Katherine Heigl Addresses Rumors She Turned Down an Emmy Nomination While on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

Posted by mcfw31

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  1. > “Well, I didn’t [turn down an Emmy nomination] and everybody keeps saying that. I didn’t turn it down,” she said. “You know, you have to submit yourself. You have to submit your work and then they deliberate and then they decide if they want to give you a nomination. I just didn’t submit my work that year … I should have said nothing. I should have said, ‘Oh, I forgot [to submit my work],’ because it created such a maelstrom that was so unnecessary, and it really was.”

    > She continued, “I was kind of trying to make a bit of a snarky point about my material that year, but I was also just not feeling my material. I didn’t think I had anything that warranted even the consideration for a nomination. I just wasn’t proud of my work. I would never be so bold or so arrogant to turn down a nomination. I would take that nomination if it came my way. I’d be down. But I just knew there wasn’t anything that would really warrant one that year, and I was trying to be honorable. I guess I was trying to have some integrity. I wasn’t trying to be a d**k.”

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