Justin Bieber PROPÔS FUGIR com Selena Gomez antes de se casar com Dona Hailey “Vamos fazer à noite”

back with another news and opinion video here on our channel and check it out Justin Bieber proposed running away with Selena Gomes before marrying Dona Reile we could do it at night he wanted to run away with her gelena fans of gelena’s developments hold on- Sit in your chairs and prepare your heart because this song is impressive new leaked lyrics from Justin Bieber song by stancy and you will find out because Justin narrates the details of the proposal he made to Selena the last time they were together Check it out When Selena released vulnerable in January 2020, she talks about the insecurities that prevented her from saying yes to Justin’s request to get married at that moment and this song that we are going to analyze in today’s video was already written and you will see how evident it is that Selena had access to this song Justin sent it to her and this title appears in Justin’s documentary as one of the possible songs that he was going to put on his next album but it was cut in January 2020 and the lyrics were leaked, it’s there on the website gênios and it’s This Ultimatum is impressive, isn’t it that Justin gave it to Selena when he wanted to marry her in 2018, the lyrics of distance which mean distance start by saying, pay attention, you know love is a powerful thing and I just want to know if you’re ready, can we go? from a distance from a distance we can go Justin asks and there he is already questioning the question that if they took time it could be the end they needed to be United and Selena needed to accept his marriage proposal the lyrics continue saying I will be everything you you need it honey you just have to keep your hand raised up no hitting no shortcuts no slowing down we had to go the distance until the distance is over now Justin wanting Selena to say yes and it’s interesting that he says you just have to keep your hand raised you have to agree with me in us getting married and staying together without crashing here making an analogy with the car that Selena also makes vulnerable you will see below and without slowing down and he still says this about the plan to run away with Selena Gomes says we will just sleep tonight but in the morning go home change your clothes and come back in the afternoon we could do this at night put it all together because when I go you have to go with me when I show up you have to show up with me Look at the song by Justin wanting Selena to abandon Really everyone who was against her relationship with Justin, do you remember Selena’s relatives telling Tzi that J was an evil human being, Selena’s mother who fought with Selena, as TMZ also reported at the time, she was hospitalized? an emotional breakdown Selena’s mother because she argued with Celena in a hotel about getting back together with Justin, her friends disapproving and Justin here proposing Selena run away with him and still continues to say in the lyrics of distance when I want a little more, have a little more With me there will be no more questions the distance is over now and then he says if we are arguing it’s because we disagree a lot you swear I’m lying Would you believe me when it rains you would stay in the rain with me when it doesn’t rain you would stay in the sun with me when I’m in pain would you feel the pain with me If it’s too difficult let me know see the questions he asks these questions that show the conflicts he was having with Selena at the time there were disagreements that you will see the details of these disagreements below as the lyrics continue we can go the distance the distance we can go and then he says like this look repeating right aa promise I will be everything you need darling you just have to keep your hand raised no hitting no shortcut no slowing down we had to go far until the distance is over now but if it’s too difficult let me know and The interesting thing is that there is another lyric from Justin that was also leaked in sequence called step back, which also means a step back, it is also there on the website gênios and this lyric There is only a snippet that was leaked, an excerpt that complements that Justin Disney distance because it says so no way Take a step back Take a step back so my heart won’t break I won’t let this happen many times I’ve already fallen into your emotional games here Justin is even calling it an emotional game for Selena to say no him at a time when he was completely delivered and this song Justin makes Selena respond directly to the lyrics of vulnerable asking the same questions because you saw that Justin says if we are arguing it is because we disagree a lot and then he says he asks several questions Would you believe in me when it rains you would stay in the rain with me would stay in the sun with me would feel this pain with me and then Selena responds like this in vulnerable but if I give you a piece of me I know you can let go if I give you the chance I know you can take advantage As soon as you get it if I open up my heart goes out to you I know you could lock it throw away the key and keep it forever in your pocket if I gave you this chance you would ruin everything if I was the best thing that ever happened to you you would know that if the my love was like a flower you would plant it you cultivate it I will give you my whole body but are you strong or enough to hold it and Justin says right I will be everything you need baby making this promise to which Selena responds saying if I show you all my demons and dive in, look at the bottom of the well, we would crash and burn like it was every time before, see that Selena makes the same analogy of being inside a crashing and burning vehicle, remember that in the lyrics of back to you by Selena she is also with Justin’s lookalike in