Lucy Hale: Dogs are the “Antidote” to Negativity | The Drew Barrymore Show

I’m so upset if people are like dinner’s at 8 I’m like no dinner’s at 5 dinner at 5 Lucy this is Douglas actually thisg that’s Lucy Lucy Lucy did you know Lucy is in the top 10 dog names in America every year really yes a Lucy this is Lucy and douglas douglas oh my God they’re so friendly oh they’re such good dogs a mom like you oh oh he’s like Mommy yeah I know and you also love your dogs do Love My Dog Elvis and El oh my God this is this is my dream come true come on guys sorry ducky will they jump Lucy come here come here come on up up up there we go oh my God this is let me help you play yeah there we go that’s it I love this so much um I I do I have two dogs Elvis and Ethel who are multi poos and I am I hear they’re your life too they’re my entire oh there they are oh my God aren they oh no look at what are you really doing you don’t have cowboy boots for your dogs like that the best feeling in the world is coming home to them I have to remind myself of that all the time because I get in and dated with I’m a huge news Watcher and so there’s a lot of intensity and so it’s like what’s the antidotes to that dogs dogs is like they’re shot in the arm to I have to turn off I have to put the phone away me too in the morning and at night which you’re a early bedtime gal too why when did you start becoming an early bird special oh my gosh I’ve always been a morning person and I think I’m like always shocked when people say let’s go to dinner and I say what time and they say 9 I’m like I’m in Rim sleep what are you talking about no growing up isn’t overrated I’m really enjoying it yeah cuz you started working when you were so young you grew up on Pretty Little Liars I did I booked that show when I was 19 and then we we wrapped it up when I was about 28 it was crazy it was like pivotal years but and you know all while doing it

Lucy Hale sits down with Drew Barrymore and her two dogs Douglas and Lucy (now passed) to talk about her own dogs, Elvis and Ethel and how these furry friends can be the antidote to all the negativity in the world right now.

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Lucy Hale: Dogs are the “Antidote” to Negativity | The Drew Barrymore Show


  1. Perene gratidão tenho por Lucy, não conhecia o trabalho dela. Tb amo animais tenho 2 dogs e 4 cats, pais de pets me fez sorrir pela primeira vez após a perda abrupta do meu pai e da minha mãe a 1 ano. Minha família agora é minha irmã numa casa a onde so fica as lembranças. Lucy hale é admirável pois expõe sua luta contra um vilão silencioso que aos poucos se torna um vício ao ponto de perder a razão. Acredito ser ainda mais latente no mundo das celebridades. Mas a emergia que ela emana, sua graciosidade e a alma limpida e subliminar vai erradicar todas essas questões. Brinco com a minha irmã que ela é agora minha Elfa preterida rss Respeitosamente venho aqui explicitar a luminosidade que tens na alma e no coração, como um filme pode impactar, olhar dela em pais de pets me lembrou muito da Julia Roberts ao final do filme um lugar chamado Notting Hill. Puppy Love me trouxe ternura, acalentou minha alma e inundou meu coração de esperança, que sempre vai existir o sol de um novo dia, a onde tudo pode mudar…… Por mais ávido que o ser humano busque a felicidade Lucy hale brilha nos detalhes com seu olhar inquiridor e ao mesmo tempo suave e resplandecente, nesse mundo tão atribulado esquecemos de exercer na prática a palavra amor e compaixão. ❤

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