Meghan’s REACTION to William and Taylor Swift photo was BRUTAL

all right all right we are already Live Well hello and welcome back my roal Ries my name is Jesus enri Rosas I am the roal Rogue and tonight we have no surprises with any crazy 360 360 the G video or anything like yesterday it was just creepy I was like entering the hyper hyperspace with that with that mistake I made yesterday but today we have and today we have just a nice and sweet live stream and we’re going to be talking about the reaction of Megan to that picture to that event to that well milestone and how William and the kids broke the internet with Taylor Swift We will be talking about that we will be updating you on the uh on princess an and a couple of things I’m going to show you briefly this um so trigger warning maybe you will have nightmares tonight so we we we need to talk about this as well and we will analyze this picture of Prince Will Willam a bit of everything and remember that the best way to support my channel very easy and completely free no cost for you just hit the Subscribe and like buttons in any order just just go ahead like And subscribe it’s that easy I don’t ask for anything else you will be supporting my channel too uh well we are on our way to who knows how many how many Royal Ries here on YouTube so we were talking about Princess an and a very brief update with so sir Tim Lawrence again uh coming out of the hospital saying that everything is going is going she’s doing fine slow and steady uh she’ll be out when she’s ready she’s recovering slowly and you know that all this reports that she doesn’t remember what happened well that is so that is usually normal when you have a concussion right you can recover from the concussion but it’s like you have this um system in our brains that could just shut down to to to prevent certain things for happening maybe protecting actual memories of the event itself is not that important what is important is that the Princess Royal is recovering swiftly oh pun intended recovering swiftly and I want to talk about this what what is this you know that I usually start with memes some I usually start with some something more light but this is something that was out of left field baffle new Megan marle portrait shows Duchess as the White Queen the White Queen was the nickname for Elizabeth Woodville the wife of Edward the who was not initially considered an appropriate choice for a royal spouse but this I mean what what what is what is this which which version of Megan is this one I mean I can I can understand that you use um the bluish tones bluish Hues to convey exactly what maybe maybe the artist thought well since Megan has this complete palette of colors that we never know which uh version of Megan we’re going to get every time she goes out all all the complete Spectrum from you know creamy white to heavy heavy bronzer he decided to S side step that equation and just go for a yeah that is like LC and blueish tones I guess and well the head Construction maybe it’s like Cubist like I ice queen version I I like that I like that one ice queen version just look like ice and well the ice queen goes with Megan as well you know that she tries to present herself like warm and charismatic and has that smile and she touches you and rubs her hand on on your back and all the stuff and flicks her hair whatever she does But ultimately you know that her plan led her to this state in which well this is this is my plan for the pseudo monarchy that she’s trying to build at montedo and she hasn’t been able to really build anything but this I’m not going to spend much time on the well whatever this is this is uh this is maybe a good portrait of of Harris Soul or right especially the look of his eyes the expression of his eyes right here depicts exactly that lost stair it could be lost a spare right but not lost a spare no lost stare into the distance of not knowing what to do with with his life which is pretty much um at least before marry Megan he knew what to do he was tall what to do he was trapped remember but now well the freedom Freedom hasn’t hasn’t um like said very well upon him this you know that I like to criticize art this is the kind of things that sometimes people say that art doesn’t have to be uh beautiful or doesn’t have to be nice and I agree but I have a thing with portraits that at least well two things that at least a portrait has to resemble the person that you’re portraying and at the same time well it has to be pleasant to a pleasant sight and well right here we have neither of the two you know that sometimes in some Tendencies artistic Tendencies uh you can totally transform someone’s face like like like it cubism that’s one thing but you either really transform the face to your style or do a very detailed High photographic portrait of the person but that little in between that is unsettling that is The Uncanny Valley that we feel when we see certain things that look human but they are not human but no we still we still know that Harry and Megan are human they’re not that special after all and Prince Harry this is this is actually inum this kind of headlines Prince Harry wants to support Princess Kate who is Princess Kate I I never I never remember who is Princess Kate I always forget that Princess Kate in person as duke of sausages hoping to end roal Feud excuse me what is this how how how do you pretend this is the kind of things I I want to I’m interrupting myself every single sentence because it it’s it’s it’s like something that I’m I thought that I was used to nonsense in the media this is from GB news and in fact GB news also has this and sometimes I don’t know what to believe it’s like media like GB news they they create these two sides of the story so whatever you whatever side you like well you have something to read