Emma Stone’s Top 10 Moments! | Kinds of Kindness | The Graham Norton Show

Emma we’ve never talked about this no oh my God please the the la la land Oscar’s car I know what you were going to say oh but like cuz that was the night you there’s a picture but that was the night you win your Oscar so it’s the best best night did it ruin your night or were you did you still have a nice time no of course not it was I mean you know it’s an incredible film I think it’s just the chaos of it yes I think the part that was also like just personally kind of sad for me was my mom was not the ceremony and she was watching it on TV I was there with my brother and she said that when everybody reacted in the audience she thought something horrible had happened in the theater so she started panicking watching it on TV and it had just been like one minute before that this thing had happened so I felt so terrible that she was scared and then obviously it you know we found out what happened which was classic me classic every time something you know exciting happens I either break a bone or my name’s in a freaking on velope for no reason and it says the movie Underneath and they’re like I guess it means that one like it’s crazy but when you talk about C it just sounds like a Litany of disasters that’s what it feels like to do c um no it was just I was I was sick for I would say the majority of the run and then wasn’t there a weird thing with your contact lenses what happened oh both of my so I’m um I’m also just I have the worst eyesight of any person I’ve ever met not to brag very bad and I’ve only ever lost one contact lens at a time uh but on one particular night singing Maybe This Time I blinked and both of them came out at the same time and I I literally cannot see and so in the blackout I was just screaming Bill who was our mutual coar was like bill bill bill and he was like what what what I had to drag me off in the dark because I just didn’t know how to get off stage is this your first corset roll what’s a corset roll the thing where you ra a corset yeah okay okay that was my first course at R oh H how did you feel about the course no one likes courses do they man has anyone ever tried to course it on May oh yeah it’s um you’ve done a lot of corset work yeah yeah I have actually he’s done extensive corset train have many corset rolls yeah quite a few yeah first guy ever who made a corset I did a production of 12th night with Mark Ryland and I was playing Violet and Mark was playing Olivia and the guy made the corsets was called Luca and he was amazing and he he made these corsets it was as if they was from the 16th century whalebone and he tightened me into it and and he had worn corsets all his life and basically his body went into this extraordinary kind of thing they like train yeah what happened when he took it off my li he all floppy but there was I think a gent I don’t know the answer to that question but that was a horrible moment when he when when he was I was like oh I’m not going to better eat much when I when I wear my kill it and he went I never eat so I have had some sympathy for the actresses I’ve with no you get it was it was um can you sit can you sit I I supposed to ask did you do the Leaning board you to lean I didn’t have a leaning board but I would I would just like a couch like this I would you cannot sit now I mean you really can’t and it’s and honestly like women existed in that for such a long time which does give you a lot of of sympathy for that time period what you were going through but for the first month I couldn’t breathe and so I would just smell and Sandy Powell is the costume designer she’s fantastic the costumes are beautiful just this one part it’s historically accurate but I couldn’t I would and I would smell Menthol and it sort of made me think that I was in like a wide open space so I just smell a little bit of Menthol and be in a wide open space for 30 seconds and then be back to not breathing but then after about a month um my organs shifted oh my God because they have to like what you’re saying his whole body shape changed and it was only temporary but um it was gross it was gross do you feel they’ve gone back they’ve gone back okay they’ve gone back for sure you said that like we knew what happens when you do you hear it basically like he a creaking sound then there’s a pop wakes you in the night with a screech no it was like it went like a part the bottom half of my my stomach whatever’s I’m not a doctor whatever’s in there went down that way and then I guess just my ribs stayed up wow so what anyway don’t do it if you don’t have to don’t do it cuz why did you learn how to dance separately what was that about well just the maturity level really lacking of well I think that they I think it was also maybe a little bit of a mind game because I would go every day to my tap lessons which i’ had never really done before except for a little bit when I was like 12 and we would do these kind of very primitive tap moves like you’re eight years old which is the year after I broke my arms story for the last year of school anyway we could do our tap moves and I would say every day how’s Ryan doing they’d be like he’s amazing doing really well he’s exceeding our expectations like they were doing the same thing to me we talk about that later so for about two months I just thought he was the most you know incredible dancer of all time and I was failing miserably and then they put us together and I was