Amanda Seyfried – Gone Movie Interviews

[Music] hey sis we need to know about dinner Sunday night all right please it’s one stupid dinner okay I’ll do it I’ll go to dinner with you guys yay wake me up when you get home okay all right sweet Dreams Molly rine oh my God WIC con what makes you think your sister’s been abducted this guy came back for me he broke into my house took my sister because I wasn’t there why would he come back for you I’m the only one that got away because I know his secret last year a hiker spots Joel covered in mud screaming about how some guy snatched her out of bed threw her down a hole out in the wood [Music] someplace she said she wasn’t the only one that there were human remains down there of course when you throw everything at it guess what nothing it doesn’t exist I feel bad for you in this because everyone is is so mean to your character it’s true they’re not mean to it they just don’t they don’t really believe anything she’s saying which is really the main conflict the at the beginning of the movie I mean she this woman was abducted by a serial killer and was able to escape and now she’s fighting with them because because the guy came back for her a year later took her sister to initiate some kind of cat- and mouse control game and now she has no one to help her out and she’s like 22 completely alone um little vulnerable luckily she has a gun but still it’s like it’s um it’s extreme I was reading that the screenwriter Alison Bernett had said that one of the things that’s neat about it is it’s it’s a scary movie but you don’t actually see the violence no no it’s true it’s all implied and I love that it’s so psychological and that’s that this is my favorite this is my favorite genre this is why I go to movies just sit there on the edge of my seat you know with a full bladder and not want to pee because I don’t want to miss anything and by the same token a lot of a lot of everything in the movie has already happened and you’re like the detective character yeah and you kind of have the the old school film Noir like show up in a diner and get some answers I know it’s funny it’s um it’s really it’s cool because it’s all it’s all believable I think you know she’s young but she’s not stupid and she’s really damaged and she’s been so hurt and so crossed that she feels like you know she has no choice but to move forward and break laws and you know find this guy no matter what like she has nothing to lose and then we as the audience we’re not sure if you’re crazy or uh that’s another thing that’s what’s really great because I’m I’m starting you know my character comes up with stuff out of the blue and you’re like what like what who is she who is this woman and it’s good for the audience to to come to a point where they’re questioning her I think that’s it’s good because you you I don’t know you kind of she loses her credibility for like a second and then she has nobody because the whole time she has the the audience of support and then and then you feel like you’ve been misled too and it’s just like it becomes you become part of it it’s great I love these movies so much is that something you do in the because you have to downplay your credibility is is is that something you can actively control in the in the acting yeah yeah I mean I could I could I could seem a little off I can definitely you know I with the help of the director and the producers I was able to you know come up with a kind of a visual uh reaction to certain things that made that can make the audience a little uneasy about where she’s going with it so it’s I don’t know and it’s also the editing too so maybe it’s not me what sort of uh you said mystery was your favorite genre what sort of films influence you um Double Jeopardy just that’s when I read this movie I was like oh my God I’m gonna be Ashley because I love that movie I love love her movies um do you remember that movie uh uh Untouchable was it called what’s it called untraceable untraceable oh yeah untraceable well that was shot in Portland as well also berett right alett amazing I thought that was awesome um I love uh Talented Mr Ripley and um fracture like just and you’re just trying to figure out why and what and where’s this going it’s like good suspense mystery I love mystery novels I’ve always loved them James Patterson growing up it’s like I’m just obsessed with it he’s going to kill mly tonight chill it’s all in your head go home and get some sleep asleep and he’s dead I need some information a crime was committed what kind of crime I just wanted to know if you saw anything unusual hey what the hell are you doing stay back you got a crazy woman out there waving a gun if she drops someone it’s on us attempt to look at Jillian Tyler Conway 5’4 blue and blonde should be considered armed and dangerous we lost her it’s going to get dark soon and Molly is going to be dead buried at the bottom of some hole along with all these other girls that nobody’s looking for what if Jill isn’t crazy what if this guy really does have Molly your who’s this you know who I am and I Know Who You Are

This video originally ran on in 2012.

Amanda Seyfried is interviewed by Silas Lesnick.

Jill Parrish (Amanda Seyfried) is trying to rebuild her life after surviving a terrifying kidnapping attempt. Though she is having a difficult time, she takes small steps toward normalcy by starting a new job and inviting her sister, Molly (Emily Wickersham), to move in with her. Returning home from work one morning, Jill discovers that Molly has vanished, and she is certain that the same man who previously abducted her has returned for revenge.

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