I guess that is good for business they also have this William bans Harry from returning to royal family as Prince of Wales calling the shots behind the scenes I mean my my first reaction when I read this headline my first reaction was okay it’s great at last uh we have a headline that makes sense Prince of wals is calling the shots behind behind the scenes but I saw that uh melanated Mona had one take what do you mean calling the shots he he he’s not really the King right he’s not the king the Charles is the King Charles is the one calling the shots but at the same time you can be calling certain shots right you could be like an executive producer of the royal family and regarding Harry maybe the King has delegated that delegated that William that would make sense especially and very especially uh because of this like Prince Harry wants to support Catherine no that is not going to happen I remember like three years ago or two years ago I think I think it was three years ago when mexit and the Opera interview was in uh was at the senth I think it was like July or August I remember a video that I saw that one Royal reporter was claiming that one of the members of the royal family that missed Harry the most back then we’re talking about 2021 don’t blast me yet back then in 2021 it was Prince George that maybe of all the whales children he had the most uh experience where Harry he had spent the most time with Harry and it was logical that if Harry was now over ceas then Prince George could miss him right and that would make sense but that was back in 2021 and even in in the midst of all this of the Opera interview I think that the kids I’m absolutely sure were not exposed to maybe to this day they know certain things I don’t think any of the whales children could have access to social media yeah uh of course they they are they’re not even 12 none of them are even 12 years old or 13 years old uh by the way try to keep your children as far from social media as long as possible my recommendation totally toxic culture and it’s like from that point to here so much has happened and so much hypocrisy has happened that well William has to do what he has to do and even if he’s not the one who calls the shots in the Roger family like the head honcho of the of the firm which is King Charles III well he could say you know what I still don’t want Harry anywhere near my family because I know that if Harry comes to the UK if Harry pretends to come to the UK he will want to see well not only the king but he would want to see the rest of the family and that should be a resounding know we were talking about yesterday amazing live stream we had yesterday the second anniversary of the roal Rogue and someone asked about forgiveness how how much can we forgive and how much can we stand and know there comes a time when we say okay you can say whatever you want like gu in Harry you you can spit what whatever lies you want we don’t need to explain anything because precisely those are lies I am I am not concerned a lion is not concerned with the opinion of ship is that simple so you can do whatever you want you can chase all the headlines you want but you stay overseas and you leave me alone with my family right here we are trapped remember we we we don’t want to be unrapped no thank you we’re fine we are perfectly fine your uh your nephews George Charlotte and Louie maybe they ask about you every now and then but they already know that you’re living your best life in montedo in California we talk about California and try to and try to I guess that William doesn’t describe the gav new California but the California of maybe 10 or 15 years ago that would be a great strategy great strategy for the kids and speaking of the kids we need to talk about that picture again because yes it was a huge shock the fact that not only you know that well they didn’t expect that William on his birthday was going to a concert of Taylor Swift with George and shot L of course is way too small to actually enjoy uh a concert this long please correct me if I’m wrong but this concert is like the total spect is like six hours I am a total Noob about Taylor Swift I am a total Noob about the eras tour I only know that it’s the highest grossing tour ever but it’s really long so that’s must be one of the reasons why Louie didn’t didn’t go like 6 hours no too much way too much but well they were just enjoying themselves we’re going to watch the clip of uh Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Kelce and his brother talking about William and and and charlot but we were going to be talking about that I I want to show you uh and comment something about it so imagine that out of the blue you have this breaking the internet again and where does Megan standing here since she invited Taylor Swift uh well uh it’s undeniable that she’s a super super star and it could have been really shocking I mean you have been sidelined not only by holwood by the also the music industry and well the uh diplomatic and the women empowerment side is not like thriving very much we also had this picture with Travis Kelsey by the way three hours okay some of you three hours okay maybe maybe six hours was was uh something I I I read I misread somewhere thank you for setting the record straight Susan right three hours no it’s not six hours no the the part with uh with Tor should be 2 hours uh at most you know that you you you all usually have the I don’t know how to say that in in in in in English the tonos the ones who come before her um to to play a couple songs oh well this was the first time that she shared a picture with her boyfriend on her Instagram that’s also what I understand and there were William George and charlot on that picture so it was a special was special picture for many reasons and she published that with that Delight