Kim K GONE MAD After North West INSULTED Her On North’s 11th BIRTHDAY PARTY

looks like there was some serious birthday drama at northwest’s 11th celebration on June 15th according to the latest Buzz North didn’t just ignore her mother Kim Kardashian she publicly snubbed her choosing instead to spend all her time with her dad Kanye West it’s no secret that North has a close bond with Kanye often preferring his company but this public display seems to hint at deeper family tensions rumor has it that North is fed up with Kim’s Behavior especially her tendency to use North for financial gains and media attention this birthday party incident might be North’s way of making a statement Kardashian 43 shared a series of videos via Instagram stories showing off her eldest daughter’s birthday festivities on Saturday June 15th at the American dream Mall in East Rutherford New Jersey the second largest shopping mall in the United States doubles as an indoor theme park complete with amusement rides ski slopes and a water park along with North’s friends and family Kardashian was joined by best friend laala Anthony and influencer Kai senat North’s cousin Penelope dik was also in attendance Kardashian celebrated her daughter in a sweet post via Instagram as well thank God for you happy 11th birthday my sweet girl North I love you so so so much Kardashian captioned the post which included a carousel of photos of the motherdaughter duo Kim Kardashian always in the public eye now faces the challenge of addressing these apparent strains in her relationship with North while Kanye continues to be the favorite parent in North’s eyes Kim’s actions and the impact they have on her children are under intense scrutiny it’s clear that things are far from perfect behind the scenes Northwest makes startling decision chooses to live with Kanye and Bianca alleges exploitation by Kim Kardashian in a groundbreaking Revelation that has rocked the Kardashian Jenner family Northwest the eldest daughter of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian has made the Bold decision to leave her mother’s custody and join her father Kanye West and stepmother Bianca northwest’s decision to depart from Kim Kardashian’s care comes amidst shocking allegations of exploitation and mistreatment the young ays has reportedly expressed feeling used and monetized by her mother with claims that Kim Kardashian prioritized financial gain over her daughter’s wellbeing in a candid statement Northwest revealed feeling safe and happy in the care of Kanye and Bianca full Family Affair at Universal Studios Hollywood so Kanye was there with his new wife Bianca sori and Northwest where they were playing carnival games everyone looks very happy show me what you got let me see the skills that’s fire highlighting the stark contrast in her experiences between her parents the Revelation has sent shock waves through the Kardashian Jenner Empire prompting reflection and regret from Kim Kardashian sources close to the family suggest that Kim Kardashian is deeply remorseful for her actions and the mistreatment of her daughter the realization of North’s departure has reportedly LED Kim to confront her past behavior and vow to make amends recognizing the importance of prioritizing her daughter’s happiness and emotional well-being as the news spreads the public is left in disbelief at the apparent Rift within the Kardashian Jenner Clan with many expressing sympathy for Northwest and admiration for her courage in speaking out against exploitation the incident serves as a sobering reminder of the complexities of parenting in the spotlight and the profound impact of familial relationships in the wake of this Revelation two pressing questions remain how will Kim Kardashian navigate the aftermath of North’s departure and what does the future hold for the Kardashian Jenner family amidst this unprecedented upheaval stay tuned as we continue to unravel the intricacies of this evolving family Saga many argue that at the young age of 10 North should be given the opportunity to enjoy her childhood without the pressures and expectations that come with heavily glamorized appearances the photos in question depict North wearing sparkly acrylic nails fake eyelashes and bold lipstick which further fueled the Public’s outrage critics argue that such choices not only contribute to the sexualization and premature maturity of young girls but also send out a harmful message that places an undue emphasis on appearance and superficial Beauty Kim Kardashian’s choice to allow her young daughter to dress up in a manner that is typically associated with older individuals has raised concerns and criticisms from various angles one of the primary concerns is the potential impact on North’s development and self-esteem childhood is a crucial stage in a person’s life where they learn and grow exploring their own identity and sense of self by allowing North to dress in a way that is often considered more suited for someone older there is a risk of her being exposed to adult Concepts and pressures at a young age this can potentially hinder her ability to develop a healthy self-image and may lead to an unhealthy preoccupation with appearance and external validation moreover by endorsing such choices Kim Kardashian May inadvertently be perpetuating the sexualization of young girls this can reinforce harmful societal messages that place undue emphasis on physical appearance and promote a narrow and unrealistic definition of beauty it is crucial to prioritize the emotional well-being and healthy development of children allowing them the freedom to explore their personal style and interests without the burden of adul eye expectations as a parent in the public eye Kardashian has a responsibility to set a positive example for her children and the countless young followers who look up to her allowing North to dress in a manner more suited for someone older May confuse and blur the boundaries of age appropriate behavior sending a concerning message about about the appropriate stages of development and self-expression for young individuals this is not the first time Kardashian’s parenting choices have been called into question as a prominent figure in the entertainment industry Kardashians children have been growing up in the constant scrutiny of the public eye some argue that this level of exposure can have detrimental effects on a child’s development and self-image it’s important to note that while this incident has sparked condemnation and concern everyone’s