Hollywood Wax Museum – Myrtle Beach, SC – Brand New Exhibits and Figures!

[Music] hey you all carpet bger here coming to you live from the south more specifically we are in Myrtle Beach South Carolina and even more specifically than that we’re at the Hollywood wax museum this is a chain of wax museums you see in a lot of tourist hotpots of course there is one on Hollywood Boulevard the original which is is a absolute classic attraction but I also love all the other expansions they have had as well there is a Hollywood Wax Museum in Pigeon Forge it was briefly in Gatlinburg and then moved over to Pigeon Forge also there’s one in uh Branson Missouri and one here in Myrtle Beach now uh the three expansion Hollywood a museums have the uh King Kong on the roof the classic King Kong climbing the building on the roof the Hollywood Bard version they don’t have a King Kong in the roof but there is a King Kong in the lobby which is almost as good but it has been a very long time since I’ve stopped at this particular location always interested to see what new wax figures they have what they’ve done um with the other wax figures what status the wax figures find themselves in so uh let’s explore what’s going on in the world of Hollywood please follow me yeah out front we have the Oscar Fountain the Oscar award standing proud there and of course King Kong there gripping a plane as he sits a top the building but uh yeah let’s head inside there is a King Kong in the lobby here as well see him crushing that plane bursting forth from that uh building all right and from the lobby we enter here the Hollywood Wax Museum we see the paparazzi taking our picture making us uh feel important about ourselves and we follow okay we’re following the Walk of Fame here and there we go celebrities Mr H Samuel L Jackson and Ryan Reynold there standing in front of the Chinese Theater all right we’re supposed to utilize the prop station here we’ve got an Oscar uh got a jacket and a uh a like a like a like a first scarf there I don’t it’s too hot to put that jacket on but I guess I’ll go with the scarf here we have Mr Will Smith don’t slap me will uh-oh why you hanging out why you hanging out with Angelina Jolie don’t let uh don’t let don’t let Jada find out here’s uh here’s your Oscar you get this you get this even though you assaulted a man earlier tonight here we have Spider-Man along with uh his his girlfriend uh Spider lady Robert Downey Jr looks like he’s Cut Loose here flashing flashing the peace symbol with his trademark big honk and smile and Morgan Freeman here he looks really really really intense and serious uh-oh things are about to get very Hy in here there is uh Captain Jack Sparrow Johnny Depp waving his handkerchief in the wind oh I almost forgot I forgot to put on my pirate [Music] hat and that is the thing I love about Pirates not afraid to share a hat there’s a very interesting uh Diner scene in here I’ve heard this scene referred to as the uh Boulevard of Broken Dreams you have James Dean professional cool dude leaned up against the bar got Marilyn Monroe she’s slurping down a uh milkshake there and Humphrey Bogart over here looks like there’s some sort of uh some sort of malti Falcon there on the counter but something’s wrong with the scene there’s no one no one serving them no one serving them milkshakes and pie if you look on the diagram here there’s supposed to be an Elvis Elvis is supposed to be behind the counter serving them so Elvis Elvis is Officially Missing we’ll have to keep an eye out for Elvis if he pops up somewhere else in the wax museum of course every time I see Indiana Jones reminds me of Jen she is a Indiana Jones Super Fan there and here is uh Indie posing with some of his famous uh collections he has the the idol there the fertility Idol and I think that’s it I think that’s the the Crystal Skull up there let’s utilize the prop station we got an indie hat we’ve got uh I think that’s the Holy Grail there so Indiana Jones do you want to sip from the Holy Grail there Glo Glo Glo Glo Glo Glo Glo oh no oh no why did it have to be a snake why’ it have to be a snake watch out Indie watch out it’s the only thing you’re afraid of be brave be brave heading over here to the Fit Gym where the final boss the rock is pumping some iron guess I got to guess I got to pump some iron too oh there we go you see Rock it’s not all about just having muscles you got to have you got to have intensity in your heart I think this is a newer scene here I don’t remember for this one we have Mark Walberg with uh his best friend Ted wait a minute Marky Mark did you steal Force gumps bench I think this this looks yeah look at the look at the uh Spanish moss and the trees I think this was supposed to be forest gumps forest Gump’s bench Forest Gump has been replaced by Ted it looks like Ted here is a prop that you can pose with and he seems very very well love well Audrey if me and you are going to have Breakfast at Tiffany’s I’m going to have to dress [Music] appropriately you know Audrey one of these days I’m going to have to actually watch this movie because I still I still can’t figure out why you would eat breakfast at a jewelry store there’s Matt Damon here surrounded by fast cars um was he in a movie with fast cars maybe he was in one of the fast Furious movies I don’t know I’ve never seen them but I’m sure yeah you know what I I think it’s pretty safe to say he’s a he’s a Hollywood Superstar at some point in some movie he’s driven a fast car