she she’s she’s doing that not to promote anything it’s like how much did the royan family Pay Taylor Swift to publish this picture on her Instagram no that doesn’t happen it’s like you are hanging out with people that you like hanging out with people that you support it’s like we need to go back in time a bit back in time pun intended Time Magazine Time Magazine sometimes does nice things Taylor Swift and Prince Williams new backstage selfies at the London era tour concert should come shouldn’t come as a surprise for anyone who knows their history they appear famously joined forces on stage many years ago resulting in a viral moments and we see these pictures see that they are talking really engaged um Taylor is really delighted with uh William and William was also you remember William’s recollection of this events that he was absolutely taken by surprise when Taylor just told him hey let’s go up on the stage I mean William is not a singer not that we know of right at least he he sings thunderstuck in the mornings well he’s you know doing his his stuff he said that he likes ACDC and thunder Str is one of his favorite uh songs I remember that because it’s also one of my favorite songs but the fact that she invited him on stage to sing with uh John bonji uh it’s um it’s it’s a nice very nice gesture something that is was really spontaneous William didn’t see it coming and said well this this is something that is actually happening and that is the kind of things spontaneous that creates the best memories and you know it’s it’s like you are leaving in the moment you are and it’s like something is not planned and just happens and it’s just amazing and sometimes you don’t need to be all taking pictures of of of what is happening or taking Bea of what is happening it just happens and the spontaneity of the moment is what makes it golden and by the way speaking of uh John bjovi he was enjoying himself at Taylor Swift era tour in London as well so we have the perfect circle closing uh that night so what more magical can’t you ask for it’s like you are with friends with all friends enjoying music is is when you remember what we used to actually enjoy music as as humans it’s not like just like playing or searching for any kind of song on on YouTube or YouTube music or Spotify and you actually sit sat down with friends to uh listen to a record or a cassette tape all this we have this uh new recording by this band and you sat down to listen to it that was a thing we have to recover the kind of things we have to go back to that state in which we actually experience music as H as a group as in in aou garious way oh well this picture has um steer that drama at mono it’s not only Megan that has reacted ill to it it’s also Harry and I was speaking about that about that anecdote that I remember that a roal commentator said on 2021 that George at that moment still missed Harry uh a bit and it Mak sense it’s like Through The Eyes of a child and you know that Harry used to uh like function in a way that with children that was okay that was happy sometimes it’s when Megan appears that everything changes it’s like you have the two haries but in this case you see that it it’s it’s it it can you can imagine a Taylor Swift is an American icon it’s a worldwide icon but she’s American and she’s in London in which well Harry should feel those strong bonds to the UK the strong bonds to London it’s something normal and Taylor Swift is in his hometown all this is happening and he he must have this bout of nostalgia this it’s like a punch it’s like punch in the gut like why why can’t I be the here why can’t this be like more like a like a like a family because this is what you’re seeing in this picture not the picture of Harry no this this picture this is as close to a representation of family that we got yeah Catherine wasn’t there for reasons we know but it’s that representation of family that is so beautiful and we want to listen to Travis Kelsey talking about them and it’s really cute it’s really nice but you can imagine how Harry cutting those ties he did it that himself nobody forc him to do it looking at this in London with his brother and having this huge exposure to the war even if Harry doesn’t want the fame anymore even if Harry doesn’t want the popularity of being a roel in the face of everyone and we know that he has has no option because Megan is still going to force him to go to all these trips and engagements and panels that he’s obviously not interested in joining he’s going to feel like he left something really really big behind and it doesn’t have to do with privilege it doesn’t have to do with um money or wealth or fame or nothing it it’s something that must be just pulling at him every night right before sleeping it’s like something is missing and that something is missing will not be recovered again no matter how many headlines you try to pull out of your bones trying to say that oh he wants to support Catherine in person no that that is just not possible the lion is not going to let you anywhere and the Lioness much less is going to let you anywhere near the kids but let’s let’s listen to that that uh recording that I was talking about People magazine did a a piece about it Travis and Jason Kelsey praise Prince Williams parenting of George and Charlotte Williams doing it right I think we can just listen to this this way I’m going to S silence my microphone and then we can listen to the uh uh the recording we uh we met royalty guys that’s right that’s right there was royalty at the show um I was fortunate enough that I didn’t get caught up in traffic long enough to where that’s right I got there early and um and got to meet Prince William dude how about thatness last episode I think I was quoted as saying royalty dude he was the coolest he was awesome he was so cool