a vehicle that represents their relationship and Selena says oh I would tell you all my secrets you would embrace my weakness if the only other option is to let you go I will be vulnerable yes if I give you away my emotions you would want to take them if I gave you all my trust you would get in the way and break it and Justin, right, makes the promise of Actually the request the proposal to run away together saying we will just sleep tonight but in the morning he says change with your clothes on come back in the afternoon we could do this at night because when I go you have to go with me when I show up you have to show up with me and Selena still says in the lyrics of vulnerable if I let you cross my finish line one more time talking about car race you would make it I think I’m ready you don’t come and press the button and activate it if the only other option is to let go I will be vulnerable yes and it is this vulnerability that Selena didn’t Just remain as she continues to say in an interview with the team that she still suffers for Justin and that her relationship with Benny Blanco is irrelevant to make her forget and see that at that moment where these two songs were written about that moment, family and friends were against Selena’s mother As I said hospitalized after a fight Justin wanted Selena take over on social media for real, sources from Hollywood Life They said that he wanted to take over as Dona Reile, he wanted Selena to take over as Dona Reile, he did what he did later with Dona Reile and Selena didn’t do it. Selena had that fear, she just made that birthday post and still hasn’t mentioned the Justin’s name Despite them appearing in public several times kissing and such, now Justin, at that moment, just before they gave up, contacts Dona Reile, according to information, just to make sure that everything was fine between them due to past conflicts, Selena finds out how Sources from the church said, right, I have it and they are in therapy with pastor Judai Smith, who after a while said that he preferred Mrs. Reile. Obviously, because Selena didn’t want Justin’s million-dollar gifts donated to churches in Los Angeles, so Selena, she later provoked Justin. in Australia after they took some time hugging another guy on the boat enjoying a boat ride with friends and Justin teased bkin Champion he received the model beskin Champion at his house several times Dona reira peeps isn’t it taking care to be with Justin isn’t it Take advantage of the opportunity to get revenge on Selena, Justin, right, took advantage of the fact that Ms. R was already there, always during the comings and goings, he said Oops, now is my opportunity to avenge the no that Selena said And he then isn’t in another leaked letter which I analyzed here, he considers it a double mistake, not only not having waited for the time with Selena, but having taken revenge by marrying Dona, re-engaging 2 months later, I understand well both Justin’s side and Selena’s side, there isn’t just one totally right side and not just a totally wrong side, Justin’s side is very real to happen because being told no when you completely humiliate yourself to a woman is terrible, right? Generally this happens to men, right? It’s men who get turned down because men socially are the ones who take the initiative the most. And if the guy has the opportunity to marry someone else in the Man, he gets married, many would do what Justin did because it’s really bad if you can’t count on a person’s yes because Selena was obviously not forced to accept anything, but Justin was in an all-or-nothing moment, sometimes in life, those are moments, life is moments, it’s not like sometimes people meet each other, they have sex on the first day they met, why because life happens Sometimes in unique moments, you can’t wait for the second, third date, the same way it’s with a dating proposal, an engagement proposal, marriage It depends on the moment It depends on the circumstances of that moment and Justin was totally surrendered there and he heard that no but that Selena was also not obliged to trust Justin because he had already broken her trust in the past, she narrates it very well in Luc Eternal and in others songs and it really caught on with the fact that he got in touch with Dona Reale, although the sources said it wasn’t romantic at all, but Selena already felt that Dona Re was going to continue, in a way, being part of it as a possible lover, the lover didn’t trust her right J. but today we have a Selena who partly regrets it because her feeling for J didn’t go away, she thought it would go away, we thought it might go away for a while, I never actually thought it, but a lot of people thought it didn’t go away, and this unfinished thing between her and Justin just makes them always remember and in the face of almost all relationships being an exchange of interests like Jale like Belena also because Justin’s love is for Dona re is very similar to what Selena feels for Benny, it’s not a love of It’s not a second option , and this feeling won’t fulfill first-choice love, right ? not only did he propose to Selene, but he wanted to run away and it was interesting that Selena said no and ran away, right, because you remember that she spent days, I think almost a month in Australia during the soon after she took a break, she literally ran away and the jus staying with besc in Champion isn’t it ah, in the first few days then Dona Reale came, parking her car behind Justin’s Lamborghini so you can see what an unfinished breakup Justin Selena has, so you can see how the developments continue because Justin and Selena certainly need a new chance We will continue to follow you daily I recommend that you leave your opinion in the comments and follow me on social media Twitter Instagram and tiktok also on my other channel vlogs with flame