like I got this Emma you’ve done uh British before yes and was it Olivia Coleman has kind of given you tips oh that well because on the favorite that was the first time I had properly done an entire film you know w w with the British Jackson and it was um you know jarring because I was the only American in that cast and Olivia was so helpful and I would check in with everybody all the time because everybody was British and she was like you know it’s really good if you can say I can’t I can’t even do it now bottle there’s like a in the back of your you know when you do a double te and it’s like B can you say bottle you’re saying bottle what do you what did she want you to say she had a kind of you know bottle bottle well like not Bott bottle not that like bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle we can’t do it bottle I oh my God I’m doing it so much better than who I can do a British hat but that’s always been in my head and she was like oh it’s fine bule bule it’s fine which it is clearly yeah but um you know I’ve always had it in my head and then I I did a British accent in Cruella and then in this again I can’t stop I’m obsessed with you guys obsessed and and we we’ve talked about this before on the radio and everything this phenomenon of the the the Rick Rolling and I wasn’t going to bring it up but while you were over there I okay I didn’t want to to is that do you want to talk about that or because I just was wondering if anyone else had ever gotten Rick Rolled uh I’m yeah that’s an interesting point I mean I these guys haven’t they hadn’t and and they didn’t know what it was I want to be Rick r [Laughter] lat Ben no it’s an incred it’s an incredible thing I it’s it’s really it’s a very fun situation but I don’t know how you feel no I’ve been absolutely fine with it um we have a daughter and she’s 26 years old now and when that kind of started about 10 years ago she literally sat me down on the couch and said you do realize it’s got nothing to do with you no and and and I yeah and I kind of thought she’s absolutely right it doesn’t it’s just a song Somebody chose and therefore to do this prank with kind of thing so therefore it it I don’t own it anymore it’s nothing to do with me this is something else it’s stopped now has stopped it doesn’t happen anymore it’s stopped but it keep people keep doing things with that tune on the internet one and what so what happens Emma for people who don’t know you open an email so you open an email and there’s a link to something and it’s like oh click this link and then you click and then um basically Rick a bunch of popups come up and and his face it comes up as well and then it sing’s never going to give you up and then until you restart your computer it doesn’t stop and some people find that funny security around strictly must be very tight they don’t want the Sunday spoilers and also when they cast the celebrities y that must be under lock and key lock and key they now tell me after they’ve told the Press everybody else knows and they all have code names which I also don’t understand I’m like why is Ed Balls called Bree should would he be Stilton like everything has a code name and I’m too thick to and I’m not good at keeping the secret okay why why was Ed Balls I don’t understand that called Brie everybody’s a different cheese I don’t know they’re all a different cheese sorry okay fine yes so somebody’s cheddar fine no but this I thought maybe there’s something about Ed Balls that was cheese but everybody I would be very specific if I was somebody was using if we were to have cheese code names what would you choose for the three of us oh but also fine you can be in I’m not in it again uh I think you would be comp of course which is so delicious and French and just Divine but also has wisdom oh and pale pale cheese since we last saw you Emma Stone on the show H you went and won an Oscar well done you yeah and and there’s you know people in their speci you know oh I never dreamt of this moment but you did more than dream of this moment I mean you planned this it wasn’t that specific for that movie to be fair no I mean well you mean just like in terms of my childhood yes when when you when you made your pitch to your parents yes I’ve this is this story will never die well but I know how old how old are you when you did it cuz it’s amazing I I was 14 I was almost 15 and I made a uh PowerPoint presentation for my parents but this is so you wanted to move to LA and they didn’t want you to go they weren’t going to let you move is that it well no they did they hadn’t even heard the idea yet it was just like I realized if I’m gonna you know I I we lived about a six-hour drive from from La in Phoenix Arizona and I realized I couldn’t just come home in my freshman year of high school which is what grade nine nth grade sure um okay uh and I realized I could just walk in and go like I’m I moving I’m 14 and here I go so I um decided to make a a PowerPoint presentation about why it would be a good idea for me to move to Los Angeles and follow my big dreams but you went through it like it had music and everything yeah it had the song Hollywood by Madonna amazing for a sensible pants I should have been in a sensible pantsy I think I was in my like high school I went to an old girls cathol high school so I think I was in like a plaided skirt and a color shirt and so so so Madonna’s playing Madonna’s playing and then what you just had a series of reasons why you should go