he’s a good dude he was I didn’t I didn’t realize this because obviously we’re backstage meeting him because uh he was there with uh little George and Charlotte and um they were an absolute Delight to meet wasn’t sure um if I was supposed to like bow to them curtsy um just be an American Idiot and shake their hand they specified they said dude we did get warning CU honestly we don’t know the actual yeah we wanted to be polite especially on this side of the but they said that um because we weren’t at like an official Royal event we didn’t need to bow or Cy yeah if it would have been like an official meeting of royalty event then it would have been that but I did still address him as your Royal Highness yeah no 100% And I’ve never I’ve never felt emasculated dude honestly I’ve never seen you that was the closest I’ve ever been I’ve never seen you give that someone that much respect you put your beer like 10 feet away from you I didn’t have it in my teeth when I met him you’re Royal Highness thank you thank you for allowing to enjoy your K they were wonderful people and that’s what it’s about you know obviously literally part of a monarchy uh royalty um hard to be a down toe human being I would assume I can I can’t imagine uh but came off that way completely very genuine very cool Taylor men I uh I gotta say Prince William was a fantastic but the Highlight was Princess Charlotte prin George was great too she was so adorable like I cannot she was a superstar Express how uh I don’t know maybe it’s because I have three girls now it was um probably has little she was she was she had Fire tour she was asking questions it was uh that was the most electric part of the yeah I love it I love it when parents ask their kids to be president be vocal be they encourage them to take uh lead in convers absolutely you know what I mean just a good meat in the picture and to keep it moving no listen let the let them have a moment let them feel comfortable in talking to people yes um there’s nothing worse than kid just walking in and just being let’s not on kids no I’m on parents not encouraging their kids to do that doing it was uh that was awesome if anybody’s doing it right Prince Williams doing it right so thank you you’re raus it was awesome meeting you very much and so a couple things here I I I I haven’t really listened to their podcast but I think that they are really cool guys um very down they themselves are really down to earth you must have noticed something that I didn’t notice when I was editing this uh this clip but I just noticed right now that is the magic having this live interaction I notied things on the Fly did you notice all the references they did that uh should I curtsy should I not curtsy should I call them his Royal Highness what what should I do they were in their own words just American idiots I don’t think they’re idiots after all it’s just a expression that they used to you know being being humble about it and expressed that they were actually concerned how should I behave and Jason uh which you see on on the left right here it’s funny the beer anecdote that where did you leave your beer and he had left his his beer like like 10 feet away like like I’m going to greet them and it’s lucky that I don’t have my beard on my teeth and there’s a clip that he was carrying a beer like greeting it with his teeth just his teeth so it this uh um is this nice interaction on their part we’re going to talk about their interaction with with William in a minute is like they are excited about the oh we we we met the roals and a good thing is you know that as any as as any saus such Squad member could have said oh he said the other day F the roals right I think it was Jason F the roals but he had to maybe swallow his words okay he never knew that Prince William could be so relatable and not only Prince William but George and Charlotte could be such a such an amazing personality I think they took that took them by surprise okay it’s like we are used to to families in general being so like hey don’t do this don’t do that behave uh but in this case it’s like the kids know or knew exactly how to behave which is a magical thing it’s not easy for an adult to realize okay the this these kids are polite and charlot asked a out of questions there’s a fire to her she was effing adorable you know in their in their jargon the way that they speak but there was a a great interaction and especially because I’m pretty sure I 100% sure I could be 100% sure that both Jason and Travis have absolutely nothing to gain from praising uh Prince William and I saw the clips there also Clips video clips of their this interview this podcast and they they seemed genuinely surprised about how down to earth especially we’re talking about you’re a prince you’re actually royalty you’re you come we are here and we are interacting and you’re really down to earth how difficult can that be and I would say I I cannot say that it’s it is or not difficult I am not royalty obviously but it is something to remember that in all cases we’re talking about real people we’re always talking about real people with real Str and yes sometimes well in fact you don’t need to be royalty to be a jerk okay that is that is being too simplistic oh you’re a royalty or you’re a millionaire or you’re from this class or whatever you should be you must be a jerk uh anyone can say oh you are a football American football player you must be a jerk no that doesn’t work that way you have to you have to trust your God you have to trust Your Instinct you have to trust that first impression of people but you realize that this this two have this preconception of uh the royal family and it was completely debunked by three of uh its most let’s popular members so can you imagine if Catherine would have been there well maybe maybe the fact maybe