Cobie Smulders and Clark Gregg – Marvel’s The Avengers Movie Interviews

[Music] War has started and we are hopelessly [Music] outgunned director Fury I think it’s time in this one you’re both playing Shield agents you’re returning as Agent Coulson and you’re playing Maria Hill Maria Hill has been in the comics for a while Agent Coulson is now making the move into the expanded Marvel universe that’s true uh he was a character that was invented for Iron Man one and then expanded during the shooting of Iron Man one and has now this is the fourth Marvel movie I’ve done and recently they’ve actually added Agent Coulson into the comic book universe and into uh I recently found out Avenger I mean uh yeah Avengers Earth mightest Heroes not to mention two short films two short films that’s right and and what about you what has been your experience with Maria Hill and the comic book version of her well when I got the the job I went online immediately um and started researching and finding the series that she was involved in and then it was all about tracking down those comic books and buying them and um I found a lot of them online and just reading about her and she was so interesting because um she grew up with all this military background and now is in such a position of Power Within a a pretty much male-dominated World um but it’s also cool to um be in this power position but also have um Scarlet on board as well and Gwyneth and us all sort of being these chicks in this in this dude’s dude’s world you also have a connection to comic book worlds with Jos before because when he he left Wonder Woman he said sorry Kopi um yes he did but I’m friends with Jos and um I don’t I don’t know if like I would have been Wonder Woman if he would have continued but I think that was sort of like a wink to me which was very kind um you’ve been very involved with Twitter uh and you have a legion of aent Coulson fans I like my Twitter people I yeah you know I got into I got onto it uh when I was uh when my wife was doing Dancing with the Stars and she was like look this is really cool I’m gonna get some people and they’re going to you know if I dance well they’ll vote for me and uh and I said oh let me try that out I looked around and there was this Legion of people who kind of connected to Agent Coulson and it was really one of the first times I realized the role that Agent Coulson was playing because you know I’m a fanboy I I grew up reading these comics and yet I didn’t really understand that to them that’s who Coulson is he’s really kind of a stand in for the Fanboys in the in the universe and that you know he’s a normal guy who’s got a really unusual job and it’s certainly something Josh seized on like everything else in the existing Marvel Universe and then kind of pushed to a new level because he’s he’s got me very much uh enamored of Captain America how desperate are you and you call on such lost creatures to defend you you have made me very desperate we’re not a team we’re a time bomb [Music] this is nothing we were ever trained for [Music]

This video originally ran on and in 2012.

Clark Gregg and Cobie Smulders are interviewed by Silas Lesnick about playing Phil Coulson and Maria Hill in ‘Marvel’s The Avengers.’

When Thor’s evil brother, Loki (Tom Hiddleston), gains access to the unlimited power of the energy cube called the Tesseract, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), director of S.H.I.E.L.D., initiates a superhero recruitment effort to defeat the unprecedented threat to Earth. Joining Fury’s “dream team” are Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner).

‘Marvel’s The Avengers’ is written and directed by Joss Whedon.

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