Rina Sawayama has been blocking fans who have criticized her for working with Paris Hilton and for taking a picture with Min Heejin

Posted by demimonde9


  1. Exciting_Potato_6717 on

    Blocking fans for calling you out on your hypocrisy is never a good look.

  2. chhhhhhhhhhh95 on

    Maybe unpopular but I don’t feel like celebrities are required to entertain fans lecturing them in their DMs if they don’t want to and are entitled to blocking whoever they want. If people don’t like who she’s associating with they should just distance themselves as a fan or choose not to support her, writing paragraphs in her DMs and expecting her to interact with it is weird

  3. MHJ can go fuck herself and now ig Rina can too. Yuck. I cannot imagine associating with that woman 💀 (ik i sound like a hypocrite bc of my pfp lmao)

  4. TheIncredibleBucket on

    Terribly disappointing and selfish of her. I feel for the fans getting blocked, and people being rude about their discontent are annoying as hell. Rina’s a complete phony and the fans who respected her for calling out Matty Healy being sad and disappointed is only fair. She can keep digging her own grave, it’s in her hands now

  5. Min Heejin is BTS fans (and many other kpop fans) #1 enemy so good luck to MHJ and Rina.

  6. Conclusion_Solid on

    LOL Rina must be in the mood to piss people off with who she’s decided to associate with. Like damn..

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