Ben Affleck SPARKS BACKLASH from Matt Damon after reuniting with Jennifer Lopez!WHAT HAPPENED!?

we need to talk about something yeah very important topic your friend Ben Affleck and a little thing we call bener um how do you like them apples there’s not enough liquor in the world for you to get me to say something about that you know Ben Affleck Sparks backlash from Matt Damon after reuniting with Jennifer Lopez worried about Ben’s recovery Matt voiced serious worries drama heats up as Affleck is spotted without his wedding ring and JLo heads to Italy by her self sparking talk of a split with their $60 million Beverly Hills home for sale and a secret film in the works what’s next in this Hollywood Story before we continue did you know that 93.3% of our viewers aren’t subscribed subscribe now to keep up with our latest content thank you Matt Damon told Ben Affleck to be careful about getting back together with Jennifer Lopez before they got married according to people who know about it they say Matt’s really worried about his buddy who used to struggle with alcohol and doesn’t want him to start drinking again especially with all the talk about his marriage the worried couple started worrying people when they weren’t seen together for over a month then photos showed Affleck who’s 51 without his wedding ring and Lopez 54 went on a vacation to Italy alone making people think even more Damon who’s 53 supposedly told Affleck to concentrate on his work so he stays on track with his career goals during all the trouble in his marriage Matt tried to tell Ben when he got back with JLo that this might happen A source told Matt was there to help Ben get back on track after they broke up the first time and he thought it would happen again Affleck values his friends opinions a lot especially because Damon has had a happy marriage with his wife Luciana baroso for over 18 years Matt has been married successfully for years and Ben has always admired that they added Damon and Affleck have been bu since they were kids and famously wrote the Oscar winning script for Goodwill Hunting in recent years they started artist Equity a production company The Insider added as things started to unravel Matt told Ben he’s got his back no matter what but he should dive into his work and stay focused Ben spent a lot of time focusing on JLo’s projects just like he did before he said to Ben what has she ever done for your career Matt is Ben’s only true guy friend he wouldn’t let him start drinking again has been making sure of that the last dual pair are said to be set to star in and produce a new thriller called Rip details about the plot are being kept Under Wraps deadline reports they’re producing through their artists Equity company which they started in November 2022 artists Equity dropped its first movie air in April 2023 it’s about the beginnings of Air Jordan and features both actors with Affleck also taking on the director’s role lately Affleck and Lopez once known as benifer during their first relationship have been dealing with rumors of an impending divorce the gossip intensified as they’ve been living apart with Affleck staying in 100,000 per month rental in Brentwood it was also disclosed that they’re quietly trying to sell their $60 million mansion in Beverly Hills which they bought together just last year most recently Lopez was seen on a solo vacation in Italy while Affleck’s new Airstream RV arrived at his place in Brentwood suggesting he might be gearing up for a long road trip the famous couple were famously engaged in the early 2000s then split up before reuniting and getting married in July 2022 their first 2-year romance was heavily covered in the media and the intense scrutiny put a strain on their relationship Affleck revealed in her music documentary the greatest love story never told Ben and I called off our wedding 3 days before and we fell part under all the stress you think you’re handling it so you brush it off the on the- floor singer also opened up about the pain she experienced when the relationship ended I had a broken heart once I lost the love of my life my best friend and I couldn’t talk for so many years and that was the hardest part she said I used to think it was everyone else who was broken now I think it was just me while they worked through their reconciliation two-time Oscar winner Affleck confessed he had no interest in being a regular presence on his wife’s social media accounts getting back together I said listen one of the things I don’t want is our relationship all over social media the actor remembered then I realized it’s not really fair to ask it’s like marrying a boat captain and saying I don’t like the water he added we’re just two people with different approaches trying to learn to compromise in the end Affleck respected his preferences and has only shared a few pictures of him such as a bold shirtless photo last Father’s Day and a heartwarming video of them singing Sam Cooks What a Wonderful World in the car on his birthday during the documentary the mother of two recognized Affleck’s unease with being in the spotlight I don’t think Ben is very comfortable with me doing all of this she said but he loves me he knows I’m an artist and he’s going to support me in every way he can because he knows you can’t stop me from making the music I make he doesn’t want to hold me back but that doesn’t mean he’s comfortable being the Muse in another part of the documentary Hollywood actress and Legend Jane Fonda warned Affleck against immortalizing their love story on film expressing serious