Sandra Bernhard And Judy Gold On The Importance Of Queer Comic History | The View

just in time for pride month Sandra burnhard and Judy Gold join other lgbtq plus comedians in the new Netflix documentary outstanding a comedy Revolution to share the history of queer standups who took a stand against the powers that be take a look rean was awful it was it was rough but Sandra was so bold like just a wild woman pointing out hypocrisy Jerry fwell tries to fight the funk and he tells us to fight the funk Jerry fwell will give in to the funk and and it was just so much fun to watch and it was just impressive you cannot fight the funk cuz the funk fights fascism racism sexism homophobia it was like a Battle Cry and putting on your Warrior clothes and going we’re going to fight through this and somehow we’re going to come out the other side please welcome Sandra burnhard and Judy [Applause] Gold so nice to meet [Applause] you thank you to meet you hi baby I just got some log from Buster Ry so I’m glowing I’m showing I’m growing flowing H [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amazing so what be it’s so good to see you it is wonderful to you yes and and amazing thank you is been a while since I look like that but listen this documentary is off the hook phenomenal spectac yes spectacular loud and loud so do me a favor tell us why thisen documentary was so important to get done why was it so important to time because we’re at a a Tipping Point culturally yep and we’ve got to remind people of how beautiful and incredible all performers are especially gay performers because we are the you know the soul of entertainment and we’re the truth tellers and it wasn’t always easy to tell the truth H because there was a lot a lot of push back and I also believe our young lgbtq Community needs to know their history it’s very you know it thank you uhhuh yeah it wasn’t it wasn’t just handed to them you know it was just handed it wasn’t handed to us so we we were sort of like like you whoopy we were the Trailblazers well the best comedians come out of U not discrimination but behind behind the aall they were Jews and they were blacks they were women and gays those are the discriminated groups true so Judith you and I are friends for a long time very long time I know her her mother calls her Judith yeah I did so we came up together at catcher rising star and and also downtown we did a lot of Comedy together um but you when we were doing that you were not out yet no I didn’t come out on stage until 1996 wow um when I had a child and yeah for but you everything came up yeah I I don’t know if you remember we were sitting at the bar at catch a rising star and you were like um uh Judy uh Larry Amo said you’re a lesbian is that true that is so she still does it just like that you here’s a question have you ever gotten it on with a lady no but someday I will better you better hurry up Joy But to answer your question I’ll do it in my 9s to answer your question um I um uh I had this child and you know every comic talks about their family on stage and I was like what kind of message is it to to say to your kid oh well I talk about everything else on stage but you do and I just couldn’t do it and I came up in the straight clubs and I have to say I came out because of my child but I think it was precisely because of him that it made it easier for me to come out because I think people were more comfortable hearing about you have to be parenting you have to be true in the documentary when you said I couldn’t look at him without the pride of what we were as a family like that really hit home this documentary is phenomenal for a thousand reasons you say it’s important for the lgbtq Youth but it’s like black history black history gay history every history It’s All American history and I think I always thought I knew a lot and as I was watching this and the two steps forward 10 steps back it was in my lifetime and I was like gut punched over and over again watching this it uh the documentary kind of has all the iconic lgbtq plus um milestones in pop culture like Ellen admitting she was Lebanese on the Ros Donald show to uh your Infamous 1988 appearance with Madonna on Letterman where you talked about going to a lesbian bar I’ve been to the cubby hole love it absolutely I didn’t see you there she’s a she’s a closet lipstick I went to Smith college I played on a Game Volleyball so I have a lot of I’m gay adjacent I’m gay adjacent um or not adjacent but um we have the clip great I think it’s time to fess up get real honey anytime you’re ready get real I hate stuff like this just hate stuff okay yes i s i [Applause] slep he was terrible you li no you are much [Applause] better now did you realize in that moment um how groundbreaking that was going to be no no we didn’t do it for for any other reason than we just wanted to like come out and shock people and be crazy remember it and have fun a young lesbian watching the these two that was s such an iconic moment because it was so dangerous and it was sort of all these that moment was like a wink to us like I got you we’re we’re gonna get there I’m glad that’s how it was perceived but for me it was like I always wanted to like kind of like break the norms and go out and like really shake people up entire career yeah and I I mean it’s just sort I couldn’t imagine being any other way CU for me just like doing straight comedy was just too boring you both yourselves well noop really you’re question the way by the way I want to talk about our our show that we’re writing together hope Falls it’s a scripted TV show we’re getting ready to pitch it soon we play cousins first cousin tical cousins yeah oh close to it but isn’t it time to see two groovy Jewish gay ladies we won’t be gay in the show because it’s too predictable but we’re GNA we’re going to cross the the the aisle and rubic but I love this lady she sister love and it’s so great now that women can be friends yes and work together and because we never got to work together because they’d have if they had a woman on a show it would be one woman we came up with all got along with each other pretty much we all did they didn’t want us to they wanted it to be there’s one of you who’s it going to be the days of competition are over yeah the yes the days of competition are over no need to compete anymore there’s space for every there for every you know our thanks to Sandra burnhard Judy Gold outstanding is streaming now on Netflix and Judy’s Book yes I can say that is available now get it that’s a good title on do yourselves a again watch this documentary you will you will you will realize how much you didn’t realize it’s really great

The iconic comedians join “The View” to discuss their new documentary to share the history of queer stand-ups who took a stand for inclusivity.

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  1. It was amazing that CNN hosted Bidens funeral 😂 I guess that week off to prepare didn't help much lmao. YOU KNOW WHO WON 😂😂😂

  2. I'm sorry but I just couldn't wait. This is about the debate. People do not listen to Alyssa, she's just the Republican throwing out that stupid narrative. She would be the one Republican who will vote for Trump and say I was just playing a game on The View. Joe I mean President Joe Biden held his own and he is doing the job of the presidency and he will continue to do the job of the presidency… Only Republicans who lie will vote for Donald Trump or try to steal our votes from Joe Biden… I say to Alyssa, please check yourself before you wreck yourself 💯 I know this is all your opinion and this is just mine. Peace be still 🙏🏾🙏🏼🙏🙏🏿

  3. Break News, Choose in this poll. Who are the most dangerous venomous snakes in US politics? Hillary Clinton? Nancy Pelosi? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Kamala Harris? Leticia James? Fani Willis? Rashida Tlaib? Ilhan Omar? Or still all woman this participate this program? And if you know of other candidates, please write in.😂😂😂😂😂😂

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