Justin Bieber pediu Selena Gomez em casamento da última vez que estiveram juntos e ela disse não pois não confiava nele. Antes de se casar com Hailey, ele queria fugir com Selena. Últimas notícias e opinião sobre os assuntos.

Apresentação Sean


  1. Tão triste pensar no amor deles. Tão verdadeiro e intenso, pena que os dois se magoaram tanto, erraram tanto e colocou pessoas no meio deles que destruiram um amor tão lindo!😢
    Mas o elo continua tenho certeza!😊

  2. Mesmo que eles voltasse um dia, eles não iria aguentar tantas pessoas contra principalmente na parte da família da selena a mãe dela não aceitaria e seria um pé de guerra eles mau tinha estrutura antes imagina depois de tudo isso 😢 ainda agora que hailey engravidou iria ser um inferno na na vida de todos ninguém iria ter paz 😢😢

  3. Eles Tinha Um Amor Tão Lindos Se Amam De Verdade, Mas Justin Estragou Tudo Ele Nunca Passou Segura Fidelidade Para Selena , Eu Entendo Dela Não Querer Casar Ou Fugir Com Ele , Justin É Muito Instável Imaturo Não Dá Para Confiar Nele Uma Pena Mesmo

  4. Justin Fez Tantas Promessas Para Selena E Dps Ele Se Casa Com Sua Amante Entendo Prq Selena Ficou Tão Magoada Arrassada Parece Que Ele É Duas Pessoas, Ou É Falta De Caráter, Mas Que Selena Tenha Forças E Pense No Que Está Vivendo Agora E No Seu Futuro, A Vida Passa Rápido Demais E Selena Tem Muito O Que Viver Que Ela Seja Muito Feliz Se Case E Tenha A Sua Familia Ela Merece Ser Amada E Respeitada ❤

  5. If they were to have 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃🏽‍♀️away, they would've found them JB probably knew what they plans were and knew the 👸 was his salvation from all those 👹👹👹👹👹 surrounding him .

  6. Eu Amo A Selena Acho Ela Muito Sincera Admiro A Sua Maturidade, Justin Tem Vários Fatores De Impedir Dele Voltar Com Ela , É Difícil Escrever Isso Mas Acho Também Que Justin Não Coragem De Lagar Tudo Por Causa Da Dona hailey O Bebê Que Vem E Também Por Causa Da Doença Da Selena O Lúpus, É Dificil Mas Acho Que Justin É Muito Vaidoso Mimado Imaturo, Ele Nunca Respeitou A Selena Nunca Teve Impatia Por Ela Não Sei Se Ele Teria Forças Para Ajudar A Selena Como Marido Ele É Muito Egoista Covarde , Selena Tem Que Cortar Esse Vinculo Com Ele Só Machuca Mais Ela , Deus Abençoe A Selena Em Tudo Que Ela Seja Feliz Que Foque Nos Seus Novos Projetos Como Tem Feito , E Se Permita Amar Novamente E Casar E Ter Seus Filhos, Ela Sim Merece Muito Ser Feliz ❤

  7. Já fui Jelena, mas o que Justin aprontou com a Selena é imperdoável. Quem ama não faz as coisas que ele fez, quando assumiu com Sua atual esposa ele esfregava a felicidade deles na cara da Selena, isso não se faz com uma pessoa que vc fala c ama. É imperdoável tais ações, Selena merece alguém que a ame de verdade.

  8. O não que a Selena deu ao Justin doeu muito nele, mais o arrependimento da Selena em não aceitar o pedido de casamento do Justin parece que perpétua muito mais esses dois, ela não deu o voto de confiança nele, e ele não soube esperar por ela.. enfim e um término sofrido mal resolvido que na verdade não ouve término ouve um distanciamento dos dois 😢 14:22

  9. En el mundo paralelo, Selena huyo con Justin y se casaron, pese a todos en contra. Hayley no lo dejaba en paz y seguia acechando a Justin, Selena operada y convaleciente y Justin tentado por Hayley le fue infiel. Sel nunca se lo perdona y dignamente le pide el divorcio y se separan. Hayley esta ahi para "el premio; su loteria" 😂

  10. Ele fez a escolha dele , infelizmente escolheu Hailey como mulher e nao quis lutar pelo seu grande amor… Agora que ele ainda escolheu a mãe do filho dele acho que so no futuro que ele e Sel poderiam ficar juntos (talvez como Ben Affleck e Jenifer Lopez) e olhe la

  11. O Justin Tá Num Estágio Tão Depressivo Que É Preocupante. Será Que Não Tem Uma Pessoa Que Possa Socorrer Ele! Nenhum Amigo Nota O Estado Em Que Ele Se Encontra. Cadê À Mãe Dele Que Não Encherga Que Se O Filho Dela Continuar Assim Poderá Acontecer Algo Muito Grave Como Um Suicídio! Quanto À Selena Se Ela Tiver Um Pingo De Amor Próprio Ela Jamais Voltaria Com Ele !

  12. Eles Selena e Justin tem que conversar desse final inacabado o mais rápido possível !! como já disse em outro vídeo fiquei com muita raiva dele pela Selena mas hoje tenho pena muita dele a tristeza é nítida eu tenho visão de médica è muito perigoso esse estado dele

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