] #RedShoesandtheSevenDwarfs #SnowWhite #animation #animatedfilm #filmreview #filmreviews #moviereview #moviereviews #film #films #movie #movies Do you want to watch Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!

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About Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs 2019

Wondering where to watch Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs plot from IMDb:

The trailer can be found online.

Cast and Characters:
Chloë Grace Moretz as Snow White/Red Shoes
Sam Claflin as Merlin
Gina Gershon as Queen Regina
Patrick Warburton as the Magic Mirror
Jim Rash as Prince Average
Simon Kassianides as Arthur
Frederik Hamel as Jack
Nolan North as Hans, the Twin Guards, King White
Frank Todaro as Pino, Noki, and Kio
Brian T. Delaney as Big Bunny and Sculptor
Piotr Michael and Benjamin Diskin as two armored knights
Ava Kolker, Asher Blinkoff, and Juju Journey Brener as the Wooden Bear Cubs

Directed by Sung-ho Hong
Written by Sung-ho Hong
Music by Geoff Zanelli
Production company: Locus Corporation
Distributed by Next Entertainment World[
Release date
July 25, 2019 (South Korea)


  1. You know it’s actually funny. I remember watching this movie about 2-3 years ago roughly. I can’t remember how long ago it was. Personally I didn’t think it was too bad and thought it was quite an interesting spin on the story but it’s honestly really forgettable overall. I probably wouldn’t rewatch it again at all but I think it’s just as well I didn’t watch the Now TV. Doesn’t sound like the best version of this movie at all. I didn’t even realise this came out in 2019. Literally 5 years ago! How time just flies by like that. Not a voice cast either.

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