opinions on on parenting Styles may vary some argue that it is ultimately up to the parents to make decisions regarding their child’s appearance and self-expression however others raise valid concerns about the potential long-term impacts these choices may have on a child’s self-esteem self-worth and societal expectations North always wanted to be with Kanye West after Kim filed for divorce from Kanye Kanye publicly expressed concern that Kim would spoil their kids and turn them into the next generation of Fame obsessed Kardashian influencers but when Kanye first started talking about his concerns in public most people criticized him for harassing him and making her look like a bad mom however the latest reports are showing that Kanye’s worries weren’t baseless and a Kardashian Insider revealed that Kim is in fact indulging the kids too much with material things while letting Nanny do most of the raising and disciplining Kanye first bow the tea about Kim relying on Nanny too much in his track easy with the game I got love for the nannies family is better the cameras watch the kids I stop taking the credit Kanye then straight up called Kim out for going overboard with giving the kids too much stuff and said the kids are already becoming too entitled and spoiled however when Kim was chatting with J shett back in May she was talking big about how she handles everything solo from getting the kids ready for school to cooking their meals Kim also claimed that she’s holding it down all by herself and having to play the roles of both mom and dad to the kids you have no idea what’s going on it’s like I always have to do one of my daughter’s hair and it has to be perfect and it has to be a certain way and then this one needs me to put his shoes on and they all need you and they all it’s like full crazy Madness cooking running around like it’s it’s wild sometimes they’re fighting and there’s no one there like it’s it’s me to play good cop and bad cop so like that is definitely a challenge but little did Kim know that her own kids would end up exposing her especially her firstborn North who is becoming more like her dad every single day by the way however it looks like Kim is losing the grip of her narrative because not only did one of her Kardashian insiders expose her about spending very little time with her kids but North is now publicly claiming she’d rather live with her dad Kanye because he doesn’t have nannies Kardashian Insider who spoke to life and style last month said that Kim buys the kid everything they ask for but she’s leaving the difficult parts of raising the kids to the nannies this Insider said that Kim is shelling out around $100,000 a year to the nannies to look after her four little ones adding that the kids are definitely spoiled the source said however the Kardashian Insider quickly came to Kim’s defense when they realized how bad this makes Kim look and they said Kim is working crazy hours so she simply has no other option but to have a bunch of nannies taking care of the kids she has the means to provide really cool things and they’re good kids The Source said adding that the nannies work very long hours for Kim because Kim also works a lot like 14 to 16-hour days but it seems like fans are not buying this idea that Kim K has 16-hour work days and even if she does it’s her choice because how much more money does she need she could easily dial back the work to spend more time with her kids and on top of that fans also noticed that the kids ain’t really attached to Kim and it looks like she has no authority over them but now North who may be just 10 years old but she’s already rebelling against Kim big time and exposing her for not spending enough time with her kids North actually started doing this a while back and she straight up called Kim out multiple times for acting fake on social media and stressing more about her followers than her own kids it’s really important to also do mental health checks on your friends and your Lov ones kid not your friend and while Kim initially tried to laugh off North’s comments it looks like she now has a real situation on her hands because North is asking to move in with her dad and Blasting Kim for using nannies and chefs instead of being a present parent in the November 2nd episode of the Kardashians on Hulu Kim was seen complaining to Courtney how every time North comes back from visiting Kanye she cries and berates her for not living a more simple life North she’ll go to her dad she’ll be like Dad is the best he has it all figured out he doesn’t have a nanny he doesn’t have a chef he doesn’t have security he lives in an apartment and she’ll start crying why don’t you have an apartment I can’t believe we don’t have an apartment Kim shared that North loves cooking so Kanye always spends time with her in the kitchen making simple meals but back at the Kim K Mansion the chefs take care of all the kids meals however Kim then seemingly threw some shade at Kanye by suggesting he shouldn’t be praised for doing something as simple as cooking Ramen with nor we make our own food that’s amazing that you make ramen you know like great you know but C fans are saying that Kim obviously doesn’t understand it’s not about Ramen it’s about spending quality time with the kids and actually being present sounds like North is saying she misses having quality time at home because at Kim K’s there’s always a team of people on Deck to do everything for her and she can’t have a normal family day with her mom plus the fact that Kim went against Kanye’s wishes and continued to expose her kids on social media and on her reality show is another thing that probably adds to North’s frustration and why she prefers being at Kanye’s Place With No cameras following her everywhere one fan said Kim always made them Nanny’s babysits since each kid was fresh out the womb I think North probably wants to spend actual quality time with her dad maybe her and Kanye do fun things together like make cookies cakes tea parties Etc and she doesn’t want to do all that with a nanny however Kim’s Die Hard fans are now jumping to her defense and claiming that North is better off with Kim even if she uses Nanny one of them said so people really think North is safe around Kanye and his racist and right-wing rants Kim isn’t perfect and has bad moments but I don’t think she’s as bad is Kanye but let’s hear your thoughts on this what do you think is the real reason North prefers being at Kanye’s Place comment down below and don’t miss out on this next video