doubts about the longevity of their relationship after being apart for two decades the Oscar winner who first met Lopez some 20 years ago while filming the 2005 romantic comedy Monster-in-Law said first of all I want you to know that I don’t completely understand why but I feel connected to you and Ben and I really really want this to succeed however this is my concern it feels like you’re trying too hard to prove something instead of just living it every other photograph is of you two kissing hugging during the years they were apart lope has married and divorced her third husband Mark Anthony with whom she had her 15-year-old twins Max and Emmy meanwhile Affleck married and divorced Jennifer Garner with whom he now co-parents three children amicably previously told that Garner’s new partner John Miller has emphasized that it’s not her job to fix her ex-husband’s marriage insiders had said that Garner was trying to help save the relationship with Lopez confiding in the actress about their shared concerns that Affleck might have a setback wait there’s more we discovered some really interesting facts about Ben Affleck and Matt Damon’s friendship which is quite rare in Hollywood actors Ben Affleck and Matt Damon shot to fame with their co-writing and starring roles in the 1997 film Goodwill Hunting this project catapulted them into the Hollywood Limelight and earned them an Oscar for best original screenplay according to IB at the time they were aspiring actors who wrote the script which also earned Robin Williams an Academy Award for best supporting actor Ben Affleck and Matt Damon burst onto the Hollywood scene in the late ’90s with their acclaimed film Goodwill Hunting which resonated strongly with audiences however their friendship had Deep Roots long before the film’s success they first met as middle schoolers and lived just blocks apart in their neighborhood Affleck was 8 years old and Damon was 10 when they first crossed paths they quickly bonded over their mutual passion for acting before Matt I was by myself acting was a solo activity Affleck shared in a 2007 interview with parade all of a sudden I had this friend who understood it wanted to do it found it interesting and wanted to talk about it their friendship deepened when Affleck intervened to protect Damon during a fight in high school another student had confronted Damon for speaking out and Affleck stepped in tackling the student and preventing Damon from harm that was a big moment Damon recounted during a 2019 interview on Conan he reflected I thought this guy will put himself in a really bad spot for me this is a good friend since these pivotal childhood experiences their friendship has thrived and remains strong to this day in 2021 longtime friends Ben Affleck and Matt Damon once again collaborated on a new screenplay for the film The Last duel marking their first joint writing project since Goodwill Hunting 25 years earlier as reported by Yahoo news since their breakout success with Goodwill Hunting they have also co-created project Greenlight a reality series that follows aspiring filmmakers as they work work on their projects throughout these years their friendship has remained strong over those 25 years Matt and I have been friends it doesn’t feel like oh I haven’t seen this guy in 25 years Affleck remarked in a 2021 interview with entertainment tonight but wait there’s more why is Ben Affleck facing criticism from several celebrities let’s find out Ben Affleck became really popular in the late ’90s because Goodwill Hunting was a huge hit he and his buddy Matt Damon wrote and acted in it turning their script into a movie that everyone loved but lately like his friend Ben from Boston hasn’t been making the best choices and he’s used up a lot of the Goodwill he had back then yeah because of bad career moves struggles with drugs and that whole crazy benifer thing Ben Affleck kind of vanished from Hollywood in the 2000s he did bounce back in the 2010s with Argo which won an Oscar but people still remember his troubled past before they think of his successes it’s no surprise that Affleck has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way over the years everyone from politicians and big shots in Hollywood to NFL stars and fashion icons have publicly criticized the guy who used to be seen as a Golden Boy in 2021 Ben Affleck caused a stir online for all the wrong reasons after a video from a dating app leaked it started when nine Jay unmatched with the Armageddon star on Rya thinking he was a fake profile but Affleck clearly interested sent her a video to prove it was really him some saw this as a romantic gesture but others thought it was a bit over the top Chrissy tigan known for speaking her mind definitely thought it was in the latter category she didn’t hold back on Jay either John Legend’s grammy-winning wife took to Twitter saying celebs shouldn’t be sending these creepy desperate video replies on Rya but it’s also tacky to leak private messages you’re both in the wrong congrats Jay later defended herself and Affleck telling E news I’ve seen a lot of comments calling him a creep and I don’t think that’s fair I wasn’t mocking him in the video I was making fun of myself for thinking he was a catfish and it was supposed to be funny Ben Affleck didn’t help his image in 2021 when he openly discussed his marriage with Jennifer Garner on the Howard Stern Show the Argo actor admitted to using alcohol as a coping mechanism during the relationship’s difficulties while the host sympathetically listened a former judge from America’s Got