if you know a movie where Matt Damon drove a fast car leave a comment in the comment section oh there’s Hugh and his big uh big scary bed all right Hugh I swear this is the last time we’re going to do this photo on this is Sandra Bullock she’s hanging out in this nice room with a nice Chandelier and some fresh flowers I think this is one of the classic photo ops of the Hollywood wax museums we have uh Lucy here with her vitam me of vegamin I think it’s a you see this in almost every one of the Hollywood wax museums this classic uh Lucy here but now it is time to enter the horror chamber says if you have a weak heart bad nerves or expected baby enter this horror chamber at your own risk so I’m going to enter at my own risk you’re not that scary you’re just Hellboy a Hellboy is a nice dude right Hellboy Hellboy would never would never do anything to me with that gun or that weird rock hand right we got a uh spooky forest in here oh look at this now we’re suddenly surrounded by monsters we have a Jason Vorhees over here with his uh machete with his putrid head sticking out the holes of the hockey mask look at that yeah I always like it seems like in the later movies his head began to swell and just like ooze out from behind the uh hockey mask and then Michael Myers I don’t know I think a lot of people compare these two pretty heavily Jason and Michael leave a comment on what your favorite is between the two I would say my favorite is Michael I think Michael’s scarier by by favorite I mean scarier um I think the fact that he’s like silent unreasonable like you can’t you can’t uh rationalize with him he’s just he’s he’s he’s just dead ster he’s going to stab you now not to say that those things don’t apply to Jason as well but Jason is just like louder makes a lot more noise just like kind of a a rambling chaotic presence but I don’t know I think I think the SC thing that scares me most about Michael is the whole silent aspect and uh if you compare Jason and Michael Myers of course you got to compare these two the uh Alien there also known as the xenomorph and uh the Predator I don’t know which one I would be uh more scared of um the the alien probably just more terrifying uh more like more of a physical presence just it’s Unstoppable Beast yeah you see the the face hugger there coming out of the egg but yeah the alien an Unstoppable Beast the Predator though he’s he’s a he’s a thinking monster he can out strategize you and just hunt you down for sport but I guess he he can be reasoned with right you can like talk sense into him I think looks like oh no looks like he looks like he killed a monkey why would you kill a monkey and there’s this guy here this guy holds a special place in my heart I think the Tales from the Crypt uh the show on HBO was really one of the first introductions I had to scary things or horror um I really tried to avoid horror movies when I could my my stepdad would watch uh would watch horror movies and I would get really really scared but I remember I would actually watch you know even though I was fairly young I would watch the tales from the episodes I think they had kind of a humor to them that kind of cut you know cut the scariness a little bit all had kind of like a fun end to them so if anything I think this kind of first introduced me to the idea of watching uh scary TV shows or scary movies now I’ve showed this figure before and I’ve refer to him as the devil but people have corrected me saying he is not the Devil he’s actually from a movie called Legend and his name is the Lord of Darkness but you know come on he’s got goat Hooves he’s got red skin he’s got horns if he’s not the devil then you know what I don’t know who is and here is IM hotep from the original mummy the universal monster movie I um I’ve gone back and tried to watch most the universal monster movies I do enjoy most of them I’ve not got a chance to check out uh check out the mummy yet that’s one of the last ones I have not had a chance to go back and watch I got my cool mummy hat there to pose with the Mummy he doesn’t look very mummified he’s not covered in bandages got a little few little wrinkles guess he’s you know a man of advanced age blah blah I’m actually um I didn’t had a chance to uh to post it yet but I got uh the uh the The Medallion for my Kronos from Universal Studios they have announced Dark Universe the universal Monsters theme section I’m absolutely stoked about it so seeing these Universal monsters get me excited about epic Universe opening next year that should be a lot of fun and there is is the Mistress of the dark elvir he famed a horror host there and uh we go to the prop station we have some uh some flowers for Alvar so here you go Alvar will you go to the prom with me all these dangling chains and skeletons can only mean one thing this is the realm of Leatherface perpetrator of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre yeah look at all this hanging on the walls oh there’s a hacksaw I guess this can also be the Texas hacksaw Massacre we got Frankenstein here as well as uh the prop station has uh the doctor’s the doctor’s outfit there now see I’m dressed as Doctor Frankenstein you can tell cuz I have a stethoscope and while I am Dr Frankenstein this is my son he is also called Franken Stein because he is my son and he took on he took on my last name because I am a doctor I’m also going to going to check his heartbeat look sound sounded healthy as always my son that has the same name as me