Kim K GONE MAD After North West INSULTED Her On North’s 11th BIRTHDAY PARTY.
looks like there was some serious birthday drama at North West’s 11th celebration on June 15th! According to the latest buzz, North didn’t just ignore her mother, Kim Kardashian—she publicly snubbed her, choosing instead to spend all her time with her dad, Kanye West.

It’s no secret that North has a close bond with Kanye, often preferring his company. But this public display seems to hint at deeper family tensions. Rumor has it that North is fed up with Kim’s behavior, especially her tendency to use North for financial gains and media attention. This birthday party incident might be North’s way of making a statement.

Kardashian, 43, shared a series of videos via Instagram Stories showing off her eldest daughter’s birthday festivities on Saturday, June 15 at the American Dream Mall in East Rutherford, New Jersey.
The second-largest shopping mall in the United States doubles as an indoor theme park complete with amusement rides, ski slopes and a water park.
Along with North’s friends and family, Kardashian was joined by best friend LaLa Anthony and influencer Kai Cenat. North’s cousin, Penelope Disick, was also in attendance.

Kardashian celebrated her daughter in a sweet post via Instagram as well. “Thank God for you ✨ Happy 11th birthday my sweet girl North. I love you so so so much,” Kardashian captioned the post, which included a carousel of photos of the mother-daughter duo.
#kimkardashian #northwest #krisjenner


  1. Kanye West, is living a Double life. Pretending to Be a Devoted Father in America, However in Europe, where he constantly escapes to, holds his vulnerable wife in bondage and is controlling her, turning her into a monster. Daily mail shows her. Parisians are concerned about her and the way he presents her. Wrapped up in tap, and bizarre. He needs to be arrested. He’s disgusting.

  2. North going to be like her auntie Kourtney the way Kourtney feel about her mother with her dad Kim going to regret it later she really going to be crying for real

  3. Who. Cares!! Yousaythe same. S—- over and over about. Kim and. North. Naming her daughter. North was her first. Mistake. Yournot a Psychiatrist, so don’t talk like you are.

  4. So Kanye, who has turned his wife into a voiceless, barely clothed accessory; is anti-Semitic; and has an unstable mental health condition would be the better influence on North? I don’t often defend Kim, but Kanye is a toxic man, husband, and father.

