Marvel’s Kevin Feige Says ‘The Fantastic Four’ Is A Period Piece & Shares July 29, 2024 Filming Start Date

Posted by impeccabletim


  1. ICryWhenImAngry on

    I am so excited for this cast, but I swear to god if the writers/producers fumble another Fantastic Four, I’m gonna have a breakdown…..

  2. impeccabletim on

    **From Kevin Feige via The Official Marvel Podcast:**

    >It is a period film, and there was another piece of art we released with Johnny Storm flying in the air making a 4 symbol. There was a cityscape in that image. There were a lot of smart people who noticed that that cityscape didn’t look exactly like the New York that we know or the New York that existed in the 60s in our world. Those are smart observations, I’ll say…

  3. Look, I love period action/sci-fi movies. I’m here for this no matter what.

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