Frankenstein Frankenstein Jr I call him sometimes now I actually had a chance recently to go back and watch uh the original Scream movie actually really really terrifying I was surprised that just how scary it really was we have the prop Vault here where I guess we try to guess what props are inside says he was a cast Castaway’s unique best friend that’s got to be Wilson Castaway’s unique best friend and there we go Wilson the volleyball one of my favorite movies Cast Away a pretty woman’s red dress wouldn’t be complete without these sparklers not sure what that is oh this is uh okay I guess this is Julia Robert’s Jewelry there I bet you wouldn’t remember seeing this red flash is it something from the movie The Flash oh no no it’s the neuralyzer from Men In Black says Katniss wore this token from her District during the games now I had a tween daughter when this was popular so I’m saying it’s the mocking J pin there we go the mocking J pin says if your father wore this it would be hard to know that you’re related I’m guessing Darth Vader’s helmet yes I am your father l luk I am your father this precious piece of jewelry had more men fighting over it then women is it the Hope Diamond oh no no it is the one ring from uh from Lord of the Rings says this rare find is the key to experiencing Pure Imagination it’s maybe was going to say it’s from Willy Wonka is it maybe Willy Wonka’s hat no oh I should have known that it’s the golden it’s it’s the golden ticket I’m kind of embarrassed I didn’t I didn’t guess that correctly in Top Gun Maverick says goodbye to his friend by tossing these into the ocean maybe his his guns oh his dog tags this Prince of a guy definitely did not want to show his money is it I I don’t know that okay it’s from uh Coming to America I’ve never seen that movie so I would I wouldn’t know okay I think this one’s new and this is hilarious we have Martha Stewart there she is uh baking up a storm and helping her in the kitchen is Snoop Dog over here uh Flash and hand signals but he does have his apron on ready to assist uh Mar Martha Stewart there in uh in uh making her brownies it it it’s funny when you think uh when you know which one of these people has been uh been to prison all right got my apron on M my uh my uh spatula of some sort make it some make it some uh some pie beer with Martha and Snoop look like we’re making a little bit of iced tea there I’m trying really careful to try to film around all the copyright music being blasted they’re playing Lucy’s theme song over here and they’re playing Smooth by Santana over here and this oh my gosh not only I try to get around the copyright music that is probably my least favorite copyright song ever Santana please stop and here we enter the wedding chapel where we get to Mary Bradley Cooper He’s got to pick out uh pick out our wedding dress I take the plus- siiz one over here all right let’s do it let’s marry Bradley Cooper wait a minute are you drinking you’re drinking alcohol during our wedding while we’re getting married I want to I want a divorce yeah I’m I’m done with you Bradley Cooper you can go ahead you guys can go ahead Ben and Jennifer you guys can go ahead and use the wedding chapel now all right we follow the Walk of Stars up the Walk of stairs what was the movie where uh Tom Cruz went into an art museum and started shooting people or is that just something he did in his personal life so one interesting thing is like seeing the different actors in wax and trying to figure out which uh version of that character they are I’m guessing um cuz he’s at a golf course this is catty Shack Bill Murray but uh also believe catty Shack Bill Murray was younger so any other ideas on which Bill Murray this is and here’s Bill Murray’s prop station interesting uh colored coat there seriously Bill Bill what what movie is this supposed to be here is uh Dale nhart and Dale Earnhart Jr they are both excellent race car drivers um I am not a good race car driver but neither is my dad now I’ve said I’ve had to be careful trying to shoot around copyright music and in this entire room it just plays John Cena theme song on AO and technically this is a boxing ring not a wrestling ring what did you do did you give the uh attitude adjustment to Rocky bboa and steal his spot and we have two of the greatest martial artists of all time we have Bruce Lee there with his numchucks and Jackie Chan with his warm smile and uh we do have a prop station we’ve got a karate ghee here an orange belt um unfortunately all the super fun props like these numchucks and this Kendo stick um are nailed to the wall so you can’t use those but I’ll tell you what that’s a good decision on the Museum’s part that Kendo stick would would cause some problems in this area let me out of here I’m tired of hearing John Cena’s theme song hopefully there won’t be any copyright music in this next room oh no Rihanna there’s definitely definitely going to be copyright music in here I kissed a girl and I liked it liked the taste of her cherry ChapStick and the player’s going to play play play play play and the haters going to hate hate hate hate hate Shake It Off sh sh shake it off cuz we could have had it all Rolling in the Deep you have my heart inside your hand but you played it with a beaing At Romance and I I I Will Always Love You Yeah I’m I’m coming up blank on this one there’s Michael Jackson there and uh his prop station just contains one single [Music] glove yeah I think this is standard form George Clooney I