Dua Lipa and Drew Barrymore Answer Fan Questions | The Drew Barrymore Show

I want to turn it over to you guys um we have some questions from our amazing audience um first question you’re up what’s your name hey Drew hey Dua um my name is Lydia I’m a sophomore drama major at Tu a lot of actors um but my question is kind of like a situation so my best friend she recent she recently got into a relationship right and once she got into that relationship she just completely stopped talking to me so what would you do in that situation okay so one I’d be really upset to um I think it’s so difficult when um and it can happen to all of us you kind of lose sight a little bit of what’s around you because you’re so in the moment and you’re excited about you know your the the new person that’s in your life um I think one be patient with it a little bit just while they kind of find their feet I feel like they they’ll come back and they’ll feel you know maybe a little embarrassed maybe a little bad about this moment that that they’ve neglected their friendships I think it’s also okay if you maybe sit down and have a conversation with your friend and tell them how you feel and be like I’m all for your relationship I love seeing you happy I love that all you want to do is spend time with um this new person but also I miss you and I’d love if maybe we could hang out a little bit more or make time for each other and that’s a relationship too and you want to nurture that and I think I think your friend will really respect you going up and tell them how you feel all right we have another question Hi how are you hello dreu hey it’s [Applause] working what’s your name my name is Marco I’m a sophomore drama major at Tu so sweet like when you get rejected from a role or something how do you really get lift yourself up from that what motivates you to get back up when someone says no proving them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wrong um you know I I it’s it’s also about um I don’t know being in competition with yourself a little bit and being like it’s okay I’m going to get better I’m going to work harder I’m going to try my best um I think that’s also just so important to remember that the only thing you want to do is just see the baby step see the growth see how you’re changing and evolving yourself I think that is the best way to measure your own success you just want to do a little bit better than you did yesterday I think um also as you build the bricks and the foundation and you prove them wrong that that never becomes a chip on on your shoulder everybody’s nose never let them be your own a reason to be angry but to live a life where the rejection makes you stronger and not angrier is so important and has been such a North star for me um but proving them wrong is awesome and that can be a journey not against someone else but for yourself and that will be such a benefit to others in the end and I think of you when I say that because had you takeen no for an answer had you ever given up had you never stopped trying then we wouldn’t have you in the world and that wouldn’t be okay so I trust her advice implicitly and we have to do it with a level of you know of of of of continued kindness also I think thank you very much yeah thank you all right one last question hello hi um I remember how you were talking about manifesting things through your music and I thought that was so interesting and I was wondering how you kind of discovered that you could do that

Dua Lipa sits down with Drew Barrymore to answer some fan questions revolving around relationships, friendships, and more!

#DrewBarrymoreShow #DuaLipa

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Dua Lipa and Drew Barrymore Answer Fan Questions | The Drew Barrymore Show


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