a series of reasons why this would be a good idea not just at any time but now um and for some reason it did eventually it worked and I would punish my child if they had done that but they believed in me those freaks yeah but it is true that the presentation ended with with a let me go what no didn’t it end with um you probably remember more about it than I did well just doesn’t it end it ends with you putting up the picture and and it says Emma Stone actress best was it best act no no didn’t who told you that fault my name is Emily so there’s no way it said Emma and then no so you didn’t say you were going to win an Oscar why are we telling this story no why are we telling this story what is the point of this story I was going to win an Oscar that’s what I thought I thought the whole point of this that’s crazy I thought well it’s quite crazy anyway but crazy the board but that would have made it like absolutely she’s going somewhere and it’s not there it’s somewhere else how many times have you seen the ears torn out three so far three so far three so far I can’t I haven’t seen it yet there I could see you in the background that’s me right there right and and you’re not just F you’ve been friends for years since she was 17 and I was 18 how did you meet yeah we met um oh well that was us the other night that wasn’t when we were 17 or 18 um just for clarity uh we met at this thing that they had called the Young Hollywood Awards when I was 18 in LA and we just kept in touch of her since and and became great friends and what was very special about the first night of her tour was I had no idea what to expect obviously because it was night one it was in Phoenix Arizona my hometown and Mandy Moore who was the choreographer of La La Land was her choreographer for the tour so it was like a bunch of lovely things all come together and it was incredible to see and uh excuse me but the swifties the swifties have gone nuts H because she released a song in the summer when Emma falls in love and they’re all saying that you’re the Emma can you confirm or deny you have to ask her okay all right yeah yeah I just thought while you were here I would but no shut up gra in the nicest way yeah in the nicest Emma and Ryan of course everyone loves you together in La Land but this this isn’t the first time you worked together you worked together Gangster Squad and then in Crazy Stupid Love we’ve even seen you danced together before interesting pose on me I’ve noticed your shirtless so double wh because but now what happened cuz the dancing didn’t go to plan in Crazy Stupid Love uh no oh yeah you mean the Dirty Dancing lift that’s what I mean yeah we were meant to do that and then what happened oh you don’t remember well I I remember but I’d like to hear you you like to hear me your version of it well listen when I was when I was about seven years old quick story when I was about 7 years old I was in gymnastics class and I was on these parallel bars that are about 6t feet off the ground and I was standing on the top of the bars and the teacher was holding me by the ankles and somehow or other she let go and I was standing on this bar and I felt myself beginning to tip forward and I put my arms in like this and I fell six feet to the ground and I broke both my arms at the same time wow and yeah and so I uh I so I you know I spent a whole summer I lived in Arizona which is like 120 Dees which I don’t know what that is in Celsius quite so I had a cast and all the you know I was just it was miserable um it was the day before the last day of school anyway I had internalized this that’s a really important an important detail I really know how to tell a story anyway years later we do Crazy Stupid Love I know that we’re going to do the Dirty Dancing lift I don’t know however that I have an internalized phobia of being you know lifted over someone’s head at the height of about 6 feet so I run to do the lift and Ryan lifts me over his head and I what did I do Ryan I’ve never had this happen but I imagine if a posum fell out of a tree instead trying to scratch your eyes out it would be something similar it was a it was a lot and then it was like a full meltdown I mean I had like a real meltdown yeah you had to go you crawled you crawled in bed and watched the Lain Labyrinth we were in the house and she was like I have to go watch Labyrinth for an hour I went and laid down crying watching Labyrinth this is so stupid and then Ryan came in was like yeah right and then the directors came in and we’re like yeah right we’re going to use the devil and I was like great by the way Jennifer Connelly has a revelation in this I’ve never seen it anyway [Music]

Ahead of #EmmaStone’s starring role in #KindsOfKindness, we wanted to celebrate our favourite moments together on the infamous Red Sofa!

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  1. 0:00 EMMA STONE share her mom’s reaction to 2017 Oscars
    1:07 EMMA STONE went blind on stage
    1:54 EMMA STONE didn’t like wearing a corset on THE FAVORITE
    4:45 EMMA STONE shares learning tap dancing for LA LA LAND
    5:48 EMMA STONE got British accent advice from OLIVIA COLEMAN
    7:03 EMMA STONE got rick rolled by RICK ASTLEY
    8:42 EMMA STONE’s has a funny code name
    9:45 EMMA STONE shares plan for moving to LA
    12:45 EMMA STONE talks friendship with TAYLOR SWIFT
    14:08 EMMA STONE and RYAN GOSLING’s failed attempt at DIRTY DANCING lift

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