don’t think he is one of his characters I think he’s actually George Clooney there that is uh Julia Roberts I think that is just Julie Roberts not portraying a particular character now that uh that is straight up Patrick baitman right there and Mr dairo how are you doing this evening yeah I think this is just movie star Jamie Fox I don’t think he is connected to any particular character either here is I guess create your own celebrity we have this drunken maniac right here let’s switch him out to someone uh someone a little less drunk uh yeah yeah that’ll have to do we have Bob Marley here I guess we can uh accompany him here on the Bongos there’s Tupac over here his friend Snoop uh ditched him for Martha Stewart there’s Freddy Murk back here apparently he had four extra teeth in his mouth which caused him to be the greatest singer of all [Music] time well hello there Dolly what do you have at your prop station maybe I can uh help you jam out a tune oh boy all right Dolly I got my cowboy outfit on my country music outfit I brought the tambourine Jolene Jo Jolene jool I’m begging of you please don’t take my man and Dolly I can also accompany you on this giant piano over here [Music] the comedy section over here with some famous comedians Mr Eddie Murphy will frell he’s very funny we all know that and Jim Cary wait what what are you pointing at Jim what do you oh my gosh you have giant feet now that that is funny talk show section over here we have the The Ellen Show which I believe that uh no longer exists and uh the Oprah Oprah Show I guess technically that show doesn’t exist either anymore does it oh Oprah Oprah I I don’t know what to do they want me to they want me to ride roller coasters if I if I stop riding roller coasters then I will become desolate and I won’t be able to pay for my daughter’s College they they just they want me to they they want me to put myself through this they want me to just just ride roller coasters till my brain no longer works and my dreams are filled with nothing but [Music] screams and there is something about this Melissa McCarthy wax figure I don’t know of any other wax figure that has its mouth that wide open I mean that’s not like necessarily even something she’s known for is it having a having a mouth it’s it’s it’s giant gaping mouth yeah Frank that’s something they’ll never be able to take away from either of us we did it our way time is a flat circle see Seth Rogan there dressed up in his shiny suit he’s made enough money where he can purchase the Mona Lisa and hang it in his personal home where he can sit here basking in his wealth drinking whiskey in front of the Mona Lisa there’s Reese wither spoon this is the uh Legally Blonde version of uh Reese Witherspoon we’re here at the prop station you can dress just like her you can even have the little uh Little Chihuahua there what’s her Chihuahua’s name I forget the name of the chihuahua in in uh in the movie I don’t understand this photo op is Jack Nicholson supposed to be my therapist but Jack I just don’t see how killing my family is going to solve all my problems he’s got some some wild ideas Tom Hanks is up here I think he’s just normal Tom Hanks I guess Forest Gump Tom Hanks got kicked out of his bench downstairs by Ted now he’s reduced to being normal Tom Hanks up on the second floor over here in this Egyptian scene we have uh Elizabeth Tyler she famously played uh Cleopatra Queen of the Nile don’t just stand there Ben Stiller save me from the grasp of this giant snake what movie what movie is this supposed to be Hugh Jackman hanging out uh in an art museum I notic a lot of these actors like to hang out uh around a bunch of Fine Art but Arie doesn’t care about any of this fine art crap he just wants to terminate people the difference between me and you Arie I make this look good I have the uh Star Trek section here Mr Patrick Stewart with h Spock Manning the controls over here let’s take a look at those controls and uh I think there’s a prop station over here we have this uh this contraption here I don’t know what that is and I guess uh we will set our set our phasers to kill actually what outfit do you want to go with I say uh red is a safe B [Music] here is Michael B Jordan not to be confused uh with original recipe Michael Jordan he doesn’t uh he doesn’t shoot basketballs maybe does just not professionally visiting the Hollywood acum always makes me feel like I’ve not seen enough movies is isn’t that right Captain Denzel Washington here’s Chris Pratt from uh Jurassic world you better be careful because there’s tiny tiny little dinosaurs bursting out of the Jungle here the white watch out watch out Pratt watch out no all right I tried your Raptor enclosure should be completely completely repaired at this point because I’m a construction worker that’s a Jurassic Park should say Jurassic world but you get the idea Mr Pratt I cannot in my brain figure out which Brad Pit version this is he’s got the long hair like Lo Louie from Interview with the Vampire but he’s also packing heat and wearing a scarf which Brad Pit is this there is Catwoman herself Mrs hi Berry and the stest man alive Mr Jason Stam okay I take it back I said Melissa McCarthy was the only wax figure that had her mouth wide open Adam Sandler also has his mouth completely a gape get off of my lawn some sort of western horse race game here never seen this before two 1 3 2 1 oh there we go we spin that so voice had like a French accent that was kind of interesting so