I’m I’m just thinking out loud maybe the fact that Katherine uh couldn’t be there maybe it it it it it helped charlot um be more noticed I’m not going to say shine more because shotte shines with or without Catherine it doesn’t depend Catherine being in the room but maybe it was more noticeable instead of trying to command the conversation and have that personality I have told you many times that her her way of you know her her stare way of of her eyes is like that passion that energy you know that that is it’s really really promising so that interaction was so lovely it’s so funny because I’m like scrolling on my ex or Twitter account and I’m looking at this at this podcast just popping up and popping up and why does this pop up why everybody everybody’s talking about this and when I listen oh that is why they are are recollecting this experiences and my question is do you think that is the same experience of people in general when they interact with Megan and Harry honestly what do you think what we be uh people’s usual interactions how do they feel when they interact with Megan and Harry cannot be the same right and we know that something that it’s the worst and sometimes that something that I always tell you is a red flag in every person you have to be very careful about this when a person treats several people differently if a person treats uh famous people in one way and the uh the maid he or she treats her uh another way you know that distinction of class and their behavior changes that’s a huge huge red flag the waiter you are on a date and you see that your date treats the waiter in a dismissive way the waiter didn’t earn any of that uh treatment that that is a red fly you see that there’s this distinction if they are polite and classy with everyone well that is nice that’s nice that’s something we should be aiming for but no with Harry and Megan we know that doesn’t happen we we have a video of of of that of that treatment and we have video footage very cringe video footage of Megan well acting through shenanigans on stage and especially is not treating other people bad it’s treating Harry bad but that is Harry’s problem not mine and not yours by the way something that you have to worry a lot about but let’s move on we were talking about William and some some some people maybe some Ries I didn’t notice if they are I always say my Ries if you are subscribed to my channel here or are following me on the Royal Road you are a rogi um some of you were saying that William looked sad in this picture I have my reservations I have told you many times and when you are analyzing body language you should have your reservation if you just have just one snapshot of one facial expression because anything could have happened at that moment maybe it was a transition between two different emotions and you’re just looking at that transition of the of his face maybe between neutral and happy okay and since you’re just Midway that transition then maybe it looks sad so you have to be careful especially with facial expressions if you are analyzing uh like more General about language like in this in in this uh picture it’s much easier that they posture their shoulders how they are sitting how they’re interacting that is that is uh much easier to the cipher much easier to read but facial expressions is a bit more difficult and more delicate so some of you were saying that William was sad of not not having Catherine by his side on this Royal engagements very important Royal engagements of the emperor of Japan coming to the UK and I can understand that you think that well this is one of the engagements one of the most important in recent times and Catherine wasn’t there but why exactly would be William sad that Catherine wasn’t there what would be the reason they had like the the the last 10 days have been the most amazing that we can we can even think in all all the year but I’m trying to find the words to express this but have have been the best days in all the 2024 in regards to the royal family in general and especially the prince and princess of Wales and their family so so many good things have happened we saw Katherine we show we saw that she’s doing well we have seen William’s body language we have seen William and George’s body language at those football games I told you that that was a best signal that Katherine was doing great before she uh showed herself uh to the world in that spectacular appearance at tro in the color so I don’t see that the kind of things that you begin stacking those signals why would be a reason for William to be sad that Katherine is not right here and I remember that I’ve seen uh quite a few uh articles claiming that it was Catherine the Catalyst for for Williams Evolution as a Statesman I agree and disagree with that statement at at the same time maybe I I I like to think about this uh like like blanket statements something that is black or white that is uh that doesn’t have this gradient that is just categorical I have a certain issue with that kind of statements and one thing is for certain one thing is for her the person you marry the person you marry is hands down the most important decision that you can ever make in your life that is in my opinion there’s no discussion about it I think that is an objective fact well I could have a subjective opinion about that but at the same time I think that is an objective fact the most important decision that you can make in your life is who is the person you’re going to marry who is the person that you will decide eventually to uh to to have a family with how important is that well it it’s it’s the most important decision because that that can make or break you in ways that can be exceptionally good or exceptionally bad so in one sense I I think that every single human being both Katherine and