Lawyers Cut Ties With Diddy To Save Lady Gaga As A Client + Is Gaga Under Fire Or In Trouble

[Music] feel [Music] what’s up what’s up what’s up everybody and welcome to a brand new episode it’s talk the real deal with at2 and yes I’m your boy at2 how everybody doing how everybody living how everybody feeling today uh what’s up coie what’s up sexy 60 what’s up aha what’s up Cali uh who else we got here what’s up tiger what’s up uh New York chicken wing thank you for being here hello everybody thank y’all uh this is going to be a quick show this is not going to be super long what’s up Cheryl what’s up Wanita so the walls are closing in on Diddy but it might not be what you guys think I think we kind of jumped to conclusions when we heard that some of his lawyers were dropping him but these aren’t exactly the lawyers that you think they are so I want to go ahead and make that clarification um but make sure you guys hit that like button subscribe to the channel as you guys come in the room appreciate that hello everybody okay I see a lot of y’all coming in now I know it takes a minute for the notifications to come in so the headline was basically Lady Gaga used her power in her influence to get her rid of Diddy that’s that one was put out there she used her power and her influence to get her rid of Diddy and kick him out because the same Law Firm that uh represents her also represents Diddy so she was upset and she’s protecting victims and said hey you need to get a rid of this guy that’s what everybody is reporting on and that’s what everybody is saying now I want to say this it’s not so easy for a client to kick out someone else as far as like you know strong Armen them because lawyers are all shady and they’re not good people all they care about is money I highly doubt there all like oh my God I got some kind of moral compass right no that’s not what it is they have no moral compass what’s actually going on these are entertainment lawyers grubman Shire and and uh melis that it’s an entertainment firm it’s a law firm in New York that’s what they’re known for E even grubman was inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame two years ago so these are people within the industry so let me tell you what they do when you need like a contract for something what they’re about is um you know getting your contracts and stuff like that when you say oh I need to go talk to my entertainment lawyer or I need my lawyer to look over this contract that’s what they’re for so after the pandemic they got a lot of people uh good deals when it came to torren Lady Gaga one of their clients lizo Chris Brown now here and when I seen Chris Brown I was all like oh yeah this ain’t no like high kind of um you know some lawyers they have some moral compass because everybody’s trying to cancel Chris Brown but luckily he’s been able to stand foot you know he he’s been able to still work thank God but um I I was thinking if it was some kind of moral High Ground they had yeah that doesn’t even go with that granted Chris Brown is not being you know federally investigated however um this kind of goes with okay they represent other people and I think overall the look they were kind of like all right let’s go ahead and just kind of dead this but you got to remember this too didd he’s not getting any kind of deal anytime soon you guys that’s honestly a waste of space like yeah they could still get in money and stuff like that I think that this was probably like their opportunity to be like all right well well we’re just going to cut ties and you know go our own ways because they didn’t want to be associated with it I’m not saying that necessarily they weren’t worried about the federal indictments and stuff coming but it was more or less like well he not bringing us in any money and we’re not what what deals is Diddy getting let me ask you guys that classic one what deals is Diddy getting Trey what deals are Diddy getting uh beautiful what deals is Diddy getting Bonita what deals are Diddy getting he ain’t getting no kind of deals anytime soon trust me every every contract that didy needs to be looked over is all legal like it’s all legal documents for him uh being indicted it’s nothing to do with entertainment so it just doesn’t make any sense now Aaron Dyer is the one that was working on the whole Cassie case and everything like that that’s the one that’s been representing his family when it came to them you know barging in with the homeland security and stuff like that that’s who Aaron is he works with Pillsbury corporate um investigation White Collar defense Practice Group um he’s the co-leader of that so he’s totally somebody different that’s why I was all like this is only one sector or one portion of the many lawyers that Diddy has and the people that dropped him deal with entertainment so it wasn’t it’s basically a nothing Burger as they say these are some of the lawyers yeah they look like average people yeah these are entertainment lawyers if I was going down for something criminal these would not be my lawyers that y’all that’s it it’s nothing now there was a flip side to this I’m not g to say it’s not you know everything’s fine and it’s all everything’s all good because say somebody is tied into Diddy in some