going to race our horse feel bad that no one else is here to race with me let’s spin the other [Music] wheel there we go guy’s coming up the rear oh I think the first guy there he’s going to he’s going to hit that Finish Line yeaha oh he gets he gets the [Music] lady if you hold the camera like this it looks like John Wayne has antlers here is is uh chanting Tatum in some sort of soundproof booth you uh you’re recording a new album there chanting Tatum even though I don’t think you’re necessarily a musician all right back down to planet Earth what did you say Johnny Cash you need some help playing a country music song on guitar down down down to a burning Ring of Fire Flames went down and the Flames went higher and Burns Burns burn the ring of fire a ring of fire having a little cocktail party over here we have Ryan Gosling with Scarlet Johansson looks like uh they’re having a Mojito a Mojito there no Justin again I’m telling you stuff will ruin your life all right what do you think Sean connory have I have I tried on enough communal hats for one day I don’t know which John’s rolta that this is but it says danger press button to initiate launch are we going to initiate a launch [Music] here well lucky oh oh no I was that Cloud’s a little mushroomy here is musical Legend Prince there and actually the figure is wearing high heeled shoes and believe it or not the high heeled shoes actually led to his demise he would wear them on stage they ended up causing him a lot of uh pain in his body which led to a pain pill addiction which later led to his untimely death I think this is a as a new figure here we have uh Jeff Bridges as the dude from the big Labowski I love uh I love the theming here you’ve got the uh the bowling table where you keep score bowling and look at the prop station we’ve got a a bowling ball it’s a rubber bowling ball which is a good idea that’s much more safe than just letting people play with a full-size bowling ball I know this movie has like a million quotable lines but I can’t think of can’t think of any right now how about what the the rug the rug ties the room together I think that’s I think that’s one of them learn something interesting about Bruno Mars recently is that he actually takes his stage name from Bruno San Martino the pro wrestler apparently him and his dad were big wrestling fans and we got Eminem over here spitting some bars good evening Mr bacino I hope you are enjoying your uh your canoli there and for the grand finale we must we must dance oh my goodness Le we got to dance here with some of the the newest figures you got post Malone here you’ve got uh Nikki Minaj and Little Wayne I think Little Wayne and post Malone having a competition to see who has the most tattoos on their face at the prop station they had uh they had this uh snake I think it’s cuz uh Nicki Minaj has a song called uh Anaconda isn’t that right Nikki also we have CI B hiding back here in front of the uh the uh dance screen here and last it is time to exit through the gift shop where we can uh purchase an Oscar and you know what I did forget to get my uh dad a uh Father’s Day present so yeah this will this will have to do oh boy you see that lightning there I think there’s a I think there’s a storm rolling through oh boy look at that wow some lightning there behind Kong I’m better to get the car woo so another Whirlwind wax museum uh experience I I do try to always go to the wax museums when I can you know wax museums are kind of a Dying art every day I see wax museums they going out of business closing down so it’s important to visit the ones that we still have the Hollywood Wax Museum the that um tuo the um you know Louis tuo just whatever is out there and uh this is a great wax museum I saw some new stuff good to see that they’re adding new figures adding new uh new displays um they also have a haunted house here the zombie outbreak haunted house um but you’re not allowed to film in that so I didn’t I did not include that in uh in the experience um it is for those of you may have heard this this this this news story this this is the haunted house where um one of the guests shot a scare actor with a gun obviously that’s not their fault that’s not the fault of the Hollywood Wax Museum but it is kind of a a news story without that that was out there um absolute tragedy that I I think that they lived so it’s um you know it could have been much worse but uh yeah treat your scare actors well don’t don’t do that they’re there to scare you they’re not not there for for that certainly but uh thank you so much for uh joining me today I have a lot of fun in the wax museums get go a little bit crazy in there but that’s just come just comes with the territory of the uh of the wax museums it’s getting stormy I can feel it blowing um going to get back to my uh my hotel room before the uh the storm uh comes out in uh in full force but thank you so much for watching this video If if you like these videos please subscribe I travel around the country I film roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses and other fun random stuff if uh you uh like to help support the channel in other ways consider contributing to patreon $3 or more we’ll get you a postcard once a month from me to you also selling enamel pins in the Etsy shop and doing personalized messages on Cameo of course all those things help keep this train on the track this boat in the water and this derable in the air until next time my friends this one’s in the bag