William each one of them on their own accord they have evolved in the way that they their body language the way that they speak their um William how he has learned to relax okay he has learned to relax uh lately that’s something that I have an observation that I wanted to make in these days a very good a very good thing because being tense all the time is is not good and Katherine at the same time be being more confident I think that the job that they have it’s it’s it’s like a job description like forces them to do it all right so in a sense at the same time they both on their own accord by themselves have learned to evolve and have learned to to learn and and progress and level up and well do their jobs better we can use that expression but at the same time it’s undeniable that the fact that they are married there has to be an influence a mutual influence because this articles kind want to make it seem like the influence uence is just it’s like a stream in a single Direction it’s like the influence is just from Catherine to William it usually is not that way the the influence in a healthy couple is always like bidirectional in a healthy couple and an unhealthy couple there’s a well you you you know that there’s um um unbalance on that influence in which one of them is um a bit more influenced than the other and maybe the other is not influenced At All by one that usually carries problems because two two people never have the same personality never have the same character at all never have the same tastes or abilities or dreams or hopes or or even goals and goals is one of the things that is the hardest thing to get along when you marry someone because well you have to align those goals together and I it’s obvious that William and Catherine are aligned in that regard so yes Catherine has helped William become the statement that he’s turning into he has been turning into that a long time ago go but it’s also of course uh the late Queen Elizabeth is also his father the king is also all all all all that all those circumstances and at the same time William has influenced Katherine I look at them I see them as a really healthy and downto Earth couple that know what they’re doing that know what the job demands are and they have proven so so far and I’m sure that it will be like that in the future that they are up to the task and they their level they’re leveling up constantly I I never like to say that uh well someone is just up to the task no because the task is going to be more and more complex as time goes by I’m sure that William and Katherine will be up to the task so I don’t think that he was actually sad or was missing Katherine Katherine is great is doing great at home she is recovering the world the world is sending her the most positive vibes maybe not mono but the rest of the world is sending her healing Vibes praying for her everything is going nicely so why should he be worried or sad or anything I I don’t think that there’s a reason for that so let’s let’s move on I wanted to uh com made a few uh a couple comments before moving on moving on it was this this one this clip from King Charles about a a joke of uh Pokemon and also Hello Kitty I’m going to play it so you can listen report that I haven’t had any better luck with more recent attempts at fishing the Pokémon phrase got to catch them all may resonate with my grandchildren but for me it is perhaps aspiration and I play this clip especially because I I know that you would like to see that that look from William at U at the king had this banquet and his the king is talking about Pokemon you know that Pokemon comes from Japan and they have this huge cter about anime and video games in this case and uh he makes this reference to got to catch them all and makes the that that like that connection with fishing that didn’t go well the last time he went fishing and he talks about his um grandchildren by the way and William has that I think a bit of a mischievous smile right like he’s trying to he’s trying to contain the laughter it’s like it’s so funny maybe it looks like he didn’t expect that he he he he didn’t know that that was going to be part of the of this speech it was really nice very subtle facial expression it’s like tenderness that’s what I see on William’s eyes this is what I tell you when I see those reports that oh there are these huge Rifts between the king and William William wants to impose his words and the King says no and they like throw chairs to each other or crowns or Tiaras to each other or whatever how how you fight at Bingham Palace no that that is not happening this is the kind of looks that tell me that that is not happening they are in the best terms and again one detail that I also heard about how this uh heard this comment read this comments that the king did not mention the his grandchildren overseas the king said grandchildren he he he didn’t say he he was tactful enough to not make any distinction because no distinction need needs to be made although it is obvious that a well the more grownup grandchildren are the ones who have been more exposed to Pokemon and all this Japanese anime and video game culture and at the same time well he spends more time with the grandchildren that are in the UK not with the ones who are overseas and all these crazy reports that the King has traveled in secret to the USA I I see that I thought that I was creative in my in my stuff in my memes my no I am I am nobody I am nobody my my creativity is is is is nothing at all compared to what some people are making up about the king traveling under cover I don’t know like like some kind of big hat and and fake a fake mustache and some thick glasses is that an he arrives at monteo and plays with his grandchildren overseas I don’t know I don’t know Rick that sounds that sounds a bit a bit too much