Writers and Actors Scramble to Keep Their Health Insurance in a Post-Strike Hollywood

Posted by mcgillhufflepuff


  1. EditorEdward on

    All us folks in IATSE too.  I lost my insurance last year and fell into a weird grey zone where I didn’t get the extension or free cobra.

  2. Key_Mongoose223 on

    I work in the film industry, the trickle down of desperation is making it HARD out there for people. The people with most experience are saying yes to things they wouldn’t dream of considering before that would normally be the more gettable jobs for emerging and mid level creatives. And there just isn’t much else right now. Even things like cheap shitty tv movies have gone way down in volume because international sales have slowed so much.

    The volume has just not come back post-strike (and likely won’t for the next year or two with the economy and streaming revenue issues).

    Doesn’t help that ALOT of shows shoot in Canada now and hire Canadian for tax credits (though they are facing the exact same decreased volume and hiring slumps).

  3. Another reason why healthcare should never be for profit/tied to a business. Or in danger of being lost. Ugh.

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