Intro by Cre80s https://linktr.ee/cre80s

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Title Music by James Bagger, Additional Music by Dan Bagger. Music for Carpetbagger channel can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrHyQP515fNlK8Toccewc7w

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  1. Hey Jacob! You were so funny today!
    I loved the fun you had at the wax museum with all the interactive opportunities. My wife and I laughed.
    You make the videos so fun to watch.
    Don't ever change.

  2. I really enjoy watching your YouTube Channel and your videos are so entertaining. I wish you safe travels as you film cool places for us to enjoy watching. I can tell that you're a kindhearted person.

  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣Jacob you were hilarious!! what was FUNNY when you asked Will Smith wax figure ''you not going to SLAP ME""!! lol, Elvis was ""NOT IN THE BUILDING""?? where you ask [ he wasn't tending to the stars at the bar] I enjoyed seeing you ''dress-up''.

  4. I love how You ham it up with the props and the wax figures 🌟😹👑📿🤠👰‍♂️🧤💖You are so much fun to watch 😻 The lightning at the end of the video was awesome ⚡🌩️🤩 As always, Thank You for what You do and for bringing Us along with You Jacob 🙏💝😻♾️

  5. I just about died laughing when you "killed" Spock with a communicator (the other thing was a tricorder). Thank you so much for all the silliness in this video. I really needed it after getting some terrible news about a very young friend today. BTW, never choose the red shirt in Star Trek — VERY dangerous!

  6. Bill Murray was just himself on the golf course. He's a golfer. The Ben Stiller one was Night at the Museum. The Denzel one was the movie Flight which is really good and you should see it. The Brad Pitt was from World War Z the cool zombie movie.

  7. I really enjoy your videos and your choices for subject matter. But please start looking at the lens and not the screen of your new camera – it would really improve your content!

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