let’s just close this this topic with this Hello Kitty Europe we want to deep to deeply thank his majesty it was really fun King Charles III for his birthday wishes to Hello Kitty on her 50th Anniversary during the visit of their Majesty’s Emperor Narito and Empress maso it was it was nice the the the face of the emperor when he uh when when the king made this remark this is the kind of things that I’m telling you that is the kind of maybe it’s not spontaneous because it was a written speech the King was reading the speech but it’s something like out of out of the ordinary is not only how Japan and the UK have evolved in so many ways since World War II and well it has been just an amazing transformation and there’s there’s a space to be serious but there’s also space to think about all the all those cultural exchanges that have influenced both countries and well the influence of Hello Kitty and Pikachu is undeniable worldwide so it it it it is nice for the king to include that kind of references on on his his speech there was a really nice touch we have a couple things still a couple things here oh my God your comments I want to highlight your comments but some of them are really uh oh my God pink sky so I’m going to I’m going to put your Super Chat thank you for that I’m going to highlight the super chat but I cannot read it cannot read all of it for reasons did you know that Megan got a special mention on Amazon’s The Boys season 4 episode 2 at 2410 that really specific the line ever since she sat down with Harry and that monarchy a Megan maracle oh my God I haven’t seen well the season 4 I understand it has been a bit woke but I’m going to watch thank you pin SK I’m going to watch exactly that I’m going to look for that that clip to play it maybe on tomorrow’s show I will do that rest assured I had had a couple things here I wanted to share with you some questions from my members you know that you can also become a member of the Ries I’m sorry I I I’ve been I’ve been working on this lives and this uh shows so much that I haven’t been able to really give my members something special so I will be randomly picking some of my members uh questions you see that you have that tiny bad star batch right here and answering there maybe she has run out of money to pay WME Megan has she run off out of money um in that sense I don’t think that it would be that hard for her to to get one type of credit we we we talk about Banks a while ago in one live stream and how for a company it will be a big difficulty especially if the analyst of the credit Analyst at the bank says how many companies like this have you ever created none how much experience do you have with uh food none how much experience do you have with luxury brands nonone well it’s a bit hard to approve a a credit on that but I don’t know if if U if WME could extend her like a a credit line like we try to keep launching your whatever career you have and you ultimately pay us with the profits of that that could be a thing but no not not happening I think that she is no longer with W after all do you know how it realized this is from diur by GJ do you know how I realize it’s an AI photo of Megan whenever she looks well tailored that that is a that is a good heris to live by you know that I I have created my fear share of Megan AI pictures and all of them the AI fails to capture that not iron essence of her clothes it’s something that is missing you you know that something is is is missing you can you can you can forgive the six fingers that’s something that AI still is struggling with but the not iron clothed that is that is a sin and about of the picture of William and the kids so many from Helen b66 about the picture of William and the kids so many were complaining about only seeing the back of them for Father’s Day why are they always complaining I was so happy to see the front of them to shut up the complainers now they have another complaint is there no news in the UK is there a moratorium on sex in certain areas that we have not been made aware of oh my God that is a topic that so some of you already know some of you already know that that last topic that sarcastic take that Helen b66 had I already tried to touch you touch it at some point and well it let’s say uh I’m not going to continue on that but maybe maybe that’s something that is happening maybe maybe we are getting closer to the truth but in the sense of the always complaining someone is all always going to complain that’s that’s what I tell you you um in my case I was com making that comment before this live stream in my in my in my case it happens that I’m too self-aware and too perfectionist all the time and something that I have to relax and just let it flow today has been an an amazing live stream I have this uh nice flow of Consciousness as that’s nice with all the ideas with all the slides having a nice interaction with you with your comments with your amazing comments and your super chats but there will always be people who complain I mean that your lives are too long well you can see them in chunks well you sometimes you take too long to get to the point some topics you require to elaborate on them some topics are are not just snacks I understand that some people like snacks like shorts for example like the Tik Tok forbat and the attention and okay but for example when I talk about the problem between Serena and Megan that was not a 10minute video that was simply not possible I would have rushed like Flo through through it or the Megan and Bob Iger and all the uh Disney shenanigans that also needed one hour I’m trying to make this as sweet and nice and possible and people will complain no matter what William and Catherine do someone will complain so my invitation I have an invitation for you my lovely Roan roges whatever you’re thinking