“Making an album about woman empowerment and working with Dr Luke?” Katy Perry is asked in Paris

Posted by clemthearcher


  1. Comfortable-Load-904 on


    There are a lot of very talented producers in the industry that she could have collaborated with but she chose to work with that abusive asshole who assaulted Kesha. I hope her album bombs so hard, it’s what she deserves. She has consistently shown herself to be the most abhorrent person by championing the worst people, this is who she is as water always seeks it’s on level.

  2. Sufficient_Motor_458 on



    Also Katy: *Insists* on working with a r*pist

    The math isn’t mathing, Katheryn

  3. ThisIsAlexisNeiers on

    Love that people are calling her out like this. Sending my love to Kesha and other victims…hope Katy learns there’s a huge difference between being a #Girlboss and actually supporting other women

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