‘The Bear’ Takes a Step Down in an Aimless Season 3 That Leans Too Heavily on Star Power: TV Review

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. i_love_doggy_chow on

    It was already doing this in season 2 tbh (see: the entire Thanksgiving episode)

  2. I’ve only seen the first episode of season 3 but I thought it was maybe the most boring, meandering, and self-indulgent half hour of tv I’ve seen.

  3. Yeah to me having John Mulaney and Bob Odenkirk randomly pop up was so weird to me. Absolutely adore this show to death but I feel because it’s such a huge hit, it doesn’t really need star power from guest stars to prop itself up. That said I really love Olivia Colman and Will Poulter’s characters.

  4. Jumpy-Platform-6236 on

    really takes itself too seriously with the hype. i hated the thanksgiving episode but could see where this was headed when it came out and people reacted so strongly when i felt it was overrated.

  5. Relevant_Hedgehog_63 on

    i am only halfway through but i have only felt this way so far about the ep5 fak guest star. the whole shtick with the faks was overdone to me.

    otherwise i am enjoying this season a lot so far, but a lot of it is that i have an emotional attachment to the different characters from previous seasons.

  6. mandypandy13 on

    I haven’t watched any episodes yet and I have cleared schedule to start this weekend!!! I starting doing rotation on my subscriptions and Hulu is one them. The only other show I like is What We Do in The Shadowns.

  7. Massive_Weiner on

    The success of S1 definitely blew the show up to a point where everyone working on it knew that this was a “big deal.”

    That’s often a premonition for something becoming self-indulgent and getting lost in its own hype (still pissed about Westworld).

  8. Traditional_Maybe_80 on

    I’ve only watched the first episode so far, but I liked it and it seemed very in line with what the show has always been? Maybe all those elements, that are more spaced out in more than one episode, being together in just one made it feel kinda *too* chaotic.

    I’m surprised about people now talking about the star power thing, I remember when last season I wasn’t particularly fond of all the stunt cameos while the majority was raving about them and even asking for Jamie Lee Curtis Emmy 💀. Out of all the known actors casting, the only ones I enjoy deeply are Olivia Colman, Will Poulter and Robert Townsend.

  9. DennisAFiveStarMan on

    Ah the ‘I don’t like good things’ critic review is in. Shows class, this series is great too.

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