Ticket Tuesday Inside Out 2 Review (Amy Poehler) (Maya Hawke)

so real quick guys there are spoilers for this film so if you wish to be unspoiled go watch the film and then come back you have been warned hey guys welcome back to another week of Ticket Tuesday I’m your host r t HD so yeah this is going to be a great time hey guys welcome back to episode of take it Tuesday and this week we watched Inside Out 2 took eight years for this one to release and I will say it was enjoyable I did like most of it but I do think it was not as good as the first one but I overall I did enjoy it I think it was fun I did like the new ideas they brought in and overall I had a good time but before we go on a whole tangent by I thought this F was pretty good and more I’ll tell you why and more back at the house anxiety I am just such a huge fan of yours we ry’s new emotions you can’t just bottle us up we are supressed a [Music] motion let Operation new Riley begin o walkie-talkies check check check can you hear me I got to press the button go for Joy copy that over oh I love them just don’t look down and keep moving you be okay right uh 5050 hey guys welome back to episode of Ticket Tuesday I’m RG and this week we watched Inside Out 2 this is obviously the sequel to The 2015 film 9 years ago it’s insane almost 10 years ago inside out uh winner of the 2016 best animated feature Academy Award also this film is starring Amy Poler Kensington tomman and Maya Hawk I believe those are all the names that are like the central big three of the film now this film is like a direct continuation of the last film so it picks right up basically where the last film left off except the like main like girl character is you know older and she’s a teenager now and she just like just turned like 13 turned into a teenager and so essentially the film talks on the basically the struggles that a teenager goes through in the vast array of emotions you know that they feel you know like the vast array of new emotions that they’re introduced to they’re not a kid anymore you know they’re worried and they anxious about a lot of things you know they or maybe more than they should be right that’s kind of what this film talks about they kind of let anxiety kind of invade their mind you know they kind of let it simmer and let it just not let them don’t feel anything they’re worried all the time they’re nervous all the time or they’re always feeling some kind of negative emotion right and the whole film is about kind of about joy in the main cast from the last movie trying to get back back to headquarters after being kicked out by the new emotions and trying to get back and get Riley back to her normal self right but then by the end of the film they realize that neither party should decide can decide like who Riley is as a person that she is her own person right and that they should work in tandem with each other and they shouldn’t just ignore all the bad things you know and only take in the good things cuz that’s not healthy right you can’t just oh like you know put all those bad bad memories all those bad things in the back of your head cuz that will pile it’ll pile up and it’ll all come crashing down right that’s kind of what this film is about right and I really I really think like it’s could it’s probably relatable for a lot of people right because I mean everybody at a point in their life probably felt the way Riley did you know she was an you were anxious about something maybe you weren’t anxious about making it to a hockey team or whatever but you were worried about something you were anxious about something right like that’s just kind of what it’s like like your mind matures right and your mind starts thinking about things you wouldn’t have thought of before as a kid because you were just a kid right you were just having fun going through the motions right you didn’t really think about what you were doing you were just doing things right and one thing I also really like about this film is that anxiety she’s not a villain right she’s the antagonist but she’s not the villain there’s a difference she means well like all the emotions mean well they all try to help Riley But anxiety she is simply misguided right she’s she thinks she’s helping Riley she thinks that she’s better that she can help Riley better than joy and the others can she thinks that she can do a lot better and she kind of goes through an arc throughout the film that like she realizes that she can’t you know what I mean she pressures her too much and she puts too much on her and you know she’s too heavy right So eventually her and joy go through a bit of an arc where they both realize that they can’t control her right that they have as I said work in tandem with each other they have to work together as like a whole unit right and they have to let their let her emotions be her emotions right so and uh like the whole like main body of this film like the main plot of this film is Riley and her anxiety and essentially the film touch not touches the film is about essentially anxiety taking over and kicking out the other emotions cuz she thinks she can she knows best for Riley she knows what’s best and what she does is she basically t as I said she takes over and she over analyzes things she overthinks things she looks way into the future about like really unrealistic really Doom and Gloom type situations and she ruins Riley’s relationships she makes her make a bunch of bad decisions and it’s basically just piling on top of each other and Riley is just like a shell of her former self like she’s kind of selfish she’s kind of mean she throws her friends to the Wayside for new friends and anxiety is like ruining her life basically and that is very relatable for some people CU obviously when you’re a kid like obviously maybe not all obviously not all kids are like this but a lot of kids they don’t really go through a lot as much as