of doing of creating of of making a reality some somebody’s going to complain somebody’s going to complain at the start somebody’s going to uh complain in the middle someone is going to complain no matter what you do at any stage of the the the the the your path that you have chosen one thing that my suggestion is is that always always try to identify which criticism could be actually good for you right that that’s something that I have learned as a content creator over many years sometimes there’s something that I can take from even from harsh criticism I haven’t thought of that maybe I could test it and even the harsh critics help me make better videos and we all win in in the long they will keep complaining they will always keep complaining I will not change them and I don’t care either what I care is about you it’s like William and cther and the roal family they keep their head down they keep doing the work and they keep uh Keep Calm and Carry On which is I think the greatest motto that we could live by keep calm and carry on there’s another Super Chat ops’s Choice please can we have an air of AI of Prince William and the King throwing Tiaras at one another I I could make a replica of that Meme of this uh these guys who repair motorcycles or send or sell motorcycles that was was a series of frames of this of these two father and son that was throwing a chair they were arguing maybe we could do something like that with William and the King but at the same time I don’t want to feed you know the sausage Squad that will grab anything to to slander and make up things about well everyone who is doing the barely something besides what they are of course not doing anything they can only destroy they cannot build that’s what we are doing 30 seconds we have just 30 seconds one one comment one comment [Music] straight all right right 30 seconds Orange County Chopper so I’m going to look for that thank you Carla Andrews Orange County Choppers I’m going to look for that Meme my Royal Ries my name is Jesus andri Rosas I’m the Royal Rogue and until we meet on another video or Another live remember the most important words much love and bless take care because I love every single one of you bye-bye

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  1. My granddaughters ages 8 and 10 would enjoy every single minute of that concert and they would not complain. Yes, that is young but she is an idol, not of mine, theirs🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. If an abusive, rude, creepy ex says you need to meet in person, DON'T DO IT!!
    No-one "needs" to meet you in person. Although meeting in person is very useful for a psychopath, all the better to manipulate you.

  3. Prince William and Princess Catherine know how to interact with people from all areas of life… when they can let their hair down and when they should be stoic, and they're instilling this into their young ones. Harry would have also had that type of upbringing but he is incapable of demonstrating that because he doesn't have the type of woman who would uplift him to that social standing. I still believe in the old adage that the woman you marry will either uplift you or bring you down. Guess where you fall, harry.

  4. Hahahaha, " my creativity is nothing with these imaginations, that the king travelled to the US disguised with a mustache, I thought I am creative, but no. " Lol, I love the "Hispanic" common sense!

  5. Wicked show Jesus….I really feel that things are going well for King Charles and the beautiful Catherine Princess of Wales, because Prince William and the children seem carefree and happy…the lovely photos from the palace are wonderful!…❤❤..

  6. Yes the children are very privileged and live a life very different to us BUT because of who William and Catherine are they are lovely warm children not at all stuck up like Charles was with nannies etc, times have modernised and We see It with the wales children.

  7. Elizabeth Woodville was said to be an exquisite beauty. Meghan is not that. The picture of Harry reminds me of the self-portrait of Vincent van Gogh. It looks insane.

  8. Terri has always been a mean person in my opinion. He was the main child, I mean teenager and now he’s a main middle-age man I think all of his bad behavior was covered up by the palace for PR and we are finally seeing what kind of person he truly is in real life allegedly.

  9. This supposedly adult male complained that another supposedly adult male broke his necklace as he supposedly pushed the first mentioned male into a stainless steel dog bowl. Since recollections vary, is it possible the necklace was broken when Harry stumbled over the dog bowl and William attempted to prevent Harry’s fall?

  10. Imho H and M is Judas
    So never trust Judas
    Who will ever trust person who telling private moment of he grandma in very vulnerable moment which grandma can’t able and never give the person permission to told public family moment during death.
    H never gaining the trust again

  11. OMG 😱 William estadista ? No lo creo, le falta mucho, pero lo que ha aprendido es por la Reyna Isabel y Rey Carlos 👑 , Catherine es una plebeya de clase media, muy bonita y con buen gusto, pero ha cometido errores como el vulgar topless que hizo recién casada.

  12. I am not the same age as Princess Anne and last year I was in my garden pottering around doing weeding mowing the grass and the last thing I remember was getting the strimmer out and woke up in hospital. I had 10 stitches in the back of my head and another four in my arm and I still don't know what I did. My daughter found me when she came in from work apparently lying in a pool of blood. Princess Anne will be fine but maybe just maybe it's time to draft in Zara and Mike and Beatrice.

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