  5. Kim ate the after birth of Baby North a forme of witchcraft to have power over Noeth well it looks like it backfired on kim .our Lord tell us not to fool with it because its evil. You cant serve 2 masters ..

  6. Don’t Kim have 3 kids or is it 4?

    Why don’t you hear anything about any of the other children? It’s only about North. It seems like Kim doesn’t include any of her other children. Is North the sacrificial child of the elite culture group? If you look at all the elites, they have this one child that they put out there and keeps all the others to themselves.

  7. when does she have time to play good cop bad cop when shes dressing up for the cameras ? please just give up KIm go raise them pipe down you look like a idiot

  8. Loving your child/children means you love them no matter what!!!
    Love them SO much you have to Discipline with consequences and teach them to be polite, not to speak others in a demeaning voice, make a face and rolling her eye eyes ! She was 8 and 9 yr. when we saw get Increasingly get worse, she rude demanding, Kim dresses her to my herself!
    And what 10 year old needs Dior jewelry shopping… she 10!!!!!
    It's out of CONTROL!!
    With the amount of attention North needs, it will take the 1st boy to come along, then Kim is a Grandma!
    Someone other then Kim needs to get her someone in mental health very soon, to help this girl alone I don't wanna see bad things happen to her

  9. #teambeyonce Beyonce yonce 👸🏽😍🐝🔥🐝 / Kim k is not even doing anything right she not rehearsing or practicing for her daughter north for the Mufasa movie 🍿 You only see them at the concert right now taking selfies listen to music , this girl north & Kim is going to be clueless and don’t even know her own lines 😂🤦🏽‍♀️

  10. She wants to be with her dad because her dad actually pays attention to her they do things together he probably talks to her acknowledges her presence just let her be with her dad it's the children that are the important ones not you it's her happiness that counts not yours letter be with her dad leave her alone she doesn't want to be you or anything like you she doesn't want to be in the spotlight 24/7 she doesn't want to do the ultimate selfie run leave her alone she wants a real parent and that's definitely not you

  11. I think Kim really needs to set some quality time with each of her kids, with no nannies or cameras. Do things as a family. If Kim is not careful she will loose North for good. Kenya is not the best option for North to b around neither, it makes me very nervous for North. All her kids needs discipline and structure, Kim needs to dial back on the workload, for now and really set some structure and discipline for each of those kids. They are spoiled little brats even when the cameras are rolling, her kids are quite rude, I wouldn’t be tolerating that whatsoever. Kim needs to talk to somebody in a professional field and help her structure and stick with discipline and keep the kids out of the cameras as much as possible. She needs to be more like her sister Chloe, who spends a lot of time with her kids, she’s not flying all over the world and having fun anymore. Kim needs to take a page out of her book.

  12. 💙✨ At 8:00 Kim slipped up and said, "When they're fighting there's NO ONE THERE," — though they are in her presence. So admittedly, she's there physically but mentally GONE. She doesn't know what to do for them in a crisis.

  13. Kimbully does not love anyone more than she loves herself, not even her children. Fame, money & staying in the media is & has always been Kimbully’s most important mission in life, by any means necessary. She’s been exploiting this child since she came into the world. Kartrashians have NO shame, decency or scruples. They are fake, money hungry social climbers without any care about being responsible.

  14. North may want YE but YE doesnt want North full time. North likes cameras and public attention. She does all the tic toc nonsence, and she enjoys rapping on stage with YEs huge fan base, not to mention her huge smile doing Lion King. Perfect parents here or just Kim K haters? HHMMMMM

  15. Is she with her dad or her mam?? Well if she is with her dad she is in for a shock, it's one thing to visit but another when you live there. I'd say Kanye would be a strict dad. 😂 She not the only kid doing this on Instagram

  16. No matter what These kids gonna show you who actually shows them really love and affection. Kanye is loved to be hated so no one can see him in the light as a parent . But Sadly I see KIM being sooooo much more worst because she’s the one who has the world blinded by who she is . Those the people you have to worry about . North know what it really is .

  17. Still waiting for North’s book, she will be the one to bring down the Kardashians with a little help from Kayne, glad she is calling out Kim. She is t even a full time mom

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