Kylie Jenner & Timothée Chalamet captured together for the first time publicly in months headed to the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre to catch a movie in Los Angeles 📸

Posted by N_Ywasneverthesame


  1. ShinyPrettyFancy on

    I would be so chilly and uncomfortable watching a movie in a tube-top and thongs

  2. EconomistWild7158 on

    Is it common in America to still wear masks out? Feel like I never see them in London anymore. 

  3. Comfortable-Load-904 on


    Someone please check on Simone( Club Chalamet) I hope for her sake she isn’t online and out having a good day because a second plane hit the tower. Also sat and waiting for the meltdowns.

  4. OkPetunia0770 on

    She’s gotta be sneaking snacks into that theatre with a purse that size. There’s no other reason for it. 

  5. motherfuckermoi on

    I know it’s most likely to be incognito but props to them for wearing masks

  6. They could have gone to a lower key theater if they didn’t want to be seen. Pap walk!

  7. Tight_Watercress_267 on

    Did they go see the 25th anniversary of southpark: bigger, longer, and uncut like i did?

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