anxiety as a teenager would because as you get older you worry about things you overthink things you over analyze things and you just get anxious over things maybe that you shouldn’t or things that are a little bit like you’re blowing them out of proportion right not saying that you shouldn’t get anxious about things but sometimes when you’re a teenager you do blow things out of proportion and that’s kind of what happened here because Riley would constantly get anxious oh I’m not going to make the team or oh I’m not good enough I can’t do this I’m not going to be able to do this and that was like the most like emotional part of the movie is the part where she’s like I can’t do this I’m not good enough to make the team you know I’m not good enough for my friends I’m not good enough for my family I’m not good enough for the team you know I’m a bad person is pretty much she’s like I’m selfish I’m a bad person and that’s like the big emotional gut punch of the movie and but by the end of the film she doesn’t let her anxiety controll her anymore she is able to manage her emotions and maybe not overcome her anxiety but she’s able to you know uh what What’s the word keep it in check she’s able to keep her anxiety in check and that’s the like the end of the film is basically the new cast of emotions working in tandem with the old cast of emotions and it’s just it’s just a really I think it’s a really enjoyable and relatable plot and I like that like because if anybody of any age could relate to the anxiety plot as I said and that’s I just think it’s a good movie right I think it was a it’s a good continuation I also like how it wasn’t like a rehash of the first movie like the first movie oh uh join sadness get disconnected from the group they are lost and Stranded into like the memory Maze and they have to find their way back and from the trailers I kind of thought it would have been the same thing except oh anger and disgust and fear here and it would have been you know just them trying to get back again but they add enough new stuff to the and the story is like pretty different in the fact that like it’s it’s Riley going through problems but it’s different problems right and it’s more teenage problems and it fits right it completely matches the tone of an inside out film and I really think that this film did the original Justice and it is a worthy worthy sequel to the original film it adds things it adds new ideas it makes it’s interesting too like the things that they add are interesting new things that you can get intrigued in and they leave it open-ended enough for an Inside Out 3 and honestly I wouldn’t be too you know like I wouldn’t reject an Inside Out 3 I’m actually kind of wanting an Inside Out 3 by the way this ended now that all the emotions are now working together and they’re not against each other I really want to see how all of the new emotions would work with the old ones right like I really want to see how they work together right and that like I got me invested and another thing getting invested about getting invested is Riley I mean obviously you’re so here’s an example you watched the original inside out you didn’t watch it for the kid right realistically you don’t watch any animated movies for the kid or like the you know like a Toy Story movie you don’t watch for Andy you you watch for the toys you know it’s like any kind of film like that where there’s like the kid who has like you know what you guys know what I mean it’s hard to explain but guys get what I mean and the fact that in the in first s out of FM you didn’t really care as much about Riley as you did about the the Mind stuff but in this movie I care I was invested right like I was invested and I was like I wanted her to achieve her goals I wanted her to be happy I wanted her to you know stop doing like not doing all these bad things not doing all these weird stuff like I was invested in her story and that’s it that’s that’s a that’s an A+ right there man getting me invested in not only the human side of the story but also the emotion side of the story is great because CU they work they work together obviously so if when you’re invested in both you’re super invested because they both connect very hard very very much so and I like that it was it was just very investing right I was I’m saying that a lot sorry I was very engaged it was very engaging right I was very into the movie and honestly I would very much recommend this film this is probably like probably the best Pixar sequel in a long time honestly this one genuinely felt like they wanted to make it and they put effort into it and like it didn’t feel like a cash grab because I mean the film on by pix Disney Pixar standards is not that old right the first one is not that old by Disney Pixar sequel standards um and honestly I would recommend it you know for Pixar fans Disney fans obviously Inside Out fans you know or if you just want to watch like if you’ve watched the first film like I would definitely recommend watching the first film before watching this one but if you really want to get like a new emotional invest like engaging an emotional engaging storyline with this character and her emotions and managing them I would highly recommend this this duy of films which soon may be a Trilogy we don’t know I don’t know but but anyway I would recommend this film and overall I think I’d rated an eight out of 10 very enjoyable really liked it and uh yeah thank thank my peace so guys I hope you like this video share friends subscribe turn notifications on comment down Bel if you liked it but you guys know it goes I didn’t me to say that what I really meant to say you guys hated this video unsubscribe this in the comments I’m R time HD off to handle my [Music] emotions hey guys and welcome back to episode of take it Tuesday I’m rhd and I forgot to wear my hat

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