Reunion Star Nina Dobrev Praises The Cast & Contemplates The Resurgence Of The Murder Mystery Genre

I hear you running for office congress former C- kid to a congresswoman you knew about that Joe deam Screen Rant nah what’s going on how are you hi Joe I’m good how are you doing I’m doing great yo this movie is so much fun I love that we blend a comedy and a murder mystery I think that that is the perfect combination for a good time and also mixing it in there with the high school reunion now uh tell us a little bit about your character Amanda and who she is uh in high school and then who she is at the reunion okay so Amanda in high school is a bit of a party girl she’s a fun time she’s got a lot of Ambitions and she’s very onrack mind minded selfish as an adult she’s also um selfish and and sort of um self-centered and and goal oriented and um you know has a lot of high aspirations to become a congresswoman and as a result has all the typical you know political tropes which are that she’s very um you know standoffish and serious and um will kind of do anything to succeed and she has walls up that are really thick and and impenetrable um and you know hard to hard to relate to her in a lot of ways until you start to peel back the layers and start to realize that she um is pretty flawed has a lot of dark secrets that she’s trying to hide from the world yes she does now you guys have such an incredible cast in this such a diverse cast Lil real Billy uh Julian Bell Jamie chunk you guys are absolutely amazing can you talk about working with that incredible cast and how you guys uh kind of crafted your Chemistry off camera as well yeah I mean they’re kind of the reason I wanted to do the movie I was one of the last cast members to round up the whole cast and so um everyone else was set at that point and so I had the pleasure just looking at the the offer when I got it and seeing all of their names and immediately just knowing that I will read the script but probably don’t need to because if they’re signed on then it’s probably good and um and I was right I I really enjoyed the character but also the dynamic between all the different characters and the fact that they all had a motive for the murder and so it kept the audience guessing like who could it possibly be and um and so you know we all we bonded pretty quickly um we’re all pretty similar and like-minded and we did make an effort to hang out offset we had a big dinner and like went out one night so that we could kind of build that chemistry and make sure that it feels like we’ve been friends for the or that we had the history I suppose um absolutely now with Knives Out only murders in the building the Afterparty and Pokerface we’re seeing the murder mystery genre kind of make a Resurgence back in pop culture why do you think people connect so deeply with the murder mystery genre even like like things like the Jinx or or dat line uh what is it about some of these uh murder mysteries that people connect with I mean I am a fullblown murder mystery fanatic especially when it comes to True Crime um I yeah the Jinx yeah like I just binged that whole season and and so many other shows that have come out I don’t know what it is I feel like because it’s it just feels so scary and real and it actually happens and I guess maybe maybe if I had to really psychoanalyze it it’s it’s probably like a Fascination to want to understand the murder murderer’s mind so that if we’re ever in the scenario we know how to act or what to do and sort of save ourselves instead of being the victim to know how to confront a killer I I I I don’t know I like cuz a lot of people like everyone’s like why do you like this like why are you watching these like scary terrifying True Crime things right before you go to bed I’m like I don’t know I I can’t get enough of it um but yeah I I I also feel like knives out really paved the path to bring the genre back which was really cool and they did a really good job of it I I’m a fan I thought that the the first one especially was my favorite and um and so yeah like getting to do something similar to it but a little bit broader was was really exciting yeah I love that you guys put your own spin on the murder mystery especially you know bringing it to a high school reunion and uh in the in not the Arctic but in the uh in the in the cold out there now uh Chris did a fantastic job of really balancing the mystery side of this but also the comedy side of this can you talk about working with Chris on this film and what his directing style added to the reunion yeah I mean the script the script really lent itself to that as well and and Chris really um he was the the leader of the pack as you will and um I have to give him Kudos because we shot this movie in like three and a half four weeks probably three and a half it was really really quick shoot and um you know indie film making as you know it didn’t feel like an indie movie which is so surpris like we were all very surprised like production value looks bigger than than what the budget we had um but we were pleasantly surprised with how it turned out I’m really happy that that um that it feels bigger than it was yeah now I love this era that uh the high school kind of uh that you guys all kind of graduated from it’s right around the same time that I graduated from so with High School uh when you hear a specific song what was the jam that you had on repeat uh during your high school years I feel like that song like I don’t care I love it like that was coming out um right around when I was in high school the OC was the TV show that was on when I was in high school so whatever that song on the California yeah that one was like a big song um trying to think blackeyed peas were really big back then I don’t know I think I mean those were some great ja yeah yeah now I also love that during high school we always have the like who would be this who would be that so I’m going to ask you about your cast members who would be the most helpful in an escape room Jillian Bell everybody voted you so far really yeah I mean they’re not wrong I am really good I love escape room so yes I didn’t know I could vote for myself so yeah me but Jillian Bell like if I had to be stuck in an escape room with someone I would choose Jullian well all right so who would be the least helpful in an escape room Chase Crawford cuz he’s just like jokes and he’s like he’s I love him to death but I feel like he would just be just like messing around he wouldn’t be like taking I’m like he wouldn’t take it as seriously as I would now who would be most likely to have you break on set of just pure laughter Jillian B yeah she’s she’s quite pH between Jillian and re probably absolutely now Jullian has this great uh moment where she kind of gives a monologue about her returning there and she she phones herself uh talking to herself and and tells herself that everything worked out her plan worked out if you could go back in time and tell your your high school version anything uh on on a phone call what would you tell your high school version um I would probably tell her to just be patient and um enjoy the moments because they are fleeting and to slow down incredible now the last question I have for you is this film comes out on digital on June 28th so every anyone can buy it what I like doing is I like doing a double feature pairing movies together to kind of have like a movie night so when this film hits on June 28th what would you pair the reunion with for a double feature oh my goodness um I feel like yeah I feel like I would pair it with Hitman yeah watch I would watch reunion and then I would watch Hitman because it’s like similar kind of like comedic Thriller I mean they’re different obviously but um I think it’d be fun and obviously Glen Pal’s so fantastic in that movie yeah another Blended genre film I think that’s a great choice look Nina thank you so much for your time you are incredible thank you amazing job pleasure come on people what’s the plan we should say how we feel be honest [Music]

Reunion star Nina Dobrev discusses the cast, director Chris Nelson, and how Knives Out led the charge of the resurgence of the murder mystery genre.

Reunion be available digitally on June 28. Read our full interview and article here:

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