Talent wasn’t as understanding instead of dwelling on Megan markle’s rejection Pierce Morgan took a break to lash out at another celebrity in his usual column for the Daily Mail the former newspaper editor criticized Ben Affleck for what he saw as humiliating Jennifer Garner during his interview with Howard Stern in a long-winded outpouring of personal stuff from a guy who claims he hates the spotlight Affleck basically pointed fingers at his ex-wife for his drinking problems when they were married Morgan wrote angrily also calling the Oscar winner extremely self-absorbed and all about himself Ben Affleck showed he’s as skilled directing as he is acting in the town the crime Thriller got great reviews when it came out in 2010 but not everyone agreed on its cast choices especially one actor director in a Frank talk about the movie business with vulture Quenton Tarantino said the actors in the town were just too good-look to be realistic the criminal is stunning the bank teller is stunning the FBI guy is stunning even the town’s Wild Child Blake Lively is stunning Jeremy rener is the least good-looking and he’s pretty damn handsome the movie Enthusiast specifically criticized Affleck while comparing the town to another 2010 film if you look at the fighter those sisters are just incredible when you see David O Russell cast those sisters and then see Ben Affleck cast Blake Lively there’s no comparison between the two movies one exposes how fake the other is moreover Rose mcgaan believes he is a liar Ben Affleck posted on Facebook in response to allegations against Harvey Weinstein saying we need to do more to protect our sisters friends co-workers and daughters we must stand with those who speak out denounce this behavior and push for more women in positions of influence Rose mcgaan however felt anything but protected or supported Ed by the actor The Charmed star was one of the loudest voices in Hollywood during the late 2010 Scandal and she didn’t hesitate to call out Affleck for not practicing what he preached after his earlier statement mawan directly addressed Affleck on Twitter emphasizing the exact words he allegedly said to her after she confronted him about Weinstein’s Behavior God damn it I told him to stop doing that in all caps she reminded him you said that to my face face and then cryptically referred to a press conference she was compelled to attend after an assault accusing Affleck of lying in response Affleck later stated on today I don’t want to discuss other people’s personal stories because those are Theirs to share I believe Rose I support her I deeply respect and admire her determination and I wish her the best also Evan Rachel Wood told the star to grow up Ben Affleck didn’t come across as particular enlightened in 1997 reportedly telling Kevin Smith according to attitude a man kissing another man is the greatest acting challenge an actor can ever face though these remarks weren’t widely known then Smith shared them at an lgbti Festival in Los Angeles more than 20 years later not surprisingly Affleck faced a lot of criticism for his over-the-top comment which reportedly came after he had to kiss his co-star Jason Lee for the romantic comedy Chasing Amy one of the harshest criticisms came from Evan Rachel Wood in a tweet that has since been deleted the Westworld star wrote via nme try getting raped in a scene also grow up Ben when a follower mentioned that Affleck’s comments were made 20 years ago wood replied I’m sure he just thought it was a joke but even jokes like that can be harmful also just because it’s a straight kiss doesn’t mean we enjoy it a Hy moreover Donatella Versace criticized his groming habits Donatella Versace has remained friends with fellow Fashion Icon Jennifer Lopez since her brother Giani Versace was tragically killed in the late 1990s so when she criticized The Love Don’t Cost a Thing singer’s ex-boyfriend just months after their breakup she may have thought she was showing solidarity yeah in 2004 the famous fashion designer kind of dissed Ben Affleck who was part of the benifer couple everyone was talking about she said something like he’s good-looking but but he needs more Edge more danger American guys groom themselves too perfectly their haircuts are always too neat well versachi who also said Brad Pit was too Polished in that interview might be feeling a bit awkward now after all those marriages and breakups her bestie J low ended up reuniting with Ben Affleck in 2021 a year later they tied the knot also Olivia mun questioned his Integrity Rose mwan isn’t the only Hollywood star calling out Ben Affleck for supposedly ignoring the behavior of disgraced Miramax boss Harvey Weinstein Olivia mun also criticized that the sum of all fears star during an interview on BuzzFeed news Morning Show am2dm accusing him of being complicit when regular people mess up we have to go to the back of the line and work our way back up said The Newsroom actor then she added but there are certain men who when they mess up they just say oops my bad and go right back to the front of the line didn’t leave any doubt about who she meant naming two of them specifically some people think they can just sweep it under the rug and hope everyone forgets we’ve got issues with both Affleck both of them they just keep moving forward hoping nobody will catch on mun was also talking about Casey Affleck Ben’s brother who’s faced multiple sexual assault allegations thank you for your time don’t forget to subscribe to the channel it means a lot to us we promise even better content see you soon

