New Yorkers weigh in: Will Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck last?

that’s what we love the New Yorkers page six in the house I’m sure you’re familiar this page holy oh what’s up Mom hot day here in New York City that calls for some hot tea and hot takes from New Yorkers on the street we’re going to find out what they think of the celebrity couples that are hot right now Jennifer Lopez and Ben afflac what are your thoughts don’t love it I saw on Tik Tok that they’re like kind of controversial like bad energy are they back together they’re back together they got married wait wao time out what they’re back together yes they got back together after 20 years people this is what love is about obviously you know JLo what are your thoughts I think she’s a bit of a cornball away oh tell me why I don’t know like CU of the docu was it a documentary she’s talking about Jenny from the Bronx or whatever yeah actually I want to know that if you know you know orange drink can you break this down that’s completely fake I don’t know where she’s getting that from what do you think do you think the relationship is going to last I don’t know they did it before and they got back together and they got married so I’m kind of 50 50 with it so I really don’t know I’m going to wait and see okay I think they’re going to last you think so they’re going to get past this rough patch yes that’s all marriage does they you know ups and down ups and downs yeah you have your ups and downs so maybe they’ll last uh yeah and here’s why uh I see the look on Ben’s face of a guy that’s seen it all and he’s just happy to have a lovely woman at home are you sure he looks happy there that’s that’s a guy who’s seen it all and I don’t know if that means he’s happy content or just tired of see seeing it all well I mean they’ve gone back together like three times twice twice I only knew that because of my because my parents they talk about it a lot so uh probably not no I think she’s too much a little too much she’s done he’s over it I’ll give it a year I think very few of those couples make it so I’m very odds based person I would say not forever since you are from the Bronx who do you think she would be matched with she should get back with the wait I don’t even know was it Mark Anthony no actually never mind it was marthon yeah she get back with markanthony I think she likes herself a lot is that okay to say that’s perfectly fine to say I don’t needan it in a mean way but like I I don’t know who do you think would be a better match for them Jennifer um what’s her name Jennifer Garder but I love Jennifer Garder she is so cute my she was in my mom’s sority in college no way she loved her I mean she’s JLo she can do whatever the hell she wants

Page Six hit the streets of New York City to ask people if they think Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s relationship will last. The couple has been making headlines amid marital woes. Watch the video to see if you agree or disagree with what these New Yorker’s had to say.

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  1. I think Ben adores Jen, he just doesn't want an exaggerated life with overly ostentatious homes and paparazzi attention on the daily. They're being tortured like last time. Maybe Ben has started drinking so she made him move out. She broke up with him last time.

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