Tom Cruise and Will Smith on top of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai

Posted by ControlCAD


  1. SaItyByNature on

    This makes me ill, just looking at how high up that is. I’d die.

    At least Will Smith is strapped in and looks reasonably scared, whereas Tom Cruise is just all “Look Ma, no hands!”

  2. I am crying laughing at Will holding on for his life. They could never make me hate you Will

  3. youneedsomemilk23 on

    This makes me physically sick, I can’t even do indoor rock climbing lol

  4. Comfortable-Yam9013 on

    I thought Tom was the ginger guy from riverdale at first. How do they get up there and why are they up there?

  5. Ugh, I didn’t need to see those bare-assed Xenu-obsessed feet this early in the day.

    (Not mad at you, OP)

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