Isla Fisher – actress’s fear of flying | #shorts #viral #IslaFisher #CraigFerguson

and be before I started flying I talked to you and you said I said I want to know what’s behind my fear of flying and I remember you said behind the fear Craig is you and I thought oh that sounds like a movie and then I’m in the plane I’m an IMM moderate turbulence I’m crapping my pants and then in my head comes you going behind the fear is you but it’s not just but it’s not just a dude it’s CT Russell’s voice so it really is like a movie Behind the fear you I’m like Get Out of My Head R I got to I was terrified absolutely Terri

She is fantastic!
I hope you’re watching the outros, cuze I’m putting some work into them sometimes :D. Enjoy!

#shorts #viral #IslaFisher #CraigFerguson


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