way there be some like some kind of conflict of interest or something like that uh because they also represent 50 Cent too or they did at one time represent 50 Cent so definitely if say if there’s a victim that they represent also as well of Diddy or some kind of conflict of interest that could also be a reason but I don’t want to go with the extreme but hey I’m putting it out there it definitely could be some stuff that okay well Lady Gaga could be tied to something that didy did or she knows someone and so it it’s too much going on conflict of interest get a rid of this guy or I’m gone thank you I appreciate that thank you shout out to you and make sure you guys check out Ru hands podcast dope dude make sure you guys check him out but um yeah definitely that could be a possibility but I honestly think at this time didy a getting deals it’s just better to kind of sever ties everyone kind of wants to separate themselves from Diddy personally no one wants to be associated with this man why do you think Jay-Z up there chilling in the Hamptons with Beyonce he’s trying to hide like he trying to lay low as possible notice you ain’t seen Jay-Z nowhere nowhere Jay-Z is hiding he knows what is best for him to hide a matter of fact we ain’t seen Kanye after that whole lawsuit and everything went down we ain’t really seen Kanye I seen a picture of his wife Bianca still naked I seen a picture of her but I haven’t seen Kanye anywhere like Bianca was at Fashion Week and all that stuff so yeah a lot of these people are laying low and they want to sever ties with people anybody that can get them associated with some kind of BS I don’t blame them it’s something I would do too I be like ah n I’mma I’mma take a pass I’mma cool off on this for a minute you know take take right he really about to be saying that in a minute and I think if Lady Gaga does have power enough power to say like hey get them up out of here then hey more power to her you know there was um a situation there was a song that Lady Gaga and R Kelly did um I think it was like do what you want that’s what it was called but R she had R Kelly feature on the song well what she did was take that song down and she just has a version with somebody else now but after everything went down with R Kelly she pulled that song So Lady Gaga you know she will pull different music and stuff like that if somebody’s associated with some now I want to see what Beyonce does with this whole dream thing and I heard that’s why there has been no announcement for a tour as well too but I I’ll say that on a different episode I don’t want to confuse y’all with a whole bunch of information uh Mariah did that with her song with Nicki man oh really oh she pulled down that song I had no idea I knew they were feuding but they had did a song together or whatever wow yeah when you don’t like some yeah pull that pull that down and I don’t think I don’t remember what the song was called so yeah it wasn’t memorable it’s not like it was a number one hit yeah pull that down oh up out my face that’s what it’s called okay okay yeah it’s not a memorable song so she probably was all like I can just pull this down and nobody would care see I didn’t even know about that wow maybe we could revisit that remember there are people I told you guys last week they didn’t like me doing old school te they said it was dumb or whatever so yeah maybe we’ll revisit that that would be a good one to revisit but you can still oh the video’s still up on YouTube okay yeah so she didn’t pull it down everywhere but the video’s still up yeah but this Diddy situation I can definitely see um I think all the companies as far as like the clothing brand the alcohol music I don’t feel like they need to necessarily drop him or anything like that but he ain’t making no more music I mean that’s done with over with so I can definitely see maybe uh his record label being like all right we just going to drop him he’s not putting out any more music that’s like R Kelly putting out music he ain’t putting out no more music that’s done with that’s over but other than that I think everybody for the most part are just kind of waiting it’s still a rumor that you know charges are coming down for the from the feds the only thing that I’ve been told was that look for towards the end of August for you know the Clank Clank again we don’t know it’s been speculated but more than likely something going down with Diddy I don’t think the feds would do all this and nothing happens something is going to happen maybe not to the level that we think it is but something going down I don’t believe they would do all that just for nothing but anyway you guys let me know what you guys think in the chat I appreciate all of y’all for being here make sure you hit that like button subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already also thank you for the Super Chat I appreciate that but we out of here y’all deuces [Music]

Lady Gaga told her people to X Diddy or she was leaving. Who knew Lady Gaga was that powerful. Why does Gaga need representation is the real question? Why are so many people still silent about Diddy.

#ladygaga #diddy #seancombs #celebritynews #at2 #at2entertainment

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