Ben Affleck SPARKS BACKLASH from Matt Damon after reuniting with Jennifer Lopez!WHAT HAPPENED!? Worried about Ben’s recovery, Matt voiced serious worries. Drama heats up as Affleck is spotted without his wedding ring, and JLo heads to Italy by herself, sparking talk of a split. With their $60 million Beverly Hills home for sale and a secret film in the works, what’s next in this Hollywood story? #benaffleck #jenniferlopez #mattdamon #jennifergarner #benaffleckjenniferlopez #benaffleckmattdamon #benaffleckjennifergarner #jenniferlopeznews #bennifer #mattdamonaboutbenaffleckjenniferlopez #mattdamonbrokethesilenceaboutbennifer #bennifer2024 #benniferdivorce #benaffleckjennifergarnerdivorce #benaffleckjenniferlopezdivorce


  1. She is a taker allways been, she feel intiled to have people to do what she wants….over 50 and still hopping around with man, looking for the one that she can manipule 100%.keep looking 😂

  2. Where was Matt demon when Jennifer garner and Ben af having problems with their marriage why he dint get involved and try to save their marriage then only now he says that Ban is his best friend only he comes out now Because his married to Jennifer lopez To me he is a very racist person that Mott Demon

  3. Mat Diamon needs to focus on his waitress wife since he is not in the position to give any advises on this situation. Ben became an alcoholic, addict and nanny-sleeper all on Diamon"s watch. But now he wants to cash on spotlight that Jlo brought to this loser and his friends.


  5. Ben, it's never the victims FAULT!! I'm a recovering alcoholic and have lost my whole family 2 death. You can do it Ben…one second at a time, then 1 minute at a time, then "ONE DAY AT A TIME!!" I'm proud of u Ben !!!

  6. She’s a liar. The reason they split up in 2004 was because he spent the night with three strippers and he had more of a desire to be with the other Jennifer Jennifer Gardner so that’s the truth not the paparazzi who Jennifer always calls but it was because of the three strippers, laugh out loud

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